If Jesus was God ...

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 02:58 pm
Brian@764;44574 wrote:
Is your exprience evedence of anything?

evidence must be testable....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 03:20 pm
SWORD of GOD;44603 wrote:
Your posted site is a Bahai website which is as bad as any anti-Islam website. It is full of lies.

Is this how you show trust in your bible!! Instead of trying to discuss those corrupted fabricated passages in your bible (or at least keep silent) you choose to steal lies blindly from anti-Islam websites as an easy run away tactic!!

Before you run away desperately like this answer my question if you trust your bible;

Do you really believe that the following XXX-Rated ponographic passages were inspired by GOD !? .... Are you willing to read those passages in front of your children!!?

[Ezekiel 23:19-21]:
19 "Yet she multiplied her harlotries, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the harlot in the land of Egypt.
20 "She lusted after their paramours, whose flesh is like the flesh of donkeys and whose issue is like the issue of horses.
21 "Thus you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your bosom because of the breasts of your youth.
(New American Standard Bible)

I challenge you here if you are truthful to read the Quran and discuss any of the false accusations that you and your pathetic deceiving Bahai website calim about Quran. Again, I challenge you if you are truthful.

To help you, here is an authentic Quran website for you to search in Quraan.com Authentic Islamic Literature

LOL,..my bible, obviously you haven't read a single word I have posted and read into them exactly what you want.


I no more believe in your god as i do the christian or jewish one.

You and Mr Campbell simply fail to see the point I am trying to make, neither of your books are perfect, both contradict themselves and are completely open to interpretation by fanatical fundamentalists like yourself and Mr Campbell

You each represent the worst things in religion; a self delussion that taken literally, the fairy stories you read are the 'Word of God', this leads you down the path to conflict, death, destruction and ultimately war. And you follow this and would die for something that you have absolutely no proof is actually an entity, except a couple of books.

Question, I have posted many things that are from the Koran, admitedly from random websites, i picked the first one i came to everytime, i am not interested in their agendas, purely the content of the words. Are you telling me the words quoted on these sites are not written in the Koran? anywhere and are a complete fabrication made up to make Islam look bad, ALL the passages that is?

Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 04:12 pm
Numpty;44609 wrote:
LOL,..my bible, obviously you haven't read a single word I have posted and read into them exactly what you want.


I no more believe in your god as i do the christian or jewish one.

You and Mr Campbell simply fail to see the point I am trying to make, neither of your books are perfect, both contradict themselves and are completely open to interpretation by fanatical fundamentalists like yourself and Mr Campbell

You each represent the worst things in religion; a self delussion that taken literally, the fairy stories you read are the 'Word of God', this leads you down the path to conflict, death, destruction and ultimately war. And you follow this and would die for something that you have absolutely no proof is actually an entity, except a couple of books.

Question, I have posted many things that are from the Koran, admitedly from random websites, i picked the first one i came to everytime, i am not interested in their agendas, purely the content of the words. Are you telling me the words quoted on these sites are not written in the Koran? anywhere and are a complete fabrication made up to make Islam look bad, ALL the passages that is?


A person who thinks that apes are his ancestors and this amazing perfectly organized universe had came to existence by an acceident has a much lower sensible & intellectual capabilities than any deceived ignorant christian.
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 04:25 pm
SWORD of GOD;44615 wrote:
A person who thinks that apes are his ancestors and this amazing perfectly organized universe had came to existence by an acceident has a much lower sensible logical capability than any deceived ignorant christian.

A person who thinks that the entire universe is created by a supernatural entity is completely delussional.

There are an estimated Billion Billion stars in the Universe. If life in these solar systems has as 100 billion to One chance of occuring, then it has already happened at least 1000 times in this universe (I think the math is good,..lol). It only ever has to happen ONCE for the evolutionary cycle to run.

Who created the Creator?
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 04:58 pm
SWORD of GOD;44576 wrote:
Then the claimed prophecy of him to be a RULER never been fulfilled, so you can not use it to prove anything. You are talking now about unknown future.

Moreover, I challenge you to quote Jesus (PBUH) himself saying even in your corrupted bible that he came to die for the sin of the world.

For the sake of argument, Why did you ignore the other two passages I posted !!!?

