If Jesus was God ...

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 02:09 am
Campbell34;58960 wrote:
16 crucified SAVIORS, and yet only ONE fulfilled the prophecies of the OLD TESTAMENT. And someday you will stand before Him, and you will have to give an account of your activities.

because the new testament was written with the old testament in mind, simply writing that someone fulfilled prophecies that people already knew of is not miraculous in the least.

It's not difficult to make predictions for a character in a story book and then write that the character fulfilled those predictions later in the book.
Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 10:49 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;58961 wrote:
because the new testament was written with the old testament in mind, simply writing that someone fulfilled prophecies that people already knew of is not miraculous in the least.

It's not difficult to make predictions for a character in a story book and then write that the character fulfilled those predictions later in the book.

Oh if it was only that simple. The fact is, the Old Testament tells us that near the end of time the Jewish people would first return to the land of Israel, they would establish souther Israel first(1948), and second they would retake Jerusalem(1967). The Bible tells us that when this would occur, it would anger the nations, and this would result with the world focusing on who would control Jerusalem. The Bible tells us, that in the end, many nations around the world would try to take Jerusalem back by force. All of this is occuring as the Bible predicted. Maybe the Jews incourage Hilter to kill six million of them to help fulfill this prophecy? LOL
And then we have Jerusalems East Gate prophecy. The prophecy found in the Book of Ezekiel states that Jerusalems East Gate would survive till the time of the end. And that Gate would have a Porch Gate added to it. And the Porch Gate would be sealed up. And all attempts to open the Gate would fail. And the Gate will only be opened when the Prince to come, comes and opens it Himself. Today, Jerusalems Old East Gate will be found buried, however, non believers in the Bible came and built a second Gate and used the Old East Gate as a foundation for the newer Porch Gate. The non believers later sealed up the Porch Gate as the Bible predicted they would. When Moslems found out about the prophecy, they tried to break through the Gate in order to make the Bible null in void, but on both attempts failed to do so. Just as the Bible said they would. Now, since most of this prophecy has been fulfilled by (NON BELIEVERS,) you cannot claim that believers just acted out their desires to make the Bible read true. And to understand Gods plans for the future, it requires both the prophecies found in the Old and New Testaments. Your assumptions about Bible prophecy can only be believed, if your are willing to ignore factual information.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2008 12:09 am
Campbell34;59041 wrote:
Oh if it was only that simple. The fact is, the Old Testament tells us that near the end of time the Jewish people would first return to the land of Israel, they would establish souther Israel first(1948), and second they would retake Jerusalem(1967).

you think 1948 is near the end of time?:what:

The Bible tells us that when this would occur, it would anger the nations, and this would result with the world focusing on who would control Jerusalem. The Bible tells us, that in the end, many nations around the world would try to take Jerusalem back by force.

and if by "nations around the world" you mean Israel's neighbors...

All of this is occuring as the Bible predicted. Maybe the Jews encouraged Hilter to kill six million of them to help fulfill this prophecy?

Genocide is not a pre-requisite for moving back to the "holy land", the bible says they should return so it is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And then we have Jerusalems East Gate prophecy. The prophecy found in the Book of Ezekiel states that Jerusalems East Gate would survive till the time of the end. And that Gate would have a Porch Gate added to it. And the Porch Gate would be sealed up. And all attempts to open the Gate would fail. And the Gate will only be opened when the Prince to come, comes and opens it Himself.

what east gate?

Today, Jerusalems Old East Gate will be found buried, however, non believers in the Bible came and built a second Gate and used the Old East Gate as a foundation for the newer Porch Gate. The non believers later sealed up the Porch Gate as the Bible predicted they would.

i'm gonna need a reference for this.....

When Moslems found out about the prophecy, they tried to break through the Gate in order to make the Bible null in void, but on both attempts failed to do so. Just as the Bible said they would. Now, since most of this prophecy has been fulfilled by (NON BELIEVERS,) you cannot claim that believers just acted out their desires to make the Bible read true. And to understand Gods plans for the future, it requires both the prophecies found in the Old and New Testaments. Your assumptions about Bible prophecy can only be believed, if your are willing to ignore factual information.

