Time to elevate this to a Featured Topic!
not Le Bal
(I agree, Lightwizard...)
Hmmm, IMDb doesn't have any personal info about this guy, so I don't know for certain whether or not he's American. He has mostly worked in (American) TV - in fact, his credits only include one other movie that he's directed, the rest is TV movies and series work.
hmmm! Probably American. Was it released within the last five years?
It was released more than 5 years ago.
I know it's kind of hard to see the detail, but this picture really tells the main plot of the movie.
Ooo. I just saw a detail I hadn't noticed!
not Footloose
(I don't recall any soldiers breaking up the dance there)
Hmmm...It almost looks like some people are kind of panicing in a way. Gawlking too. The people on the balcony look like they're looking down at the people on the main floor. It's strange that all the couples are embracing eachother. What the hell is going on?
Line guy: Do you see the cops?
Oh, soldiers! (They look like state troopers from here!)
They are soldiers. I guess you can't see the details of their uniforms.
Does what the girls are wearing suggest a particular time to you?
fealola wrote:Line guy: Do you see the cops?

I do now. Did I tell you all that I'm blind?
mac11 wrote:They are soldiers. I guess you can't see the details of their uniforms.
Does what the girls are wearing suggest a particular time to you?
They almost look like nazi soldiers. There's also a table where a couple of men in suits are sitting with a soldier peering over their shoulders looking at a large sheet of paper, like a blue print or something.