Quran Leads The Way to Science (Video)

Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 04:30 am
Pinochet73;16634 wrote:
Sorry, Azmr. Muslim obsessions with sadism, especially that delivered by way of Muhammad's favorite implement of war -- the sword -- cannot be defended by any civilized person. It's gratuitous savagery, endemic to barbaric peoples. As long as you folks act that way, decent people of Planet Earth must fight to destroy you. You're a threat to Civilization. Plus, your sadism is just plain stupid, tactically speaking. It plays directly into Israeli propaganda. It substantiates every claim that you are RECKLESS SAVAGES. It's dumb public relations.

LOL sadism, you have an endless supply of lies, Pinochio.
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 07:57 pm
@The Submitter,
Arabs have always been notorious for sadism. Historical fact. In part, it stems from your cult of the sword. Lingering Samurai culture in Imperial Japan explained the sadistic sword-tortures the Japanese Army inflicted on its millions of victims, including POWs and totally innocent civilians all over Asia. Put your frig'n blades away, and your psychopathology might be cured.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 04:58 pm


Apart from the miraculous characteristics of the Qur'an which we have looked into so far, it also contains what we can term "mathematical miracles." There are many examples of this fascinating Qur'anic aspect. One example of this is the number of repetitions of certain words in the Qur'an. Some related words are surprisingly repeated the same number of times. Below is a list of such words and the number of repetitions in the Qur'an.

The statement of "seven heavens" is repeated seven times. "The creation of the heavens (khalq as-samawat)" is also repeated seven times.

"Day (yawm)" is repeated 365 times in singular form, while its plural and dual forms "days (ayyam and yawmayn)" together are repeated 30 times. The number of repetitions of the word "month" (shahar) is 12.

The number of repetitions of the words "plant" and "tree" is the same: 26

The word "payment or reward" is repeated 117 times, while the expression "forgiveness" (mughfirah), which is one of the basic morals of the Qur'an, is repeated exactly twice that amount, 234 times.

When we count the word "Say," we find it appears 332 times. We arrive at the same figure when we count the phrase "they said."

The number of times the words, "world" (dunya) and "hereafter" (akhira) are repeated is also the same: 115

The word "satan" (shaitan) is used in the Qur'an 88 times, as is the word "angels" (malaika).

The word faith (iman) (without genitive) is repeated 25 times throughout the Qur'an as is also the word infidelity (kufr).

The words "paradise" and "hell" are each repeated 77 times.

The word "zakah" is repeated in the Qur'an 32 times and the number of repetitions of the word "blessing" (barakah) is also 32.

The expression "the righteous" (al-abraar) is used 6 times but "the wicked" (al-fujjaar) is used half as much, i.e., 3 times.

The number of times the words "Summer-hot" and "winter-cold" are repeated is the same: 5.

The words "wine" (khamr) and "intoxication" (saqara) are repeated in the Qur'an the same number of times: 6

The number of appearances of the words "mind" and "light" is the same: 49.

The words "tongue" and "sermon" are both repeated 25 times.

The words "benefit" and "corrupt" both appear 50 times.

"Reward" (ajr) and "action" (fail) are both repeated 107 times.

"Love" (al-mahabbah) and "obedience" (al-ta'ah) also appear the same number of times: 83

The words "refuge" (maseer) and "for ever" (abadan) appear the same number of times in the Qur'an: 28.

The words "disaster" (al-musibah) and "thanks" (al-shukr) appear the same number of times in the Qur'an: 75.

"Sun" (shams) and "light" (nur) both appear 33 times in the Qur'an.

In counting the word "light" only the simple forms of the word were included.
The number of appearances of "right guidance" (al-huda) and "mercy" (al-rahma) is the same: 79

The words "trouble" and "peace" are both repeated 13 times in the Qur'an.

The words "man" and "woman" are also employed equally: 23 times.

