Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 4 Jan, 2009 06:34 am
Numpty;63284 wrote:
Wake me up when he's finished.


Reminds me of those people, you know those people, they just keep talking and talking on the phone, you set the phone down, make a sandwich and pick the phone back up and they're still talking....lol :rollinglaugh:
Reply Sun 4 Jan, 2009 07:38 am
@Fatal Freedoms,

The first sense to develop in a developing human embryo is hearing. The foetus can hear sounds after the 24th week. Subsequently, the sense of sight is developed and by the 28th week, the retina becomes sensitive to light. Consider the following Quranic verses related to the development of the senses in the embryo:

[SIZE="3"]"And He (Allah) gave You (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (And understanding)."
[The Noble Quran 32:9]

"Verily We (Allah) created Man from a drop Of mingled sperm, In order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts), Of Hearing and Sight."
[The Noble Quran 76:2]

"It is He (Allah) Who has created For you (the faculties of) Hearing, sight, feeling And understanding: little thanks It is ye give!"
[The Noble Quran 23:78]

In all these verses the sense of hearing is mentioned before that of sight. Thus the Quranic description matches with the discoveries in modern embryology.
Reply Sun 4 Jan, 2009 07:44 am
[SIZE="3"]The Miracolous Quran: SEX DETERMINATION[/SIZE]

The Arabic word nutfah means a minute quantity of liquid and tumna means ejaculated or planted. Therefore nutfah specifically refers to sperm because it is ejaculated. The Quran says:

[SIZE="3"]"Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (In lowly form)? "Then did he become A clinging clot; Then did (Allah) make And fashion (him) In due proportion. "And of him He made Two sexes, male And female."
[The Noble Quran 75:37-39]

Here again it is mentioned that a small quantity (drop) of sperm (indicated by the word nutfatan min maniyyin) which comes from the man is responsible for the sex of the fetus.

Mothers-in-law in the Indian subcontinent, as an example, by and large prefer having male grandchildren and often blame their daughters-in-law if the child is not of the desired sex. If only they knew that the determining factor is the nature of the male sperm and not the female ovum! If they were to blame anybody, they should blame their sons and not their daughters-in-law since both the Quran and Science hold that it is the male fluid that is responsible for the sex of the child!
Reply Sun 4 Jan, 2009 07:46 am
This is brilliant stuff.

Insert fingers into ones ears and start shouting LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALAL
Reply Sun 4 Jan, 2009 07:50 am
[SIZE="3"]Dr. Gerald C. Goeringer [/SIZE]is Course Director and Associate Professor of Medical Embryology at the Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA.


During the Eighth Saudi Medical Conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Professor Goeringer stated the following in the presentation of his research paper:

(View the RealPlayer video of this comment here http://www.islam-guide.com/video/goeringer-1.ram)
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 4 Jan, 2009 09:37 am
Numpty;63304 wrote:
This is brilliant stuff.

Insert fingers into ones ears and start shouting LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALAL

Yeah he copies and pastes it all anyways.
Reply Mon 5 Jan, 2009 03:04 am
@Fatal Freedoms,

[SIZE="3"]"He (Allah) makes you, In the wombs of your mothers, In stages, one after another, In three veils of darkness."
[The Noble Quran 39:6]

According to Prof. Keith Moore these three veils of darkness in the Quran refer to:

[SIZE="2"](i) anterior abdominal wall of the mother
(ii) the uterine wall
(iii) the amnio-chorionic membrane.[/SIZE]
Reply Mon 5 Jan, 2009 04:31 am
Still no God then?
Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2009 06:05 am
[SIZE="4"]Allah's (God's) Signs in the DNA[/SIZE]

The question of the existence of God that the atheists remained for along time devoting themselves to topple and make it shaky has become so strong that none but those with blind hearts can deny. The law of chance and Darwinism, if put in face of the new discoveries in the universe and the anatomy of the human body, will be something ridiculous , such untenable claims should be closed in the archives of history as it has never been proved and in the same time self-contradictory.

