I know this one. I've seen it.
Isn't Macy in love with the bartender or something weird like that?
What the hells the name of it?
Sorry, I don't remember the plot well enough to confirm that, line guy!
I can confirm that it's William H. Macy at center in the picture.
Yeah, Macy has braces. Super insecure. Falls in love with the bartender. Very strange movie. good one though.
Yes to Magnolia. (I figured you guys could get that one fairly easily between Macy's recognizable face and the copyright date in the corner!

Thanks Mac. Sorry about that. I edited it.
Sam Shepard gave it away or I might of thought "Hoffa."
Visual clue:
Much Ado About Nothing?
(I was hoping that you'd have trouble identifying Sam.)
Hard to fool you, mac. You're right, of course.
(Couldn't mistake the Shepard proboscis from almost any angle!).