So your entire foundation for believing this story book is 2 prophecies of which one is both obvious and self-fulfilling and the other is apparently a prophecy oly you have ever heard of? Out of the hundreds of prophecies some of which have not been fulfilled.
Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2008 03:08 am
SWORD of GOD;12910 wrote:
If Jesus was GOD ...

1- If Jesus was GOD, then why in Mark 12:29 Jesus said "Here, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." The words "our God" indicate that Jesus had a higher God over him, a stronger God than him. Jesus didn't say "Your God". He said "our God" which includes Jesus as the creation of GOD.

2- If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 20:17 Jesus said I ascend to my God and your God? This tells us that we and Jesus have a common GOD.

3- If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 8:28 Jesus said "I do nothing of myself"? Can't GOD do anything he wills?

4- If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 14:28 Jesus said "My Father (GOD) is greater than I"?

5- If Jesus was GOD, then why in Luke 23:46 Jesus said "Father (GOD), into thy hands I commend my spirit"?

6- If Jesus was GOD, then why in Matthew 19:16 Jesus said "Why call me good, there is none good but One, that is GOD"?

7- If Jesus was GOD, then why in Matthew 26:39 Jesus begged his GOD to have mercy on him and to pass the cup to death (kill Jesus in another words) before Jesus goes through the pain of crucifixion?

8- If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 18:38 he didn't reply when he was asked about the truth?

9- If Jesus was GOD, then why in Matthew 24:36 Jesus told his followers that no one (including Jesus) knows when the judgment day will come, only GOD knows?

10- If Jesus was GOD, then why in Isiah 11:2-3 GOD had put the spirit of fearing GOD in Jesus?

11- If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 5:31 Jesus told his followers that if he (Jesus) bears witness of himself, then his record is not true?

12- If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 5:30 Jesus told his followers that he can't do a single thing of his own initiative?

13- If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 5:36-38 Jesus said that GOD had assigned him (Jesus) work and GOD is a witness on Jesus?

14- If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 5:32 Jesus told his followers that they have never seen GOD at anytime nor ever heard his voice?

15- If Jesus was GOD, then why did he pray to his GOD in Luke 5:16?

16- If Jesus was GOD, then why in Matthew 26:39 Jesus fell on his face and prayed to his GOD?

1. Jesus did have a higher authority....Father God. There is ONE GOD...consisting of 3 divine personalities with Father God having all Final Authority, who temporarily gave All authority to his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON (John 1), Jesus -- Matthew 28:18. Until such time as all His enemies would be placed under His feet..aka the final judgment and then the kingdom and authority will be given back to the Father -- l Cor. 15:24-28. One God is like One Family, are you suggesting that no entity that contains more than one individual can not still be called by a single name? In the Scriptures this terminology is know as the Godhead, which the scriptures speak of in detail -- Acts 17:9, Rom. 1:20 Col. 2:9. Yet, all three, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost can and are addressed as God in the Scriptures...because they are a part of the Godhead. Even in the Old Scriptures it is foretold of a son who would be given all rule and be addressed as GOD, "For us a child is born, to us a son is GIVEN, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Might God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace." -- Isaiah 9:6

2. Yes, as explained...we and Jesus do have a common God, Father God who had only one BEGOTTEN SON...JESUS, who was given all authority in heaven and on earth, "....All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." -- Matthew 28:18. Just who do you suspect that Jesus was praying to...HIMSELF? In the scriptures we can see ALL THREE PARTS OF THE GODHEAD working in harmony and proving that all 3 are separate and distinct. Notice at the baptism of Jesus. The heavens opened up and the Spirit was descending upon Jesus in the form of a Dove. Father God spoke from heaven at the same time and said, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, all the while Jesus is in the water, coming up out. -- Matthew 3:16-17.

3. No...Jesus works in harmony with Father God and the Holy Spirit, ALWAYS, with all 3 forming the ONE ENTITY known as God. Just as any Son would consult his father before entering into any important decision.....Jesus prayed to His Father.