Everything from the atom to the galaxy is tailored to the well being of the human being. The discovery of the DNA and its constituents and how it works has dealt another heavy blow to the law of chance. Allah says in the Holy Quran what means " We shall show them Our portents (signs) on the horizons and within themselves until it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth. Doth not thy Lord suffice, since He is Witness over all things" [The Noble Quran 41:53] and Also God says "And in your creation, and all the beasts that He scattereth in the earth, are portents for a folk whose faith is sure." [The Noble Quran 45:4]

Bruce Alberts, president of the National Academy of Sciences, "The entire cell can be viewed as a factory that contains an elaborate network of interlocking assembly lines, each of which is composed of a set of large protein machines."

Even the simplest cells are bristling with high-tech machinery. On the outside, their surfaces are studded with sensors, gates, pumps and identification markers.


Inside, cells are jam-packed with power plants, automated workshops and recycling units. Miniature monorails whisk materials from one location to another. No such system could arise in a blind, step-by-step Darwinian process.

The most advanced, automated modern factory, with its computers and robots all coordinated on a precisely timed schedule, is less complex than the inner workings of a single cell.

"A bacterium is far more complex than any inanimate system known to man. There is not a laboratory in the world which can compete with the biochemical activity of the smallest living organism. One cell is more complicated than the largest computer that man has ever made." - Sir James Gray, from Cambridge University

DNA is like a language in the heart of the cell, a molecular message, a set of instructions telling the cell how to construct proteins-much like the software needed to run a computer. Moreover, the amount of information DNA includes is staggering: A single cell of the human body contains three or four times more information as all 30 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica. As a result, the question of the origin of life must now be redefined as the question of the origin of biological information. Can information arise by natural forces alone? Or does it require an intelligent agent?


DNA is composed of ordinary chemicals (bases, sugars, phosphates that react according to ordinary laws. What makes DNA function as a message is not the chemicals themselves but rather their sequence, their pattern. The chemicals in DNA are grouped into molecules (called nucleotides) that act like letters in a message, and they must be in a particular order if the message is going to be intelligible. If the letters are scrambled, the result is nonsense. So the crucial question is whether the sequence of chemical "letters" arose by natural causes or whether it required an intelligent source. Is it the product of law or design?

Since DNA contains information, the case can be stated even more strongly in terms of information theory, a field of research that investigates the ways information is transmitted. The naturalistic scientist has only two possible ways to explain the origin of life-either chance or natural law. But information theory provides a powerful tool for discounting both of these explanations. Both chance and law lead to structures with low information content, whereas DNA has a very high information content."

The sequence of basis in DNA can not be explained by natural law because there are no chemical laws that make any sequence more likely than another. At the same time these sequences are so complicated that they can not be explained by chance.

"Based on probability factors . . any viable DNA strand having over 84 nucleotides cannot be the result of haphazard mutations. At that stage, the probabilities are 1 in 4.80 x 10^(50). Such a number, if written out, would read:

480,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. "And say: Praise be to Allah Who will show you His portents so that ye shall know them. And thy Lord is not unaware of what ye (mortals) do." (The Noble Quran 27:39)



The Sunday Times
June 11, 2006
By: Steven Swinford
Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2009 07:19 am
And all that information...


Fits on that.

One also has to wonder... why would an intelligent being use that amount of information for humans, but 100 times as much for the amoeba? Either the "designer" is inefficient or incompetent.

Also, if you use the word "chance" when speaking of evolution, you immediately show your ignorance towards the fact.

See, the thing about "God of the Gaps" arguers (like Sword) is that they put God in THEIR OWN gaps... the gaps in their knowledge. Somehow this happened, but since we don't know how, a designer must have done it. This is simply arguing from ignorance.

Sword, I again challenge you in front of everyone on this board... provide direct evidence for your deity. Do not attribute acts to it until you can show its existence beforehand.

If all you do is copy/paste from propaganda sites that get so much wrong, I will automatically assume that you cannot and that you have forfeited the debate.