Here, Prophet Solomon (PBUH) quoted saying in your bible:

[ King James Version ]-[ Prv:8:22 ]-[ The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. ]

[ King James Version ]-[ Prv:8:23 ]-[ I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. ]

Those passages are clearly much stronger than the saying of Jesus (PBUH) you posted to support desperately your calimed false assumption!

BTW, Satan was also before Abraham. Does this make him God too!!

I am not disrespecting you but I have no desire to prove anything to you or anyone else for that matter...you believe what you will; I have no problem with that, one day the truth will be made plain for the whole world including the skeptics to see.
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 05:10 pm
Brian@764;44617 wrote:
I am not disrespecting you but I have no desire to prove anything to you or anyone else for that matter...you believe what you will; I have no problem with that, one day the truth will be made plain for the whole world including the skeptics to see.

This is the second time (or maybe third) that you started a discussion with me and when I provide you with answers quoted from your own bible and I challenge you to support your claims by quoting what Jesus (PBUH) said in the bible, you end the discussion with this same easy run away response!!!

This cleary without any doubt shows your lack of trust in your faith/Bible.
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 05:16 pm
Numpty;44616 wrote:
A person who thinks that the entire universe is created by a supernatural entity is completely delussional.

There are an estimated Billion Billion stars in the Universe. If life in these solar systems has as 100 billion to One chance of occuring, then it has already happened at least 1000 times in this universe (I think the math is good,..lol). It only ever has to happen ONCE for the evolutionary cycle to run.

Who created the Creator?

Before you start any intellectual discussion like that, you should first explain to us who (or what) created you!
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 06:00 pm
SWORD of GOD;44615 wrote:
A person who thinks that apes are his ancestors and this amazing perfectly organized universe had came to existence by an acceident has a much lower sensible & intellectual capabilities than any deceived ignorant christian.

a person who believes in a giant invisible man in the sky is greatly delusional to say the least, for you to refuse evolution you must forsake the piles of fossil evidence and expert oppinions....

[SIZE="4"]face the facts, you are in denial![/SIZE]
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 06:31 pm
SWORD of GOD;44618 wrote:
This is the second time (or maybe third) that you started a discussion with me and when I provide you with answers quoted from your own bible and I challenge you to support your claims by quoting what Jesus (PBUH) said in the bible, you end the discussion with this same easy run away response!!!

This cleary without any doubt shows your lack of trust in your faith/Bible.

I am not interested in endless arguments; I will only go so far after that I simply get out of the discussion. I am willing to talk/explain what I believe or even discuss with anyone who is genuinely is interested in God's word, but trying to convince someone against their will is foolish.
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 06:33 pm
A person who thinks that apes are his ancestors and this amazing perfectly organized universe had came to existence by an acceident has a much lower sensible & intellectual capabilities than any deceived ignorant christian.

As it stands, without scientific proof of the existence of God we can still observe how the universe tries to balance itself out, to make itself perfect in it's condition. Let me give you an example, in in a reaction between two elements generating another:
A + B -> C if you change the pressure or the amount on any side of the equation the rest will balance itself out till it is no longer unstable. This is a random reaction, and the results are a perfect balance. Now you say that it is stupidity to believe we came from apes, well we have similar genes, so it is not so far-fetched as long as you don't believe the brain is a magical thing, and see it as simply a favorable genetic trait, similar to the neck of a giraff, or the wings of insects. Some put humans up on a pedestal, other than the tecnological products of our intelligence the rest pretty much only generates conflict and fragments what could be a beautifull civilization.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 06:34 pm
SWORD of GOD;44619 wrote:
Before you start any intellectual discussion like that, you should first explain to us who (or what) created you!

perhaps you don't quite understand what an atheist is, i'd expect that from the likes of you!

here i will try to briefly explain this:
Atheists don't believe in god(s), and they don't believe in creationism! so to answer your question of what we believe created us, i'd answer NOTHING! life adapted and changed to better survive in it's enviorment while ever progressing towards more advanced life forms untill eventually humans were the result!
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 06:37 pm
markx15;44629 wrote:
As it stands, without scientific proof of the existence of God we can still observe how the universe tries to balance itself out, to make itself perfect in it's condition. Let me give you an example, in in a reaction between two elements generating another:
A + B -> C if you change the pressure or the amount on any side of the equation the rest will balance itself out till it is no longer unstable. This is a random reaction, and the results are a perfect balance. Now you say that it is stupidity to believe we came from apes, well we have similar genes, so it is not so far-fetched as long as you don't believe the brain is a magical thing, and see it as simply a favorable genetic trait, similar to the neck of a giraff, or the wings of insects. Some put humans up on a pedestal, other than the tecnological products of our intelligence the rest pretty much only generates conflict and fragments what could be a beautifull civilization.