Will they not ponder the Qur’an? If it had been from other than Allah, they would have found many inconsistencies in it.
(Qur’an, 4:82)

The number of times the words "man" and "woman" are repeated in the Qur'an, 23, is at the same time that of the chromosomes from the egg and sperm in the formation of the human embryo. The total number of human chromosomes is 46; 23 each from the mother and father.

"Treachery" (khiyanah) is repeated 16 times, while the number of repetitions of the word "foul" (khabith) is 16.

:lightbulb: "Human being" is used 65 times: the sum of the number of references to the stages of man's creation is the same: i.e.

Human being 65

Soil (turab) 17

Drop of Sperm (nutfah) 12

Embryo ('alaq) 6

A half formed lump of flesh (mudghah) 3

Bone ('idham) 15

Flesh (lahm) 12


The word "salawat" (prayers) appear five times in the Qur'an, and Allah has commanded man to perform the prayer (salat) five times a day.

The word "land" appears 13 times in the Qur'an and the word "sea" 32 times, giving a total of 45 references. If we divide that number by that of the number of references to the land we arrive at the figure 28.888888888889%. The number of total references to land and sea, 45, divided by the number of references to the sea in the Qur'an, 32, is 71.111111111111%. Extraordinarily, these figures represent the exact proportions of land and sea on the Earth today.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 08:19 pm
Morningstarr;11724 wrote:
So you are saying that Heaven is on a physical plane?

Allah is a master of the vague reply, apparently.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jul, 2007 08:35 pm
[SIZE="3"]The Quran on the Origin of the Universe: [/SIZE]

The science of modern cosmology, observational and theoretical, clearly indicates that, at one point in time, the whole universe was nothing but a cloud of ‘smoke’ (i.e. an opaque highly dense and hot gaseous composition)1. This is one of the undisputed principles of standard modern cosmology. Scientists now can observe new stars forming out of the remnants of that ‘smoke’ (see figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1: A new star forming out of a cloud of gas and dust (nebula), which is one of the remnants of the ‘smoke’ that was the origin of the whole universe. (The Space Atlas, Heather and Henbest, p. 50.)[/COLOR]

Figure 2: The Lagoon nebula is a cloud of gas and dust, about 60 light years in diameter. It is excited by the ultraviolet radiation of the hot stars that have recently formed within its bulk. (Horizons, Exploring the Universe, Seeds, plate 9, from Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.)

The illuminating stars we see at night were, just as was the whole universe, in that ‘smoke’ material. God has said in the Quran:

Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke... (Quran, 41:11)

Because the earth and the heavens above (the sun, the moon, stars, planets, galaxies, etc.) have been formed from this same ‘smoke,’ we conclude that the earth and the heavens were one connected entity. Then out of this homogeneous ‘smoke,’ they formed and separated from each other. God has said in the Quran:

Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?... (Quran, 21:30)

[SIZE="2"]Dr. Alfred Kroner[/SIZE] is one of the world’s renowned geologists. He is Professor of Geology and the Chairman of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. He said: “Thinking where Muhammad came from . . . I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years, with very complicated and advanced technological methods, that this is the case.” (To view the RealPlayer video of this comment click here). Also he said: “Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics fourteen hundred years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind, for instance, that the earth and the heavens had the same origin.” (View the RealPlayer video of this comment ).


(1) The First Three Minutes, a Modern View of the Origin of the Universe, Weinberg, pp. 94-105.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jul, 2007 10:45 pm
@The Submitter,
[SIZE="3"][CENTER]Quran Recitation[/CENTER][/SIZE]

You can hear the Quran beautiful recitation (in Arabic) here for any chapter: IslamWeb - English

And you can hear the Quran recitation in Arabic with online audio English translation here Quran Recitaion with English Translation
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jul, 2007 11:31 pm
How to convert and become a Muslim with Live Help through 1-to-1 chat.

The steps a person needs to take to accept Islam as his/her religion, enter its fold, and become a Muslim.