Why don't you show how powerful your faith is and address my challenge directly? Or can you? I will await your response.
Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2009 07:45 am
You will be waiting a long, long time. Ole SWORD is in full fanatical preach mode. Only by offering him a bacon sarnie will he stop Wink
Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2009 07:46 am
More Evidences from the Miracolous Quran


[SIZE="2"]What does Holy Quran says about the pulsar![/SIZE]

A pulsar is a highly magnetized neutron star, with a radius of 10-15 km, having somewhat greater mass than the Sun which has a radius of approximately 1 million km. Radiation is beamed out along the magnetic poles and pulses of radiation are received as the beam crosses the Earth, in the same manner as the beam from a lighthouse causes flashes. Being enormous cosmic flywheels with a tick attached, they make some of the best clocks known to mankind.

Pulsars originate when an old, massive star explodes as a supernova. In this process, the core of the star implodes. The core collapses through the white dwarf stage until its constituent protons and electrons combine to form neutrons. If it is not too massive (less than 1.4 times the mass of the Sun) it can stabilize at this point as a very hot, incredibly dense ball of neutrons with a thin crust of ordinary matter on its surface. Neutron stars are spinning rapidly when they form - up to about 800 and even one thousand rotations per second - and slow down as they age. These pulses of the pulsar are reminiscent of heart-beats or someone's knocking quickly at door.

The word "pulsar" comes from the verb to pulse. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the word means to pulsate, to beat. Encarta Dictionary defines it as to beat rhythmically, to move or throb with a strong regular rhythm. Again, according to the Encarta Dictionary, the word "pulsate," which comes from the same root, means to expand and contract with a strong regular beat.

Following that discovery, it was realised that the phenomenon described in the Qur'an as "tariq," beating, bore a great similarity to the neutron stars known as pulsars

The Holy Quran mentions the pulsar by one of its most outstanding features ; Read the following verse from the Holy Quran :

Allah (God) says in the Holy Quran:

[SIZE="3"]"I swear by Heaven and the Tariq ( The Knocker ) ! And what will convey to you what the Tariq is? The Star Piercing [the darkness]!"
[Quran, 86:1-3]

The word ( Tarek and the word Al-thakeb ) are two different Arabic words that are used in the above-mentioned verse to describe the Pulsar , the word Altarek means in English " the Knocker or that beats quickly and the word " Al-thakeb" means " piercing ", these two characteristics ( knocker and piercing ) are one of the most specific features of pulsar .

Allah (God) in the above mentioned verse , though He needn't swear , Did swear by that star.when God swears , he swears by something great and also what He swear on is assuredly great.

The word "Tariq," name of the Sura 86, comes from the Arabic root "tarq," whose basic meaning is that of striking hard enough to produce a sound, or hitting. Bearing in mind the word's possible meaning as "beating," "striking hard," our attention may be being drawn in this sura to an important scientific fact. Before analysing this information, let us look at the other words employed in the verse to describe these stars. The term "al-taariqi" in the above verse means a star that pierces the night, that pierces the darkness, born at night, piercing and moving on, beating, striking, or sharp star. Furthermore, the term "wa" draws attention to the things being sworn on-the heaven and the Tariq.

In the third verse of Surat at-Tariq the term "al-najmu al-thaaqibu," meaning piercing, moving on, or opening holes, indicates that Tariq is a bright star that pierces a hole in the darkness and moves on. The concept of the term "adraaka" in the expression "And what will convey to you what the Tariq is?" refers to comprehension. Pulsars, formed through the compression of stars several times the size of the Sun, are among those celestial bodies that are hard to comprehend. The question in the verse emphasizes how hard it is to comprehend this beating star. (Allah knows best.)

[SIZE="3"]Hear The sound of Pulsars:[/SIZE]

These sounds are from the brightest pulsars in the sky, recorded using some of the largest radiotelescopes in the world. To hear the sound of a pulsar click here Jodrell Bank Observatory Pulsar Group
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2009 10:31 am
Numpty;63364 wrote:
You will be waiting a long, long time. Ole SWORD is in full fanatical preach mode. Only by offering him a bacon sarnie will he stop Wink

I find the funniest part to be the fact that he starts with a conclusion, then digs up facts to support it and ties it to an obscure verse in a text.

The total opposite of true scientific inquiry.

