Quran Leads The Way to Science (Video)

Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 03:51 am
Pinochet73;11889 wrote:
The Quran is a declaration of war against Civilization. It is the grand strategy and tactical plan for the defeat of Progress, and the triumph of barbarism in the modern age. The Quran has no place in Christian society. In our future kingdom, it will be banned. Its possession will be punishable by a 20-year prison sentence, at hard labor. No Muslims will be allowed. None.:no:

YIKES!! :261:

Is this post for real? Hell, I wouldn't want to be part of the above "government" any more than I'd want to be a woman in Iran.
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 04:04 am
@The Submitter,
The Submitter;11784 wrote:
Now let us see where is the real barbarian !!

Numbers 31:17-18 "Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."

Samuel 15:3 “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass”

Psalm 137:9 O the happiness of him who doth seize, And hath dashed thy sucklings on the rock! (A praise for dashing little children against rocks as a form of revenge)

Exo 32:27 And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.

Deuteronomy 7:12 God ordered the Israelites to kill all the people of seven nations. He even adds, “show no mercy unto them”.

When Lot was a very old man, he had sex with his daughters on two succesive nights, and both daughters became pregnant (Genesis 19:31-38)

God didn't like that, so he punished David by having all his wives raped in public!(II Samuel 11:2-12:12).

"For those my (Jesus) enemies who they think I shall not be a king over them bring them here and chop their heads before me (Jesus) " The Christians God Jesus Christ saying that (luke19: 27).

"Think not that I (Jesus) am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a Sword" The Christians God Jesus Christ saying that in the Bible.

(Isaiah:13:16)-(Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.)

"But after they had moved it, the LORD's hand was against that city, throwing it into a great panic. He afflicted the people of the city, both young and old, with an outbreak of tumors. (From the NIV Bible, 1 Samuel 5:9)" >>>"tumors" was defined as "with tumors in the groin."

Deuteronomy 17:3-5 "And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, .....and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die."

Chronicles 15:13 "All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman."

Leviticus 20:27 "And as for a man or woman in whom there proves to be a mediumistic spirit or spirit of prediction, they should be put to death without fail. They should pelt them to death with stones. Their own blood is upon them."

Numbers 31:35-40 "[From the captives of war] 32,000 women who had never slept with a man.......of which the tribute for the LORD was 32 [among them were virgin girls]."

I find it to be absolutely ridiculous that the bible feeds us all kinds of lies and contradictions about "love your enemy", and yet, we see mass slaughter of suckling infants and innocent boys, girls, unarmed men, women (old and young).

So who is the Barbarian !!

First of all, Christians are no longer under Mosaic Law.

- Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. (Rom.10:4).
- For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. (Rom.6:14).

Therefore, things proscribed in the Hebrew Scriptures (such as stoning) are not commands Christians are to follow.

Secondly, some of the things you quoted are NOT things Jehovah commanded someone to do but, rather, were choices made by the individuals involved. For example, Jehovah did not command Lot's daughters to sleep with Lot.

I find it ironic that you would find stoning offensive, given the fact that it still goes on in Islamic countries.

Punishment for adultery in Islam

Finally, I myself find the actions of Jehovah in the Hebrew Scriptures unexplainable as well as untenable. That's why I cannot and will not be a part of any organized religion. That said, I will make no bones about it: Your "religion" is repugnant to me. I have no desire to converse with a Muslim about his religion, particularly considering your religion considers me worth only half what you are worth. PROVE that it DOESN'T.

Enjoy your fantasies about me getting stoned to death or Allah plopping a giant rock on my head. :cool:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 04:08 am
Morningstarr;11713 wrote:


Can you tell me, why would "God" describe embryos as looking like chewing gum, to a generation of people who had never seen it?

Very Happy

Holy cr@p, I am chewing on someone's child!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 07:33 am
z0z0;15094 wrote:
Which posts were reported?
Got any details to share?