Click here The Religion of Islam - How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim

"And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers." (Quran 3:85)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 08:36 am
@The Submitter,
LOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! I'm clicking right now, Praise allah and his messenger--------------------JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On another note, WHO WROTE YOUR BOOK?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 06:14 pm
[SIZE="4"]"Who Wrote the Holy Quran"[/SIZE]

For all sincere readers who seek the TRUTH, click on this link Who Wrote the Holy Quran

Also, you may visit this article "Who Wrote the First Quran?"

Visit this link For summary of HISTORY OF THE COMPILATION OF QURAN

This article discusses in details Preservation and Authenticity of the Holy Quran

Allah Himself has promised to guard the Quran:

"We (Allah) have, without doubt, sent down the Message (Quran); and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption)." [Quran 15:9]
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 06:28 pm
SWORD of GOD;27630 wrote:
[SIZE="4"]"Who Wrote the Holy Quran"[/SIZE]

For all sincere readers who seek the TRUTH, click on this link Who Wrote the Holy Quran

Also, you may visit this article "Who Wrote the First Quran?"

Visit this link For summary of HISTORY OF THE COMPILATION OF QURAN

This article discusses in details Preservation and Authenticity of the Holy Quran

Allah Himself has promised to guard the Quran:

"We have, without doubt, sent down the Message (Quran); and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption)." [Quran 15:9]
From your first link.
Quran, in Arabic, could only have been written by ONE of 3
possible sources:

1 the Arabs

2 Mohammad (peace be upon him)

3 Allah (GOD)
So which one? My educated guess is "the Arabs" Which is your guess?
Allah Himself has promised to guard the Quran:
If it is Allah that wrote it why would it need protecting? Maybe because it is manmade?
"We have, without doubt, sent down the Message (Quran); and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption)." [Quran 15:9]
Who's "we?"
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 06:49 pm
[SIZE="4"][CENTER]Earth’s Seven Layers[/CENTER][/SIZE]

When scientists started to probe the valleys of Earth and in order to know its structure and constituents, they found that tales and myths that dominated in the earlier centuries have no scientific basis. After scientists discovered that the earth is egg-shaped , they suggested that the core of this ball has a nucleus, and its shell is a very thin crust when compared to the Earth’s size, and between these two layers, there is a third, known as the mantle . this was the knowledge of the early scientists.

Development of Scientific Facts

The Three Layer -Theory did not last for so long due to recent discoveries in Geology. Recent measurements and experiments showed that the material comprising the nucleus of the Earth is under very high pressure, three million times more than that on the surface of the Earth.

Under such pressure, matter transforms into solid state, this in turn makes Earth’s core very solid,This core is surrounded by a liquid layer of very high temperature. This means that there are two layers in Earth’s core and not one.Two layers; one solid in the center surrounded by another liquid layer.

Thereafter measuring devices advanced and presented to scientists a clear distinction among Earth’s inner layers. If we were to descend under the earth’s crust we would find another layer of very hot stones , which is the stone cover or wrap. After that come three other distinct layers of varying density, pressure and temperature.

Therefore scientists found themselves classifying the layers of Earth into seven layers, not more. The figure shows these layers with their dimensions (some are out of scale) according to what scientists have recently found using methods like earthquake measuring devices and the study of Earth’s magnetic field, among other techniques. These studies and discoveries are being taught to these scientists’ students in universities.

Figure showing Earth’s seven layers, notice that the crust is very thin followed by mantle of varying thickness, then came the core comprised of a liquid and finally a seventh solid nucleus.

Scientists have found that the atom is also comprised of seven layers or levels, and this proves the uniformity of creation, where Earth has seven layers and atoms have seven layers as well. This creation therefore is ruled by only one creator.

Earth’s seven layers vary greatly in structure, density, temperature and material. Therefore one cannot consider that Earth has only one layer as people anciently thought. Here we find that the idea of the Earth having layers is fairly recent and wasn’t presented or brought forward at the time when the Quran was being revealed. Those discoveries are what the Twenty First century -scientists tell us, What then does the book of Allah tell us?