This is why nothing he says is taken seriously. He doesn't play by the rules.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2009 07:10 pm
Scientific Miracles Continue to Prove the Existence of Allah (God)

[SIZE="4"]The Coccyx[/SIZE]

The Coccyx

The honoured Hadiths:

(1) -


So the previous Hadiths are clear and contain the following facts:

1. Human are created from the coccyx.

2. The coccyx does not get decayed.

3. On the Day of Judgment, the Resurrection will be from the coccyx.

Foetus malformation is a proof that the coccyx contains the mother cells for all the human tissues:And so the coccyx can not get decayed:
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2009 07:12 pm
Where's God?

This is a bit like Where's Wally, except you can always find Wally,... eventually. Very Happy
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2009 07:50 pm
[SIZE="4"]The Universe Testifies to the Existence of Allah (God) [/SIZE]

Every thing in this universe is well-tuned to a certain purpose , no room here for chance . Paul Davies (British astrophysicist) says : ".

Allah (God) refers to the well-tuned universe in a verse that condense heavy volumes in just few words that arise ecstasy in the human soul . Allah Almighty says:

[SIZE="3"] " Lo! We (Allah) have created every thing by measure."
[The Noble Quran, 54 :49]

[SIZE="3"]"And the heaven: He (Allah) has raised it high, and He has set up the Balance."
[The Noble Quran 55:7][/SIZE]

In the following table (quoted from Limits for the Universe by Hugh Ross, Ph.D. in Astronomy) , it shows how every thing is balanced and is calculated to an extent that the subtle difference can make life impossible and even end the universe before it begins. In this table , you will see some consonants in the universe:

1- Gravitational coupling constant

If larger: No stars less than 1.4 solar masses, hence short stellar life spans
If smaller: No stars more than 0.8 solar masses, hence no heavy element production

2- Strong nuclear force coupling constant

If larger: No hydrogen; nuclei essential for life are unstable
If smaller: No elements other than hydrogen

3- Weak nuclear force coupling constant

If larger: All hydrogen is converted to helium in the big bang, hence too much heavy elements
If smaller: No helium produced from big bang, hence not enough heavy elements

4- Electromagnetic coupling constant

If larger: No chemical bonding; elements more massive than boron are unstable to fission
If smaller: No chemical bonding

5- Ratio of protons to electrons formation

If larger: Electromagnetism dominates gravity preventing galaxy, star, and planet formation
If smaller: Electromagnetism dominates gravity preventing galaxy, star, and planet formation

6- Ratio of electron to proton mass

If larger: No chemical bonding
If smaller: No chemical bonding

7- Expansion rate of the universe

If larger: No galaxy formation
If smaller: Universe collapses prior to star formation

8- Entropy level of universe

If larger: No star condensation within the proto-galaxies
If smaller: No proto-galaxy formation

9- Mass density of the universe

If larger: Too much deuterium from big bang, hence stars burn too rapidly
If smaller: No helium from big bang, hence not enough heavy elements

10- Age of the universe

If older: No solar-type stars in a stable burning phase in the right part of the galaxy
If younger: Solar-type stars in a stable burning phase would not yet have formed

11- Initial uniformity of radiation

If smoother: Stars, star clusters, and galaxies would not have formed
If coarser: Universe by now would be mostly black holes and empty space

12- Average distance between stars

If larger: Heavy element density too thin for rocky planet production
If smaller: Planetary orbits become destabilized

To be continued.
mako cv
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2009 11:04 pm
LOL...you remind me of Christian Fundies in your attempt to put science into your mythology...sorry not buying it...can you spell coincidence...LOL:patriot:
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2009 11:42 pm
@mako cv,
Continue ...

[SIZE="4"]The Universe Testifies to the Existence of Allah (God) [/SIZE]

Every thing in this universe is well-tuned to a certain purpose , no room here for chance . Paul Davies (British astrophysicist) says : ".