Hope we dont get an international stink over this one.
Would your servers be able to handle the load?
Two of yours, you can view his complaint in the reported post section in the staff forum. http://www.conflictingviews.com/t1168/#post15069
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 07:36 am
@The Submitter,
No, staff forum is private, isn't it?

Yeah, it says you don't have access to the page.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 08:38 am
@The Submitter,
"Is this post for real? Hell, I wouldn't want to be part of the above "government" any more than I'd want to be a woman in Iran."

That's because you're a relativist, and worshiper of U.S. Constitutionalism. The latter is okay, provided the Constitution holds up as a credible document, set of laws, and protector of freedom and reason. But, when and if it facilitates or remains passive btefore he onslaught of barbaric culture in the Greater West, your relativism will make you susceptible to annihilation. The West will dissolve by way of the following combination of phenomena: left-wing, state authoritarianism, and a rabidly secular culture.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 May, 2007 12:51 am
@The Submitter,
For all those who have no idea, which is a large chunk. The moral of the topic is that many things in the Quran has only been discovered by scientists in the past within 20-30 years and has been in the Quran for over 1400 years.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 May, 2007 03:24 am
@The Submitter,
Like the "predictions" of Nostradamus?
Generalities taken out of context and twisted to fit whatever viewpoint desired?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 May, 2007 06:56 pm
@The Submitter,
^ Did, Nostradamus explain:

The Mountains and their purpose.
The Embryo.
The Atom.
The Space & galaxies.
The Weather (rain, clouds, hail etc)
The Water (salt and fresh water mixtures)
The Gender Determination
The Protective Atmosphere
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 May, 2007 08:41 pm
@The Submitter,
Azmr, anyone who decapitates people is a scumbag bound for Hell, period. Nope. Don't want to hear a damned thing your boy Muhammad had to say about it. Anybody who decapitates people will fry in Hell, forever.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 May, 2007 10:20 pm
@The Submitter,
Beheadings has been in every conflict, you havent seen pictures from vietnam?

Beheading is not as gruesome are chemical bombs, napalm bombs, detaching ligaments while the "victim" is alive. Sodomizing, rape, electrocution, unleashing wild dogs etc. Beheading is painful for a small amount of time, yes, but has a short span before you depart, the rest live through it, deformed and maimed for the rest of their lives.
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Reply Fri 18 May, 2007 10:33 pm
@The Submitter,
and maimed for the rest of their lives.
But alive none the less, What about the beheaded guy?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 May, 2007 11:50 pm
@The Submitter,
Drnaline, Your missing the point again. Please try to think.
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 12:11 am
Azmr;16617 wrote:
Drnaline, Your missing the point again. Please try to think.

No i'm not missing the point. Why is it ok for what they do even though it is more inhuman, they get a pass because they commit it against us. We flush a Quran and all hell breaks lose, they behead a few US soldiers and it's all right?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 01:09 am
@The Submitter,
Double standards again, Drnaline. As i said, beheadings has been in every conflict, from Mexico to Vietnam to Iraq, what is your point. Flushing the Quran, thats funny, you people that do so must be severely paranoid with a little touch of mental disorders. Whoever gets satisfaction from flushing a book is a phsycopath in need of attention. Back to the topic, you have missed the point. when i said "the rest live through it" i mean the agony before death, some might survive, but id rather be dead than live with 3rd degree burns, or later on have a baby to only realise its deformed by the chemicals and so on.
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 06:34 am
@The Submitter,
Sorry, Azmr. Muslim obsessions with sadism, especially that delivered by way of Muhammad's favorite implement of war -- the sword -- cannot be defended by any civilized person. It's gratuitous savagery, endemic to barbaric peoples. As long as you folks act that way, decent people of Planet Earth must fight to destroy you. You're a threat to Civilization. Plus, your sadism is just plain stupid, tactically speaking. It plays directly into Israeli propaganda. It substantiates every claim that you are RECKLESS SAVAGES. It's dumb public relations.
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 03:39 am
@The Submitter,
You know what though Azmr made a very good point.