4. Asked and answered. The Father is greater than Jesus, His Son...aka Prince (of Peace), but the Prince also was temporarily given all authority -- Matt. 28:18. Until such time as All enemies are placed under His foot, then the Father will be all and all once again -- l Cor. 15:24-28

5. The scriptures tell us that all Spirits go back to God, form which they came. Remember Jesus was flesh and also carried another title THE SON OF MAN. By Commending His spirit to God, this simply means that Jesus was giving Himself totally to His Father...God. -- Ecclesiastes 12:6-7, "....and the spirit will return to God who gave it."

6. While Jesus was in the flesh, corruption was still possible, even though Jesus walked His entire life without sin (Heb. 4:15).....He was subject to the same emotions, pains, and sufferings and temptations as all of us. Yet, the scriptures clearly tell us that He was made lower than the angels and equal with men while in the flesh, "Who being in the form of God (JESUS), thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, (not a good master, but one who serves), and was made in the likeness of men; And being found in fashion as man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." -- Philippians 2:6-8. Thus, at the time the question was asked (before the cross), there was only one good master.... Father God, as Jesus was still in the flesh and not upon the throne of David which he would ascend upon his death, bringing in the last Covenant between God and Man -- Acts 2:22-36.

7. What makes you assume that Jesus was asking to be killed? He was tempted in every way, as all of us -- Heb. 4:15. He, like any of us facing certain death was fearful. Jesus, was not looking forward to what He knew was coming, for it was His commissioned work on earth, the pain and the suffering that was to come, but in the end He completely trusted His Father and followed through on His work, the prayer was for strength and reassurance. I enjoy your narrative of adding just a little twist, suggesting that Jesus was asking for permission to kill himself. Typical.

8. The question asked by Pilate was one that needed no response from the Christ, Pilate did not expect an answer for he believed as all Romans of that time believed, there was no ABSOLUTE TRUTH, that truth was RELATIVE to perception, like most secular types today...it was a hypothetical, more of a statement than a question. But, Jesus who knew the hearts of all men, did answer, if you would but read a little farther along, "Thou, couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above; therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin." -- Matthew 19:11

9. Perhaps it is because ONLY THE FATHER, who holds the ultimate authority of the Godhead, was the only one that knew when HE PLANNED to end the last age of mankind....just as the Christ told them.

10. Jesus was ALSO A MAN (The Son of Man) and did have fear, pain, emotions, temptations (Heb 4:15, Phil 2:5-8)....it had to be as such for A MAN had to walk upon the earth WITHOUT SINNING in order to fulfill the Old Law, with a Perfect Sacrifice for all mankind. For men where always breaking the Covenant of God, even though He was Husbanded to them -- Jer.31:32

11. If He SIMPLY WERE TO TELL EVERYONE OF HIS DEEDS, instead of demonstrating the fact that His message was indeed from God by presenting the signs and wonders that accompany all such messages from God...How would any believe Him? Thus, He demonstrates the power of God to confirm His word by the witness of others...not simply of His own speech. Many false prophets were in the world, thus Jesus told them He could prove that His words came from God. He was not suggesting that He was lying, but to the contrary, because the signs and wonders accompanied His words.....He was showing them, that He was speaking truth. Father God was bearing witness of His works, with the signs and wonders -- John 5:32.

12. Self explained. He (Jesus) was commissioned to do the work of His Father, and by Himself in the flesh could do nothing but, when the Spirit fell upon Him, He had the Spirit without measure -- John 3:34. Confirmed by the Christ Himself -- Matthew 28:18. Being a part of the Godhead (the Word), Jesus, always worked in harmony with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and does nothing that would not be as such as the will of the Father.

13. Again, see above. Asked and answered.

14. I for one do not know just how you plan on spinning this, as John 5:32 is clearly relating to Father God witnessing the commissioned work of the Christ with signs and wonders. In fact, Jesus clearly told his followers, who asked the same question, That if you have seen ME (Jesus), you have seen (God) for Jesus indeed, was a part of the Godhead -- John 10:30, "I and my Father are one." No one has seen Father God (John 1:18), for God is a Spirit -- John 4:24.

