If Jesus was God ...

Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2008 05:41 pm
[SIZE="2"]The Amazing Bible Says: chop off your Wife's hands if she tries to save your life !!![/SIZE]

[Deuteronomy 25: 11-12]

11 "When men fight with one another, and the wife of the one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of him who is beating him, and puts out her hand and seizes him by the private parts,

12 then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall have no pity."

You really believe this is the Word of God?

Suppose a robber enters your house and catches your father by surprise, pins him to the ground, and is about to drive a knife through him. Your mother suddenly comes in and sees your father is about to be killed. She then helps your father overcome the intruder, in essence, saves his life. Your father, rather than be grateful to your mother, then tells you to bring a knife and so he can chop off your mother's hands. Is this atrocity just in your eyes?
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2008 08:13 pm
[SIZE="2"]Muhammad: His Life Based on Early Sources: by Martin Lings. [/SIZE]

You can buy it at Amazon.com > Amazon.com: Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources: Books: Martin Lings,Sean Barrett

Widely recognised as the best biography of the Prophet (peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) in English, Dr. Martin Lings' award winning book is now available on audio as an abridged 6-hour spoken word album, read by well-known narrator Sean Barrett (famous for his TV documentary voice-overs, the BBC World Service and many other spoken word titles). This excellent audiobook is the first of its kind and has been selected by a number of organisations as a worthy introduction to the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) including Muslim Welfare House, London and the Muslim Council of Britain.
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Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2008 08:18 pm
Pinochet73;53150 wrote:
C'mon, Nump. Grow a pair. You don't need to parachute with a partner strapped to your back. Get out there and do it ALONE. Skeered 'r ya? I bet.Very Happy

Hey man, you wanna strap urself to me? why didn't you say, ur from the deep south right? nailing a man is no different from ur dad, so go with the flow, you wanna to jump just ask. :beat:
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2008 08:36 pm
Caius Cornelius Tacitus, was a Roman who become consul in 97 AD. He hated the Christians, but he does say these things. 1. Christ was the founder of a sect of Christians. 2. Christ was put to death as a criminal. 3. He was executed by Pontius Pilate. 4. Tiberius was emperor of Rome. 5. Jesus was born in the reign of Augustus. 6. This "pernicious superstition" was checked for a time by the death of its founder. 7. It broke out again and spread not only over Judea but reached the city of Rome. 8. Christians were persecuted in Rome under Nero. 9. Vast numbers were discovered and condemned being accused of burning the city and because of the "hatred" for mankind. 9. They were hated as the offscourings of the earth and the filth of all things. 10. They were destroyed gratify the cruelty of one man.

can you show us 'emperical' (love it) evidence outside of the bible, EYEWITNESS accounts please? You know for all the people who had the pleasure of meeting jesus how come only the people that made it into the bible actually met him and no-one else? Amazing really!!

Show me, show me, show me, show me!!

substantiated, emperical evidence out-side of the bible, first hand historical evidence of the son of God.

Surely if Mr Darwin can help cite the evolution of the earth at a mere 4-5 billion years. with extensive evidence, you will be able to produce the evidence which supports the son of gods existense. I mean c'mon, we are talking about the son of the diety that created us, surely there is evidence out side the bible, there has to be right? A SON OF A GOD!! We are talking the single biggest event this earth has ever known and no-one, nope no-one can remember it, except those in a book put together 300 yeards later.

Bring it!! Show me the evidence I crave, the historical evidence that shows that some one, just one person saw, hey, not even spoke, just saw Jesus, saw the miracles, saw the crucifiction, there MUST be first hand documentation somwhere?

Surely a book would not be written on hear'say,......would it?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2008 08:39 pm
SWORD of GOD;53325 wrote:

[Deuteronomy 25: 11-12]

11 "When men fight with one another, and the wife of the one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of him who is beating him, and puts out her hand and seizes him by the private parts,

12 then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall have no pity."

It seems that the verse indicates some affection for the other man since the wife seizes the other man by the private parts.

However, Christians do not follow the old Jewish law. Paul argued away following those harsh tribal laws for the Christian church.

Christians should not argue for any return to those laws, but the Bible being the Word of God, there is symbolism to contemplate within those old laws.