In the Company of the Noble Quran

The Holy Quran, God's word , talks to us about the seven Heavens and also seven layers of Earth in the Quranic verses:

God says in the Holy Quran in this regard what means “Who has created the seven heavens one above another…” [Quran: Al-Mulk 3]

God says in the Holy Quran in this regard what means “It is Allah Who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof (i.e. seven).” [Quran: Attalaq 12]

The first verse has specified two traits for the heavens which are: their number which is seven, their organization, which is into layers , one on the of top of the other and this is according to the Quranic interpretation books and Arabic language dictionaries. As for the second verse, it confirms that Earth is similar to the Heavens from the part of the verse that says “…and of the earth the like thereof”, where since the Heavens are layers, then Earth is comprised of layers as well, and since the Heavens are seven, therefore Earth’s layers are seven as well.

Here we need to pause and elaborate on Allah’s choice of words in the word: “Tibaqa” – which means layers one on top of another, and this is what scientists have recently discovered that Earth is comprised of layers, this in turn leads us to conclude that Al-Qur`an defined Earth’s shape, of layers, and it (Al-Quran) has also specified the number of these layers, seven. Henceforth Al-Quran chose a very specific word to describe Earth’s composition, so Al-Quran preceded the Twenty First Century scientists in mentioning Earths facts fourteen centuries ago. Isn’t this an overwhelming Quranic miracle?

If we contemplate 0n the Noble Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) Hadeeth (sayings), we find one Hadeeth that confirms this fact of Earth’s seven overlapping layers. Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “whomever oppressed someone a hand span’s distance from the Earth, gets surrounded by seven overlapping layers”[Bukhari 2321], the Hadeeth is telling us that Allah will punish those who oppress in Earth by being encircled and surrounded by seven Earthly layers. This definition for the word “Tawaqa” that was used in the Hadeeth is as found in Arabic Language Dictionaries.

The question here is: Isn’t this a great prophetic miracle? doesn’t this Hadeeth specify the number of Earth’s layers which are seven, and also mentions their nature of being overlapped or surrounding each other?From the word encircled used in the Hadeeth, we can deduce circular shapes and in three dimensions we can deduce spherical shapes.

Henceforth The Noble Quran and Prophetic Sunnah (traditions of the Prophet) preceded modern science to this scientific fact. In addition Al-Quran gave us the precise naming for the structure of Earth using the word “Tibaqa” or layers, and it has given us the accurate number for these layers which is seven, while scientists spent long years and changed their theories several times to come up with scientific theories previously mentioned in The Quran and Sunnah. Glory be to Allah the Greatest who said in his exalted book: “And on the earth are signs for those who have Faith with certainty, And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?” [Quran: Athariyat, 20,21]


An article titled “Inside the Earth” at :

Inside the Earth [This Dynamic Earth, USGS]
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 06:52 pm
@The Submitter,
Can you have allah answer my questions, God know you can't?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 08:00 pm
Drnaline;27631 wrote:
From your first link.
So which one? My educated guess is "the Arabs" Which is your guess?

Instead of trying to be ignorant by your own choice, would you please try to read the whole article instead of copying the first line!!? You asked for an answer and then you refuse to read the answer! That's called ARROGANCE.

Anyhow, Allah himself in the Noble Quran answers you:

"Do they not then consider the Quran carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein many a contradiction." [Quran 4:82].

"And verily, you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) are being taught the Quran from the One, All-Wise, All-Knowing." [Quran 6:27]

"Verily, it is We (Allah) Who have sent down the Quran to you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) by stages." [Quran 23:76]

"Verily, We (Allah) have sent it down as an Arabic Quran in order that you may understand." [Quran 3:12].

"And this Quran is not such as could ever be produced by other than Allah (Lord of the heavens and the earth), but it is a confirmation of (the revelation) which was before it (i.e. the Taurat (Torah), and the Injeel (Gospel)) and a full explanation of the Book (i.e. laws, decreed for mankind) - wherein there is no doubt - from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinn, and all that exists). Or do they say: "He (Muhammad (peace be upon him)) has forged it?" Say: "Bring then a Surah (chapter) like unto it, and call upon whomsoever you can besides Allah, if you are truthful!"" [Quran 10:37-38].