15. Asked and answered....He was praying to Father God, who still was in Heaven and never left Heaven while the Christ was on earth, "And lo a voice from heaven saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." -- Matthew 3:17.

16. Again...circular reasoning. Staying with your predisposed position that God cannot exist as 3 separate individual deities making up ONE GODHEAD...aka GOD. But, the scriptures clearly point out that in fact there are 3 that bear record in heaven and form ONE GODHEAD. "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, The Word (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost; AND THESE THREE ARE ONE. l John 5:7.

This indeed was a long "shopping list" of parroted questions....ALL ASKING THE SAME THING. A typical ploy of the secular type....present a long, time consuming list, that any Sunday School student could answer in hopes of taking up the time of an individual to overwhelm his patience. And then declaring victory though BOREDOM. A paste and run. With no real intent of really wanting to let the scriptures lead to edification. (RD)
Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2008 07:27 am
Great isn't it? Like being at school again.

" My Gods better than your God "
" My God Can beat your God up "
" My Religous Book is more truer than your religous book "

Ever get bored gents?
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2008 07:30 am
If my aunt had balls... she would be my uncle !
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2008 08:45 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;59043 wrote:
you think 1948 is near the end of time?:what:

and if by "nations around the world" you mean Israel's neighbors...

Genocide is not a pre-requisite for moving back to the "holy land", the bible says they should return so it is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

what east gate?

i'm gonna need a reference for this.....

So your entire foundation for believing this story book is 2 prophecies of which one is both obvious and self-fulfilling and the other is apparently a prophecy oly you have ever heard of? Out of the hundreds of prophecies some of which have not been fulfilled.

According to Jesus Christ, the generation that sees the rebirth of Israel would not pass away until all end prophecies would be fulfilled. Israel was reborn as a nation in the year 1948, God's third day according to the Old Testament will begin in the year 2034. And those born in 1948 will be 86 years old. Yes, 1948 is very close to the end of time. The prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled as the Bible stated they would be. Hitlers ovens were not a pre-requisite for the fulfillment of Ezekiels prophecy, yet those events went a long way to speed there fulfillment. And that was beyond the control of the Jews to speed up such a prophecy.

The prophecy of the Jews return is not just 2 prophecies, but a number of prophecies that are detailed and cannot be ignored. These prophecies are found in Ezekiel chapters 36,37,38, and 39. The Bible goes in to deep detail as to why God is allowing the Jewish people to return, and it tells us what is going to happen when they do. The bible clearly tells us in these prophecies that this would all happen in the latter days, and the whole world will be effected by the events that will occur in the Middle East when the Jews return. It is all part of God's bigger plan to reveal to the World and to the Jews, who He is.

Jerusalems East Gate prophecy is not just one that I alone know of. Anyone who has taken an active intrest in the prophecies of the Bible knows of this prophecy. You might consider the link below. There are a number of links that speak of Jerusalems East Gate in prophecy.

Focus on Jerusalem~Eastern Gate in Prophecy
Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2008 08:57 am
Numpty;59050 wrote:
Great isn't it? Like being at school again.

" My Gods better than your God "
" My God Can beat your God up "
" My Religous Book is more truer than your religous book "

Ever get bored gents?

I only get bored when I listen to people who ignore truthful facts. And the Bible is a Book that is filled with truth, and is a Book that speaks about history before that history happens. Do you have another religious Book that can do that? Because unless you do, my Book is truer than yours. And I don't get bored at all, because I never get bored speaking the truth.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2008 09:39 am
Revelation 21:25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.

Is this the only reference? Seems pretty flimsy to me....it doesn't even say which gate! It could even be a metaphorical gate.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2008 09:48 am
Campbell34;59053 wrote:
According to Jesus Christ, the generation that sees the rebirth of Israel would not pass away until all end prophecies would be fulfilled. Israel was reborn as a nation in the year 1948, God's third day according to the Old Testament will begin in the year 2034. And those born in 1948 will be 86 years old. Yes, 1948 is very close to the end of time. The prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled as the Bible stated they would be.