Allah (God) refers to the well-tuned universe in a verse that condense heavy volumes in just few words that arise ecstasy in the human soul . Allah Almighty says:

[SIZE="3"] " Lo! We (Allah) have created every thing by measure."
[The Noble Quran, 54 :49]

[SIZE="3"]"And the heaven: He (Allah) has raised it high, and He has set up the Balance."
[The Noble Quran 55:7][/SIZE]

In the following table (quoted from Limits for the Universe by Hugh Ross, Ph.D. in Astronomy) , it shows how every thing is balanced and is calculated to an extent that the subtle difference can make life impossible and even end the universe before it begins. In this table , you will see some consonants in the universe:

13- Solar luminosity

If increases too soon: Runaway green house effect
If increases too late:: Frozen oceans

14- Fine structure constant*

If larger: No stars more than 0.7 solar masses
If smaller: No stars less then 1.8 solar masses

15- Decay rate of the proton

If greater: Life would be exterminated by the release of radiation
If smaller: Insufficient matter in the universe for life

16- 12C to 16O energy level ratio

If larger: Insufficient oxygen
If smaller: Insufficient carbon

17- Decay rate of 8Be

If slower:: Heavy element fusion would generate catastrophic explosions in all the stars
If faster: No element production beyond beryllium and, hence, no life chemistry possible

18- Mass difference between the neutron and the proton

If greater: Protons would decay before stable nuclei could form
If smaller: Protons would decay before stable nuclei could form

19- Initial excess of nucleons over anti-nucleons

If greater: Too much radiation for planets to form
If smaller: Not enough matter for galaxies or stars to form

20- Galaxy type

If too elliptical: Star formation ceases before sufficient heavy element buildup for life chemistry
If too irregular: Radiation exposure on occasion is too severe and/or heavy elements for life chemistry are not available

To be continued.
mako cv
Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 01:39 am
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 07:32 am
Continue ...

[SIZE="4"]The Universe Testifies to the Existence of Allah (God) [/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"] " Lo! We (Allah) have created every thing by measure."
[The Noble Quran, 54 :49]

[SIZE="3"]"And the heaven: He (Allah) has raised it high, and He has set up the Balance."
[The Noble Quran 55:7][/SIZE]

Every thing in this universe is well-tuned to a certain purpose , no room here for chance . Paul Davies (British astrophysicist) says : "There is for me powerful evidence that there is something going on behind it all....It seems as though somebody has fine-tuned nature’s numbers to make the Universe....The impression of design is overwhelming".

Allah (God) refers to the well-tuned universe in a verse that condense heavy volumes in just few words that arise ecstasy in the human soul . Allah Almighty says:

[SIZE="3"] " Lo! We (Allah) have created every thing by measure."
[The Noble Quran, 54 :49]

[SIZE="3"]"And the heaven: He (Allah) has raised it high, and He has set up the Balance."
[The Noble Quran 55:7][/SIZE]

In the following table (quoted from Limits for the Universe by Hugh Ross, Ph.D. in Astronomy) , it shows how every thing is balanced and is calculated to an extent that the subtle difference can make life impossible and even end the universe before it begins. In this table , you will see some consonants in the universe:

21- Parent star distance from center of galaxy

If farther: Quantity of heavy elements would be insufficient to make rocky planets
If closer: Stellar density and radiation would be too great

22- Number of stars in the planetary system

If more than one: Tidal interactions would disrupt planetary orbits
If less than one: Heat produced would be insufficient for life

23- Parent star birth date

If more recent: Star would not yet have reached stable burning phase
If less recent: Stellar system would not yet contain enough heavy elements

24- Parent star mass

If greater: Luminosity would change too fast; star would burn too rapidly
If less: Range of distances appropriate for life would be too narrow; tidal forces would disrupt the rotational period for a planet of the right distance; uv radiation would be inadequate for plants to make sugars and oxygen

25- Parent star age

If older: Luminosity of star would change too quickly
If younger: Luminosity of star would change too quickly

26- Parent star color

If redder: Photosynthetic response would be insufficient
If bluer: Photosynthetic response would be insufficient

27- Supernovae eruptions

If too far: Not enough heavy element ashes for the formation of rocky planets
If too infrequent: Not enough heavy element ashes for the formation of rocky planets

28- White dwarf binaries

If too few: Insufficient fluorine produced for life chemistry to proceed
If too many: Disruption of planetary orbits from stellar density; life on the planet would be exterminated

29- Surface gravity (escape velocity)

If stronger: Atmosphere would retain too much ammonia and methane
If weaker: Planet's atmosphere would lose too much water

30- Distance from parent star

If farther: Planet would be too cool for a stable water cycle
If closer: Planet would be too warm for a stable water cycle

To be continued.

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