In Quran, ALLAH challenges All mankind and Jinns (since more than 1400) years:
"And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant (Muhammad), then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true." [Quran 2:23]

the shortest sura (chapter) is about 10 words!!

Allah repeated this challenge:
"Say: If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support." [Quran 17:88]

The enemies of Islam need only to produce a sura (of 10 words) like the Quran, to prove that it is not from ALLAH (GOD)..why no one till now (since 1400 years) could do it!?

Drnaline;27631 wrote:
From your first link.
If it is Allah that wrote it why would it need protecting? Maybe because it is manmade?

Because it is the exact words from Allah, the Creator, and because it is the last and final revealtion to all mankind. Unlike the Bible (OT & NT) which were corrupted by men because Allah (God) has sent it (Bible) for only the house of Israel for a limited period of time and He never promised to protect the Bible but He left that to them (Jews).

"you who received the law as ordained by angels, and yet did not keep it." (Acts-7-53)

"How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? "(From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)

Even the Catholic Church admits that the Bible has been corrupted by men’s falsification:

Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible
Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible - Times Online

Drnaline;27631 wrote:
From your first link.
Who's "we?"

It's the "ROYAL" WE.

Regarding the usage of 'We' in the Holy Qur'an, read this article that answers you The usage of 'We' in the Quran -- Islamic articles and information on Islam for Muslims at VictoryScent

“These words, innaa (“Verily We”) and nahnu (“We”), and other forms of the plural, may be used by one person speaking on behalf of a group, or they may be used by one person for purposes of respect or glorification, as is done by some monarchs when they issue statements or decrees in which they say “We have decided…” etc. [This is known in English as “The Royal We” – Translator]. In such cases, only one person is speaking but the plural is used for respect.

The One Who is more deserving of respect than any other is Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted, so when He says in the Qur’an innaa (“Verily We”) and nahnu (“We”), it is for respect and glorification, not to indicate plurality of numbers. If an aayah of this type is causing confusion, it is essential to refer to the clear, unambiguous aayaat for clarification, and if a Christian, for example, insists on taking ayaat such as “Verily, We: it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e., the Qur’an)” [al-Hijr 15:9 – translation of the meaning] as proof of divine plurality, we may refute this claim by quoting such clear and unambiguous aayaat as “And your god is One God, there is none who has the right to be worshipped but He, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful” [al-Baqarah 2:163] and “Say: He is Allaah, the One” [al-Ikhlaas 112:1] – and other aayaat which can only be interpreted in one way. Thus confusion will be dispelled for the one who is seeking the truth. Every time Allaah uses the plural to refer to Himself, it is based on the respect and honour that He deserves, and on the great number of His names and attributes, and on the great number of His troops and angels.” 3

“In regards to the presence of the "us" and "our" in the Old Testament, this is actually a proof against Christian belief since they were never understood in the way Christians understand them until the time of ‘St’ Paul or later. In Semitic usage, it is customary for one in authority to speak of himself in the plural. For examples of this in the Bible, see 2 Samuel 16:20 and Ezra 4:16-19. Almighty God, in the Qur'an, uses the Arabic word for "We" when He makes some statements, but no one who knows the Arabic language ever understood it as an argument for indication of plurality. This is what we call the "Plural of Majesty", and it is mentioned in almost any book on Arabic grammar.