Well when they are all dead, then can i say "TOLD YA SO"?


Hitlers ovens were not a pre-requisite for the fulfillment of Ezekiels prophecy, yet those events went a long way to speed there fulfillment. And that was beyond the control of the Jews to speed up such a prophecy.

So? Unexpected things happen.

The prophecy of the Jews return is not just 2 prophecies, but a number of prophecies that are detailed and cannot be ignored. These prophecies are found in Ezekiel chapters 36,37,38, and 39. The Bible goes in to deep detail as to why God is allowing the Jewish people to return, and it tells us what is going to happen when they do. The bible clearly tells us in these prophecies that this would all happen in the latter days, and the whole world will be effected by the events that will occur in the Middle East when the Jews return. It is all part of God's bigger plan to reveal to the World and to the Jews, who He is.

again the jews were punished 'supposedly' when they left the holy land so it makes sense that they would return, and even if they didn't one could claim "it will eventually" like people say about the return of jesus.
Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2008 09:05 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;59057 wrote:
Is this the only reference? Seems pretty flimsy to me....it doesn't even say which gate! It could even be a metaphorical gate.

The actual prophecy is found in the Old Testament, Ezekiel 44, verses 1,2 and 3. The link below gives a little more information.

messiah east gate
Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2008 09:27 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;59058 wrote:
Well when they are all dead, then can i say "TOLD YA SO"?

So? Unexpected things happen.

again the jews were punished 'supposedly' when they left the holy land so it makes sense that they would return, and even if they didn't one could claim "it will eventually" like people say about the return of jesus.

The Jewish people are the only people on earth who have kept their idenity and returned to their land after 2,000 years of exile. This is no small thing, and the Bible spoke the truth when it stated that such an event would occur.
And the Bible was accurate when it stateded where the Jews would first settle, and it accurately stated that the Jews would secondly retake Jerusalem. It was also accurate when it stated how the world would react when the Jews returned. And it was also accurate, when it gave the details of Jerusalems East Gate. There are to many details for all of this to of occured by accident. And this event would have to take place in Gods third day which is spoken of in the Old Testament. That day based on Christ death on the cross would be the year 2034. And the generation that saw the Jews return would have to be alive in that time. And because Israel declared itself a nation in 1948 that generation would fall in that time period. Both these prophecies are found in the Old and New Testaments, and both of these times could not of been know by either writers of the Old and New Testaments. Both of these prophecies required history to reveal their times of fulfillment. And both of these times are in agreement.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Aug, 2008 12:03 am
SWORD of GOD;12915 wrote:
Was Jesus the first (and only) crucified SAVIOR (as claimed by christians)!?

See this historical document stating that there were 16 crucified SAVIORS before Jesus!

Pagans' saviors :Historical Documents: Kersey Graves: The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors: Chapter 16: Sixteen Saviors Crucified

Of what difference does it make if there were a hundred "fake" saviors, does this preclude the only begotten of God from being who he was professed to be? Was these other false prophets witnessed and confirmed with sings and wonders of God? Did these others have actual prophecies come true as confirmed by history as did the Christ? Did these other false prophets have actual historians declaring the fact of their accomplishments as did Jesus?

Jesus made prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem in Mathew 23 and 24 stating that the very generation in which he spoke would not pass until the great temple in Jerusalem would not have one stone left unturned and this prophecy indeed came about at the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD Siege of Jerusalem (70 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Do these other "fake" prophets have the same results as did the Christ? A movement that started with slightly over a dozen individuals and ONE SON OF MAN professing to be the Son of God has grown to engulf over 1/3 the worlds population. If Jesus were indeed a fake, just how did this circumstance come about? Are you suggesting that 1/3 the population of the world are so easily mislead? As I said, it does not matter how many fakes there were or just who came before the Christ....none of this nonsense precludes the Christ from being the only begotten of God. In fact I for one find it hard to believe that anyone could prove that any religion predates that of the Judeo-Christian faith. The fact that recorded history only has a shelf life ranging near 5000 years and the fact that when taken in context the chronological lineage of the family of Adam is extrapolated to be 4700 hundred years old as defined and recorded in the Holy Scriptures, thus any opining about something predating this history....would be just that OPINION, as any archaeological find is indeed open to private interpretation and opinion without having historical writings to confirm such. So, if indeed we are offering opinion only, I would have the opinion that these fakes PARROTED their ideology from the Judeo-Christian faith that indeed foretells of such a savior coming to save mankind. But, these fakes did not preclude the ACTUAL SON OF GOD from being the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON when God chose the proper time to introduce him to the world. (RD)