Double standards do exist in the world today, Indeed there is a severe dose of hypocrisy that exsist in these rooms. All of these things are happening its just different sides calling it different things. Mujahadin were heros twenty years ago while fighting the Communists, while the Russians were calling them Terrorist. Why in Iraq are Sunnis called Insurgents and ****es called Militias?

One mans Hero is another mans Terrorist. I am against the killing of any innocent people. War is war combatant Vs Combatant.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 07:04 am
Azmr;16626 wrote:
Double standards again, Drnaline. As i said, beheadings has been in every conflict, from Mexico to Vietnam to Iraq, what is your point. Flushing the Quran, thats funny, you people that do so must be severely paranoid with a little touch of mental disorders. Whoever gets satisfaction from flushing a book is a phsycopath in need of attention. Back to the topic, you have missed the point. when i said "the rest live through it" i mean the agony before death, some might survive, but id rather be dead than live with 3rd degree burns, or later on have a baby to only realise its deformed by the chemicals and so on.
Double standards again, Drnaline. As i said, beheadings has been in every conflict, from Mexico to Vietnam to Iraq, what is your point.
Your the one with the double standard! So it would be alright with you if we beheaded all the Muslims in Gitmo?
Flushing the Quran, that's funny, you people that do so must be severely paranoid with a little touch of mental disorders.
"you people" huh? Think "you people" that behead others have a slight problem with paranoia or a slight mental disorder?
Whoever gets satisfaction from flushing a book is a phsycopath in need of attention.
Don't you think the same applies for the person the beheads others? You call a person that flushes a psycho, what do you call the person the beheads?
Back to the topic, you have missed the point.
No i didn't. Your wrong. You need to deal with your anger issue, and your disposition to bypass those that commit worse attricities. Till them you'll not get what you seek.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 01:17 pm
@The Submitter,
Dubasoft wrote:
"One mans Hero is another mans Terrorist. I am against the killing of any innocent people. War is war combatant Vs Combatant."

This is a historical fact. History is written by those who have hung hero's. Violence begets violence. If an American bomb inadvertantly kills innocents then it is wrong no matter what the reason for dropping it may have been.
But there is a difference between what America has done and what the Islamic extremists who oppose us have done. The collateral damage that happens in war is unintentional. American soldiers do not use civilians as shields against thier enemies, Americans do not detonate bombs in crowded markets in order to put fear into the local populace. Americans do not wage campaigns of terror against civilian targets.

There is something in the makeup of Islamic fundamentalists that allows them to butcher woman and children without regard. They chant their religious mantras as they commit these atrocities. They cheer each other on as they stone women accused (accused mind you, not proven beyond a resonable doubt) of disrespecting their families. This maniacal ferver that resonates through their society trickles down over time to their youths as an acceptable form of behavior. Actually not only acceptable, but expected. So the Barbarism grows and the violence and atrocity grows with each successive generation. The voice of the moderates who wish to stop the spiral of destruction are declared heretics and are killed or driven into silence.
These are the dark ages for Islam, they mirror the dark ages that every major religion has gone through. Iran's leader is the current day Hitler and he must be dealt with as such. But the radicalism that is slowly consuming the conscience of the Islamic world is on the tip of breaking through the veil that the moderate Islamic state leaders have managed to keep intact. The confrontation, that will make the current Iraqi situation look like a small tussle, is coming. It will all begin with Israel.
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Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 04:27 am
Your the one with the double standard! So it would be alright with you if we beheaded all the Muslims in Gitmo?

Thats been their dream for the past five years.

"you people" huh? Think "you people" that behead others have a slight problem with paranoia or a slight mental disorder? Don't you think the same applies for the person the beheads others? You call a person that flushes a psycho, what do you call the person the beheads?

The difference is, one is done under revenge in order to protect hes land, and the other supposibly gets orgasms flushing down books. It speaks for its self.

No i didn't. Your wrong. You need to deal with your anger issue, and your disposition to bypass those that commit worse attricities. Till them you'll not get what you seek.

Yes you did, all you say is "no" with no reasonable reply. Let me refresh my memory, so your telling me that beheading is more gruesome than napalm?
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