The ten commandments, however, is a different set of law written by the finger of God Himself on stone tablets, and those did not pass away, being a summary of all Law. See Luke 18 and Romans 13. Jesus Christ and Paul said follow the ten commandments.
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2008 08:42 pm
billcompugeek;53335 wrote:
It seems that the verse indicates some affection for the other man since the wife seizes the other man by the private parts.

However, Christians do not follow the old Jewish law. Paul argued away following those harsh tribal laws for the Christian church.

Christians should not argue for any return to those laws, but the Bible being the Word of God, there is symbolism to contemplate within those old laws.

The ten commandments, however, is a different set of law written by the finger of God Himself on stone tablets, and those did not pass away, being a summary of all Law. See Luke 18 and Romans 13. Jesus Christ and Paul said follow the ten commandments.

Y'all got proof right?

Out side of the Bible I mean, Y'all don't just follow blindly what is written in a book right?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2008 10:12 pm
billcompugeek;53335 wrote:
It seems that the verse indicates some affection for the other man since the wife seizes the other man by the private parts.

However, Christians do not follow the old Jewish law. Paul argued away following those harsh tribal laws for the Christian church.

Christians should not argue for any return to those laws, but the Bible being the Word of God, there is symbolism to contemplate within those old laws.

The ten commandments, however, is a different set of law written by the finger of God Himself on stone tablets, and those did not pass away, being a summary of all Law. See Luke 18 and Romans 13. Jesus Christ and Paul said follow the ten commandments.

I don't care what Paul said because if you follow the biblical Jesus then you only listen to what he said (or inspired according to your faith!). Paul was nothing but a deceiver (a false prophet and that's why he had been killed by the sword!) and a liar as he admitted:

" But if the truth of God through my lie abounded unto his glory, why am I also still judged as a sinner?" [ROMANS 3:7]

So, unless Jesus abolished a law in your bible no one among you can reject that law otherwise you'd be rejecting Jesus.

Jesus said:
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law (the Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)"

Also, in your own Bible it is written that the whole bible is useful for teaching and to guide the people in life.

"Every Scripture passage is inspired by God. All of them are useful for teaching, pointing out errors, correcting people, and training them for a life that has God's approval." [2Timothy 3:16] [God's Word version]

In addition, as a Christian believer, you must believe that Jesus is the God of Moses and the OT. So, He must had inspired the OT unless you deny that Jesus is not God of Moses!
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2008 10:21 pm
[SIZE="3"]The Bible says: Eat Your Children During The Siege !!![/SIZE]

[Deuteronomy 28:53-57]:

53 "Then you shall eat the offspring of your own body, the flesh of your sons and of your daughters whom the LORD your God has given you, during the siege and the distress by which your enemy will oppress you.

54 "The man who is refined and very delicate among you shall be hostile toward his brother and toward the wife he cherishes and toward the rest of his children who remain,

55 "so that he will not give even one of them any of the flesh of his children which he will eat, since he has nothing else left, during the siege and the distress by which your enemy will oppress you in all your towns.

56 "The refined and delicate woman among you, who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground for delicateness and refinement, shall be hostile toward the husband she cherishes and toward her son and daughter,

57 "and toward her afterbirth which issues from between her legs and toward her children whom she bears; for she will eat them secretly for lack of anything else, during the siege and the distress by which your enemy will oppress you in your towns."

You really believe the above is the Word of God !?

"Then woe to those who write the Book (the Bible) with their own hands and then say, "This is from Allah (God)," to purchase with it a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for that they earn thereby." [The Noble Quran 2: 79]
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Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2008 12:51 pm
"As regards the Word particularly, it has existed in every age, though not the Word we possess at the present day. Another Word existed in the Most Ancient Church before the Flood, and yet another Word in the Ancient Church after the Flood. Then came the Word written through Moses and the Prophets in the Jewish Church, and finally the Word written through the Evangelists in the new [Christian] Church. The reason why the Word has existed in every age is that by means of the Word there is a communication between heaven and earth, and also that the Word deals with goodness and truth, by which a person is enabled to live in eternal happiness. In the internal sense therefore the Lord alone is the subject, for all goodness and truth are derived from Him" (Arcana Coelestia n. 2895).

Now you were saying that Christians must follow the Jewish tribal law? No. Absolutely not.