it's pointless he won't listen to reason, he opposes evolution because that would mean humans aren't the most important thing in the universe and he will never accept that! he needs to feel like he is special, and Islam provides that for him.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 06:41 pm
If he wishes for another example of a nearly impossible event happening he should consider his own birth. Out of the millions, maybe hundreds of millions sperm his father released during his life, this one, carring this particular genetic code, was the only one that made it, impossible? Mathematically it is almost, in reality, well, it happened.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 07:44 pm
Dear Sword,

I completely disagree with you and hope my religion defeats your religion. Mine is better.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 07:53 pm
Pinochet73;44671 wrote:
Dear Sword,

I completely disagree with you and hope my religion defeats your religion. Mine is better.

Typical childish argument...
Adam Bing
Reply Wed 7 Nov, 2007 11:10 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;44676 wrote:
Typical childish argument...

Actually, I'd love it if these Monotheist morons were all put in a football stadium (this would bring back fond memories to General Pinochet were he still alive) and allowed to massacre each other as long as it kept them off our backs.

The two religions are the two sides of the same coin. A Pinochet is no better than a Sword of God. In fact, he has more in common with the Sword of God than with you &I. They think alike albeit from different ends of the monotheist spectrum. You & I on the other hand are the innocent bystanders to this monotheist drum roll towards a man-made armeggadon.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 12:55 am
Pinochet73;44671 wrote:
Dear Sword,

I completely disagree with you and hope my religion defeats your religion. Mine is better.

When we have a chance to play Nintendo or PlayStation then I will keep the score!

Please, Don't drink alcohol as I adviced you many times before.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 12:59 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;44631 wrote:
perhaps you don't quite understand what an atheist is, i'd expect that from the likes of you!

here i will try to briefly explain this:
Atheists don't believe in god(s), and they don't believe in creationism! so to answer your question of what we believe created us, i'd answer NOTHING! life adapted and changed to better survive in it's enviorment while ever progressing towards more advanced life forms untill eventually humans were the result!

I understand very well what an atheist is. My question was addressed to Numpty and I would be grateful if I just have a dialogue with him alone rather than you guys jump on the wagon to divert the dialogue. Thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 01:05 am
Brian@764;44626 wrote:
I am not interested in endless arguments; I will only go so far after that I simply get out of the discussion. I am willing to talk/explain what I believe or even discuss with anyone who is genuinely is interested in God's word, but trying to convince someone against their will is foolish.

You only convince someone when are able to provide evidences and proofs , not trying to tell them just belive my words and be like me a blind faith follower!
Adam Bing
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2007 03:19 am
SWORD of GOD;44701 wrote:
You only convince someone when are able to provide evidences and proofs , not trying to tell them just belive my words and be like me a blind faith follower!

Speaking on behalf of all the impartial thinking folk on this site, we've concluded that there is no difference between Pinochet (Catholic), Sword of god (Islam) and Campbell (Protestant Evangalist).
- each is wedded to a belief that got frozen a thousand years ago or more. The only one with a little contemporary feel to it is Catholicism for what ever its past sins and they are massive, the church atleast at times corrects itself of past bullshit. But still ways to go.

- each of them cannot see past their belief and are unable to change their minds in the face of a convincing argument. For example, on the matter of Science and the Koran, I have just posted 2 threads and await The Sword of gods response. Unfortunately, it will hold no surprises.

- each of them is quick to demonize what they cannot accept or cannot rebutt. For example, I am a "Jew" to Sword of God. That is his explaination to himself for the discomfort my questions cause.

- each of them is condemned to a blinkered life, unable to enjoy the tremendous delights and education this world offers but not to worry. They think they have an afterlife so they can afford to be obdurate, unthinking, insensitive, accusatory, bigoted and irrational in this one.

We sincerely feel the three of you need to meet up and possibly spare us any futher argument that cannot ride above a kintergarten level.
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