Lightwizard: I accept that you don't want to give out clues until people have made some guesses, but the whole point here is that the photo is supposed to be the first -- and best -- clue. Your last two photos, however, were just not good enough -- for me, at least. There's not enough detail to discern anything of value, apart from some minor points such as clothing styles, props, etc.
I can only imagine that people aren't making any educated guesses because you haven't given them much to go on with the initial picture, and you won't give any more clues (or even one good clue) until people guess -- a classic "Catch-22." Well, at any rate, that's my excuse, and so I think I'll be sitting this one out.
I disagree -- the quality of the photo gives away the era it was made in. Black-and-white sci-fi from early cinema is pretty scarce. Going to a sci-fi site (yes research is certainly allowable and I'm sure many do it and are not just making blind guesses) and going through titles of very early sci-fi would very likely come up with the title of this film. It's well known for being an early depiction of a future world. If one has no knowledge whatsoever of early film or are simply not interested in sci-fi or are going to be in the dark.
And I actually did give a clue in answering caramel.
Okay, here's another still from the movie:
"just imagine"
LightWizard, IMO large pictures give away the facts but not the film. I considered the game to be about recognising aspects of the film. Shouldn't players be able to see the frame in the sense they would while watching the film at home or at the cinema. I think large pictures are just as good, if players can recognise the film easier with larger pictures isn't that merely the picture serving its purpose better. However, i appreciate that smaller pictures have a enigmatic quality enabling people to use detective skills more, nevertheless i think pictures that give the players a clear shot of the film are just as worthy.
Lightwizard wrote:Okay, here's another still from the movie:
Sci-fi movies are not my
forte I'm afraid. My first thought was "Metropolis" but since you said it wasn't a silent movie I'm taking a guess with
"Things to Come"
Those were the largest pics available. beatoswald, you little devil

, you got it!
(It was actually a musical comedy set in the future which is why it would not have worked as a silent. The Buster Crabbe "Flash Gordon" serials used footage from the film).
Another problem is we can no longer use tinyurl to disguise the address of the movie as many of them contain the title of the film.
Thanks LightWizard. i didn't check the properties, i actually did what you recommended with a sci-fi site

I wasn't knocking small pictures, just defending big ones.
I upload the pictures on to my server-host-site-thingy so the url isn't a give away. I'd be happy to host a picture for anyone if it would help, tho i'm not around much

. ah well.... i guess we'll just have to be sportsmanly about not using the properties.
In my top ten of Japanese cinema.
yeah? probably in mine too :wink:.