English has much the same thing. When a King or Queen issues a proclamation, they say "We, the King of England..." This is also done by monarchs in Arabic-speaking countries. Who are they talking to when they do this? Their intended audience of course, not themselves. The examples given above (i.e. 2 Samuel 16:20 and Ezra 4:16-19), also demonstrate this.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 09:00 pm
@The Submitter,
Instead of trying to be ignorant by your own choice, would you please try to read the whole article instead of copying the first line!!?
I asked for an answer, not a multiple choice.
You asked for an answer and then you refuse to read the answer! That's called ARROGANCE.
In your opinion. I asked you for an answer, not a link. What is your opinion? If it is allah that wrote it where is the original? It surely must be around as allah made it? And would not be subject to earthly decay?
Anyhow, Allah himself in the Noble Quran answers you:
Allah (supposedly) spoke to mohammid, who spoke of this translation to a scribe. So the person that wrote down these supposed words was not Allah but it was a human. Muhammid couldn't be bothered to write it down himself. Hence, your book is manmade. Sorry, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred virgins.
Because it is the exact words from Allah,
Exact words according to whom? Mohammid or the scribe?
and because it is the last and final revealtion to all mankind.
It will be when Jesus comes back not your Imam.
The One Who is more deserving of respect than any other is Allaah,
Oh no you didn't!!! You just spelled Allah name wrong, to hell with you and no virgins before your bed time.
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 11:20 pm
[SIZE="3"][CENTER]The Quran and Breastfeeding[/CENTER][/SIZE]

Allah said in the holy Quran:
" The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years, if the father desires to complete the term" (Quran 2:233)

Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (my peace be upon him) said:
"You must nurse your baby even with your tears." as he recommended Asmaa Bent AbI Bakr (may God be pleased with him) to nurse her baby at the breast."

What has been mentioned above assures that women should nurse their babies at breast, without using any other method such as the artificial suckling, cow's milk or others. This raises the argument about the reason for this.

Recently, WHO (the World Health Organization CAH - Exclusive Breastfeeding) and UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Fund UNICEF in action) state that breastfeeding should last for two years. They addressee the all mothers allover the world to follow their recommendations. An article was published in Pediatric Clinics of North America, an American magazine, issued in February 2001, calls the American women to follow the recommendations of the Pediatric Academy of America. They recommend having the babies nursed at breast for 12 months as a minimum period, but it is preferable to follow the instruction of WHO.

These statements were miraculously stated by the Qur'an 14 centuries ago. Allah obligates mothers to nurse their babies at breast up to two years. God, to whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty, knows that this duration is the best from all sides of health and psychology. Today's researches of health and medicine have proved the necessity of a two year breastfeeding to have a sound growing up baby. God has mentioned this in the holy Qur'an before the human beings discover it lately. This is a sign of God's mercy on his people, especially those innocent children.

The modern studies assure that the consumed mother's milk is prophylactic against many bacterial inflammations. Lactation reduces the risk of leukemia for children. The longer the baby was breastfed, the higher was the rate of prophylaxis against such kinds of cancers. That is not only everything but it also protect from lymphoma or the cancer of the lymph system.

Moreover, a research, from Pediatric Clinics of North America of the same issue, has found that the kids who had consumed mother's milk have a significantly higher IQ than those who have no maternal milk. Also, this was heightened by the observation that the longer the baby was breast fed, the higher the IQ through the all years of life.

Click here to read about The Benefits of Breastfeeding
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 07:30 am
Drnaline;27668 wrote:
I asked for an answer, not a multiple choice.In your opinion. I asked you for an answer, not a link. What is your opinion? If it is allah that wrote it where is the original? It surely must be around as allah made it? And would not be subject to earthly decay?
Allah (supposedly) spoke to mohammid, who spoke of this translation to a scribe. So the person that wrote down these supposed words was not Allah but it was a human. Muhammid couldn't be bothered to write it down himself. Hence, your book is manmade. Sorry, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred virgins.
Exact words according to whom? Mohammid or the scribe?
It will be when Jesus comes back not your Imam.Oh no you didn't!!! You just spelled Allah name wrong, to hell with you and no virgins before your bed time.
Lets try this again, will you please anwser my questions above.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 07:34 pm
@The Submitter,
Of course he won't the Koran is a war book, Allah was a vile man that used any excuse to justify his sexual perversions. The book should be aptly retitled the Book of War and Sexual Deviances against society. It's all about how to kill Jews, us Infidels and enslave women and children for sex. I truely believe Allah was a perv, anyone that has sex with a nine year old child is not I repeat someone to worship but scorned for being a pedophile. Wahhabi Islam is a cancer on the globe and should be culled before it's allowed to spread. It's vile hateful and untrue, I have no issue with Moderate Muslims even if they are truely indoctorined into a CULT but Wahhabi Islam is vile and beyond redemption and it should be illegal in Civilized Countries. There is only one true god and it's not Allah and his friend Akbar.
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 08:47 am
Drnaline;27631 wrote:
From your first link.
So which one? My educated guess is "the Arabs" Which is your guess?If it is Allah that wrote it why would it need protecting? Maybe because it is manmade?
Who's "we?"