Major religious groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Recorded hisotry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 31 Aug, 2008 03:41 am
Campbell34;59070 wrote:
The actual prophecy is found in the Old Testament, Ezekiel 44, verses 1,2 and 3. The link below gives a little more information.

messiah east gate

I looked and i couldn't find any reference to any specific gate simply "east gate" or "gate to the east", but how does anyone which gate that is? It could be any gate that is either in the east or facing east, it could even be a metaphorical gate.
Reply Sun 31 Aug, 2008 07:04 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;59077 wrote:
I looked and i couldn't find any reference to any specific gate simply "east gate" or "gate to the east", but how does anyone which gate that is? It could be any gate that is either in the east or facing east, it could even be a metaphorical gate.

Try reading it again. He brought me back by the way of the (outer gate of the Sancituary which faces the East), and it was shut.

There is only one outer Gate that faces east by the Sancituary. And there is only one Porch Gate that was built on to that outer Gate. And there is only one Gate that has been sealed up. Its not a metaphorical Gate. And it can't be any Gate, because there is only one East Gate.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 31 Aug, 2008 10:40 am
Campbell34;59080 wrote:
Try reading it again. He brought me back by the way of the (outer gate of the Sancituary which faces the East), and it was shut.

There is only one outer Gate that faces east by the Sancituary. And there is only one Porch Gate that was built on to that outer Gate. And there is only one Gate that has been sealed up. Its not a metaphorical Gate. And it can't be any Gate, because there is only one East Gate.

which sanctuary?
Reply Sun 31 Aug, 2008 09:04 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;59082 wrote:
which sanctuary?

It was the only sanctuary that existed at the time, it was the first Temple built on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem, and it is the only place where the third Temple can be built. So there should be no confusion as to which sanctuary. The link below will show a drawing of the Temple layout, and you will see the location of the East Gate.

The Millennial Sanctuary and Oblation of Ezekiel 40-48.
Reply Sun 31 Aug, 2008 10:34 pm
Campbell34;59084 wrote:
It was the only sanctuary that existed at the time, it was the first Temple built on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem, and it is the only place where the third Temple can be built. So there should be no confusion as to which sanctuary. The link below will show a drawing of the Temple layout, and you will see the location of the East Gate.

The Millennial Sanctuary and Oblation of Ezekiel 40-48.

Can it be seen with the naked eye?
Reply Mon 1 Sep, 2008 04:35 am
Numpty;59085 wrote:
Can it be seen with the naked eye?

The second Temple was destroyed by the Romans, yet Jerusalems Porch Gate still exist, and is sealed just as the Bible predicted. The Jews already have plans drawn up for the rebuilding of their third temple. And this would be the temple that the Bible states would exist during the time of the Anti Christ. Scripture states he would enter this temple proclaiming himself to be God, and he would force all of earths population to worship him.
Reply Mon 1 Sep, 2008 06:00 am
Campbell34;59086 wrote:
The second Temple was destroyed by the Romans, yet Jerusalems Porch Gate still exist, and is sealed just as the Bible predicted. The Jews already have plans drawn up for the rebuilding of their third temple. And this would be the temple that the Bible states would exist during the time of the Anti Christ. Scripture states he would enter this temple proclaiming himself to be God, and he would force all of earths population to worship him.

So we can't see it, ok.

Have there been any sort of tests done to determin what is under the ground? Like when they are looking for old buildings think they use sonar and the like. It's very easy to see these things now, the technology is available.

Are there acurate drawings from 2000 years ago that depict what this temple looks like? I would like to see them.

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