Now the ten commandments are the Law and are to be followed. They dictate love to the Lord in not worshipping other gods, and love to the neighbor in not damaging the neighbor.
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2008 03:43 pm
Maybe, but who cares about Swedenborg anyway?
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2008 08:54 pm
RED DEVIL;53180 wrote:
But it is not "I" that uses this argument but the New Testament Scripts, that tell us that even though the Old Law was perfect, it could not overcome man's imperfections of being so easily lead into temptation and breaking the Old Law. And the Scriptures further demonstrate that the Old Law was only to stay in place until the "Seed" would come, and Christ was indeed that "Seed".

If it could not overcome man's imperfections then it was not perfect, and how would "new methodology" change that? You cannot be any better than perfect, and if perfection cannot deal with man's flaws then what good does it do to change methods? Not only that, but not only is it new methods it is contradictory to previous statements of the bible. Do you see the holes in such an argument?

Even if what you say is true that doesn't change the fact that those two statements are contradictory, because as i said before the bible was written by multiple authors.
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2008 09:43 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
[SIZE="3"]The Biblical Adultery Test ... Amazing !![/SIZE]

According to the fabricated bible, A man who is suspicious of his wife may require her to undergo the ordeal of drinking the "bitter water that causeth the curse," which causes the thigh to rot and the belly to swell.

[Numbers 5: 11-31]:"Then woe to those who write the Book (the Bible) with their own hands and then say, "This is from Allah (God)," to purchase with it a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for that they earn thereby." [The Noble Quran 2: 79]
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2008 09:54 pm
billcompugeek;53343 wrote:
"As regards the Word particularly, it has existed in every age, though not the Word we possess at the present day. Another Word existed in the Most Ancient Church before the Flood, and yet another Word in the Ancient Church after the Flood. Then came the Word written through Moses and the Prophets in the Jewish Church, and finally the Word written through the Evangelists in the new [Christian] Church. The reason why the Word has existed in every age is that by means of the Word there is a communication between heaven and earth, and also that the Word deals with goodness and truth, by which a person is enabled to live in eternal happiness. In the internal sense therefore the Lord alone is the subject, for all goodness and truth are derived from Him" (Arcana Coelestia n. 2895).

Now you were saying that Christians must follow the Jewish tribal law? No. Absolutely not.

Now the ten commandments are the Law and are to be followed. They dictate love to the Lord in not worshipping other gods, and love to the neighbor in not damaging the neighbor.

I don't like playing with the words. I want you to answer this simple question with a simple straight forward answer:

As a Christian believer, do you believe that Jesus was the God of Moses and the God of the Old Testament or not ?
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2008 08:48 am
Jesus, before glorification, was not fully the Lord God, but Jesus was the Word of God, the Truth or the Son. After glorification on the cross, after the last temptation of the cross, Jesus Christ became the Lord God, who is the God of heaven.

Swedenborg's Arcana Coelestia [paragraph] 1999:

[2] It is well known from the Word, in the Gospels, that the Lord adored and prayed to Jehovah, His Father, and that He did so as though to Someone other than Himself, even though Jehovah was within Him.

But the state that the Lord experienced at such times was the state of His humiliation, the nature of which has been discussed in Volume One [Arcana Coelestia], namely this, that at such times as these He was in the infirm human derived from the mother.

But to the extent He cast this off and took on the Divine His state was different, which state is called the state of His glorification.

In the first state He adored Jehovah as Someone other than Himself, even though He was within Him, for, as has been stated, His Internal was Jehovah. In the latter state however, that is to say, the state of glorification, He spoke to Jehovah as to Himself, since He was Jehovah Himself.

[3] The truth of all this however cannot be grasped unless one knows what the internal is and how the internal operates into the external, and furthermore how the internal and external are distinct and separate and yet joined together. The matter may be illustrated however by means of something similar, namely by means of the internal with man and of its influx and operation into the external with him. For the fact that man has an internal, an interior or rational, and an external, see what has appeared already in [paragraphs] 1889, 1940. Man's internal is that which makes him human and distinguishes him from animals. It is by means of this internal that man lives on after death and for ever, and by means of it the Lord can raise him up among angels. It is the prior or primary form from which anyone becomes and is a human being, and it is by means of this internal that the Lord is united to man. The heaven itself that is nearest to the Lord consists of these human internals, but being above even the inmost angelic heaven these internals therefore belong to the Lord Himself. In this way the entire human race is directly present beneath the eyes of the Lord. Distance, a visible feature of this sublunary world, does not exist in heaven, still less above heaven - see what has been mentioned from experience in [paragraph] 1275, 1277.