maaaaaan u just made us, d*******mn u discovered the whole truth, what a stupid mistake , how could we not notice the (WE) its quite clear to me now that the arabs wrote it.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 08:58 am
@The Submitter,
What nationality are you from? Arab or converted?
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 09:06 am
@Red cv,
Red;27819 wrote:
Of course he won't the Koran is a war book, Allah was a vile man that used any excuse to justify his sexual perversions. The book should be aptly retitled the Book of War and Sexual Deviances against society. It's all about how to kill Jews, us Infidels and enslave women and children for sex. I truely believe Allah was a perv, anyone that has sex with a nine year old child is not I repeat someone to worship but scorned for being a pedophile. Wahhabi Islam is a cancer on the globe and should be culled before it's allowed to spread. It's vile hateful and untrue, I have no issue with Moderate Muslims even if they are truely indoctorined into a CULT but Wahhabi Islam is vile and beyond redemption and it should be illegal in Civilized Countries. There is only one true god and it's not Allah and his friend Akbar.

iam confused , u say Allah had sex with a nine year old? , iam going to assume that u mean prophet mohamed with this alligation ok , if u dont already know the word Allah is the translation of the word GOD, lets get back to ur point, what u r mentioning here is refering to the marriage of profit mohamed to Aisha when she was nine years old, the problem dear is u assumed the rest (about having sex with her) in reality she stayed in her home until she became a woman (u know what i mean by that) and then only did she go to her husband (pbuh), when u r trying to judge a character that existed centuries before u, judge his actions based upon the standard of its time and society not ur's, this my respectful lady is the way, i understand ur anger and care for women , only u r misinformed, lets take a look at the egyptians, they used to throw a vergin in the nile every year prior to the season of rain and floods so the Nile God would be happy and bring in alot of floods, this was common practice by the state, imagine that a minister in this time in egypt said that we should throw a vergin in the Nile so we will have nice floods for farming , and then return to that ancient time, u will see that all people all the public was happy with that practice, in the years the prophet lived early marriage of girls was common practice, for alot of reasons , i dont imagine any of them wanting to go to college !! , what am trying to say is different times, means different cultures, means whats bad then could be good now , and whats good then could be BAD now, our ability to understand these differences defines how civilized we are.

P.S. many Non-Muslims believe prophet muhammed has sexual perversions because he had 11 wives while islam allow 4 wives a man, why should he be any different even if we say its ok to have four wives??, ok from where u stand it definetly looks that way, unfortunately it ONLY looks that way, it is not, did any of u try to investigate this or u just got the info and thought of the rest over a hot cop of whatever!! , i say the later , all those marriages were for justified reasons, ofcourse u r gonna say let us judge if they are justified or not, ok , now iam gonna ask u a question , would u have married 20 women if it meant unity for tribes that were waging war against each other for over 40 years? would u have done so if it meant the stoping of all that blood shed? would u have added even more if it meant the saving of a whole tribe from slavery? , there are still many reasons for each and every marriage , IAM NOT GOING TO MENTION ALL OF THEM , INTERESTED IN KNOWING ! FIND OUT FOR UR SELF LEARN TO BE OPEN MINDED, yes one last thing most of prophet mohameds wives had husbands before him , u know what if i was a sexual pervert and more than a king in my country i would marry vergins and vergins only then more vergins only if u know what i mean ( people were ready to die for prophet muhamed if he was as u claim , any one and every one would have been glad to give him his daughter even for a single night) but he didnot.
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