[4] These inward aspects of men possess no life in themselves but are recipient forms of the Lord's life. To the extent then that anyone is under the influence of evil, both that of his own doing and that which is hereditary, he has been so to speak separated from this internal which is the Lord's and resides with the Lord, and so has been separated from the Lord. For although that human internal is joined to the person and cannot be separated from him, yet to the extent he moves away from the Lord he does in a way separate himself from it, see 1594. But such separation is not a complete severance from that human internal - for if it were, man would no longer be able to live after death; but it is a lack of harmony and agreement with it on the part of his capacities which are beneath it, that is, of his rational and external man. Insofar as disharmony and disagreement are present there is no conjunction, but insofar as they are absent man is joined to the Lord by means of the internal, which is achieved in the measure that he is moved by love and charity, for love and charity effect conjunction. Such is the situation with man.

[5] But the Lord's Internal was Jehovah Himself, since He was conceived from Jehovah, who cannot be divided or become the relative of another, like a son who has been conceived from a human father. For unlike the human, the Divine is not capable of being divided but is and remains one and the same. To this Internal the Lord united the Human Essence. Moreover because the Lord's Internal was Jehovah it was not, like man's internal, a recipient form of life, but life itself. Through that union His Human Essence as well became life itself. Hence the Lord's frequent declaration that He is Life, as in John, As the Father has Life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have Life in Himself. John 5:26. And elsewhere besides this in the same gospel, 1:4; 5:21; 6:33, 35, 48; 11:25. 'The Son' is used to mean the Lord's Human Essence. To the extent therefore that the Lord was in the human which He received by heredity from the mother, He appeared to be distinct and separate from Jehovah, and worshipped Jehovah as Someone other than Himself. But to the extent He cast off this human, the Lord was not distinct and separate from Jehovah but one with Him. The first state, as has been mentioned, was the state of the Lord's humiliation, but the second the state of His glorification.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2008 03:15 pm
No one ever cared what Swedenborg thought.
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 02:54 am
Reagaknight;53414 wrote:
No one ever cared what Swedenborg thought.

Yahoo search engine results: 1,700,000 for swedenborg

Google search engine results: 630,000 for swedenborg

Ask search engine results: 269,200 for swedenborg

So do you want to try again and state something more truthful?
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 02:59 pm
Apparently figurative language doesn't compute anymore.

How about "Swedenborg had a relatively minor impact upon either contemporary or modern Christianity, and his views would not be accurate if they were used to describe the beliefs of most Christians today in a debate."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 04:21 pm
billcompugeek;53444 wrote:
Yahoo search engine results: 1,700,000 for swedenborg

Google search engine results: 630,000 for swedenborg

Ask search engine results: 269,200 for swedenborg

So do you want to try again and state something more truthful?

Try to make similar search for 'Satan' and report to us the results here!
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 04:24 pm
Was the Old Testament Written During Moses' Lifetime?

Deut. 34:5-10:'So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, accordin gto the word of the Lord. And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab over against Bethpeor: But no man knows of this sepulcher unto this day...and the people of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days...and there arose not a prophet since
in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord know face to face.'

Oldest copy of the Old Testament: 10th century CE - Not in the same classical Hebrew spoken during Moses' time.

Was the New Testament Written During Jesus' Lifetime?

Jesus spoke Aramaic and Hebrew and not Greek, but the current and ancient Bibles are in Greek.

Can't be the actual disciples: True disciples of Jesus, who are described in the Quran as Muslims, would never write any blasphemous statements about Jesus and God.

Conclusion: Has to be aome other source unrelated to Jesus.

Is the whole Bible inspired?

At one place the Bible says that all Scripture is inspired (II Timothy 3:16), but Paul says in his writing "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord...But to the rest I speak, not the Lord, Now concerning virgins I have no command of the Lord, yet I give my judgement." (I Corinth. 7:10,12,25). Also see II Timothy 4:9: "Do your diligence to come shortly unto me...The cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus, when you come, bring it with you, and the books, but specially the parchments."

Words NOT found in the Bible

Original Sin
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 17 Feb, 2008 04:01 pm
SWORD of GOD;53491 wrote:
Try to make similar search for 'Satan' and report to us the results here!

good point:D

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