Quran Leads The Way to Science (Video)

Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 04:05 pm
@The Submitter,
I think she ment to use the word, "muhammid" not Allah?
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 11:13 pm
[SIZE="2"]New Studies Reveal Scientific Miracles in The Fly Hadith [/SIZE]

The Holy Quran and the traditional sayings of prophet Mohummed are the two legs of the Religion of Islam , The Holy Quran contains scientific miracles that have been already confiremeds scientifically . These Holy Scientific verses were revealed more than 1400 years ago , at the time of prophet Mohummed there were many other different miracles to make people believe . Because Quran will be the last reveald Book till life ends , Gods has made it overflowing Book with miracles that suit every age and its kind of civilization . As we live now in the age of science , we find that there are a lot of scientific miracles in Quran in addition to the Hadiths (prophet's traditional sayings ) Here is a wonderful miracle :

Only in modern times was it discovered that the common fly carried parasitic pathogens for many diseases including malaria, typhoid fever, cholera, and others. It was also discovered that the fly carried parasitic bacteriophagic fungi capable of fighting the germs of all these diseases.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) alluded to both facts 1,400 years ago when he said:

"If a fly falls into one of your containers [of food or drink], immerse it completely (falyaghmis-hu kullahu) before removing it, for under one of its wings there is venom and under another there is its antidote."

The latest research calls for a new antibody from the fly antidote

here is a new research titled "The new buzz on antibiotics" that was done only few months ago ...read this study:

The surface of flies is the last place you would expect to find antibiotics, yet that is exactly where a team of Australian researchers is concentrating their efforts
Working on the theory that flies must have remarkable antimicrobial defences to survive rotting dung, meat and fruit, the team at the Department of Biological Sciences (click), Macquarie University, set out to identify those antibacterial properties manifesting at different stages of a fly’s development.

"Our research is a small part of a global research effort for new antibiotics, but we are looking where we believe no-one has looked before,” said Ms Joanne Clarke, who presented the group’s findings at the Australian Society for Microbiology Conference in Melbourne (click) this week. The project is part of her PhD thesis.
The scientists tested four different species of fly: a house fly, a sheep blowfly, a vinegar fruit fly and the control, a Queensland fruit fly which lays its eggs in fresh fruit. These larvae do not need as much antibacterial compound because they do not come into contact with as much bacteria.

Flies go through the life stages of larvae and pupae before becoming adults. In the pupae stage, the fly is encased in a protective casing and does not feed. "We predicted they would not produce many antibiotics," said Ms Clarke.

They did not. However the larvae all showed antibacterial properties (except that of the Queensland fruit fly control).

As did all the adult fly species, including the Queensland fruit fly (which at this point requires antibacterial protection because it has contact with other flies and is mobile).

Such properties were present on the fly surface in all four species, although antibacterial properties occur in the gut as well. "You find activity in both places," said Ms Clarke.

"The reason we concentrated on the surface is because it is a simpler extraction.”

The antibiotic material is extracted by drowning the flies in ethanol, then running the mixture through a filter to obtain the crude extract.
When this was placed in a solution with various bacteria including E.coli, Golden Staph, Candida (a yeast) and a common hospital pathogen, antibiotic action was observed every time.

"We are now trying to identify the specific antibacterial compounds," said Ms Clarke. Ultimately these will be chemically synthesised.

Because the compounds are not from bacteria, any genes conferring resistance to them may not be as easily transferred into pathogens. It is hoped this new form of antibiotics will have a longer effective therapeutic life. Danny Kingsley - ABC Science Online.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 07:31 pm
[SIZE="2"]A Scientific Experience Pushed The Young Ukrainian Researcher To The Adoption Of Islam[/SIZE]


Dimitry Poliakov proclaimed after the Imam the Words of the islamic testimonies.

The Muslims praying in The Kiev Islamic Centre always count that a week or a maximum of two weeks don’t pass without at least one Ukrainian adopting Islam in front of them, be it a man or a woman.

But this time the incident was not as usual………instead there came a male Ukrainian Dimitry Poliakov, a physicist who is impassioned with educational researches. He entered in the Mosque with one of the active members of the library of Knowing About Islam which is also found in the Centre.

The Imam addressed the public in the Mosque about the issue and afterwards Dimitry proclaimed after the Imam the Words of the two testimonies (Shahadatain). Ok, then what makes the issue so unusual? This is when Dimitry started explaining his journey towards Iman (Islamic Faith). He said that his declaration was a result of knowledge in scientific researches and specifically in physics. The Muslims in the mosque eagerly and attentively listened in order to know how physics in this guy could direct him to Islam!!!

Dimitry started explaining saying that he works in a guaranteed team of scientific researches in a domain of Vacuum Physics under the leadership of Professor Nikolay Kosinikov who is one of the unique scientists in this area. They are the ones who started a study of modern theory and its experimentations which interpret that land is turning about its pivot and hence managed to confirm it BUT he(Dimitry) came to know that there is a Prophetic saying (Hadith) that is well known by all Muslims which gets into their root of their stiffened Islamic Doctrine(Aqeedah) which insists on the necessity of the theory and implement it through its rules, hence was satisfied that if such information is older than 1400 years old then the only possible source to it is He the one who created this universe.

The theory that was explained by Professor Kosinikov foretold the things that will happen, from the open interpretation of the earth going round its axis. The organization designed a model which was a ball full of molten zinc which is kept in a magnetosphere and by the action of two opposite electrodes and when a continuous electric current is supplied through the electrodes it changes the magnetosphere which causes the ball full of molten zinc to rotate round its pivot and hence this apparatus was named “The Integral Action of Electromagnodinamic” whose general appearance resembles the earth’s rotation round its axis, and in our real life it resembles the solar energy as the moving force that results in the reproduction of magnetic fields that forces the land to rotate round its axis and the speed of the earth’s movement depends on the solar energy’s density and hence it causes the direction of the Arctic.

It has been noted that the earth’s magnetic poles until 1970 has been moving at speed not exceeding 10 Kilometers per year, but in the late years the speed increased until it reached 40 Km per year, while in the 2001 was discovered to be 200 Km for once. This means that under the effect of these magnetic forces the two magnetic forces will surely interchange their positions which implies that the earth’s movement will turn into the opposite direction and as a result the sun will rise from the west.

Dimitry has never come across this information before; neither read nor heard instead it came to him as a result of research experience and experimentation. And when he tried to search in the wholly books and different religions he never found anything guiding to this information except in the wonderful Islam where he found a prophetic saying that was transmitted by Imam Muslim that Abu Huraira (RAA) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said: Whoever repents (for his sins) before the sun rises from the west then Allah (SW) will forgive him. Thereby nothing could prevent Dimitry to declare Islam but to come to the Islamic Centre and pronounce the two Testimonies and that is exactly what he did. Do you think that this information prepared him to a point of pronouncing the Shahadatain? NO! Surely its not! It was just a sign Allah was delighting him with to guide him to the way of Islam and here he is he has arrived……… and now he is with us where he fills his soul and brain.

He has been continuously visiting the Centre from the time he became a Muslim and in front of him is a doctorate he is about to complete. And under Allah’s will he will complete it with a new soul, which is a soul of a Muslim physicist who found the Greatness of his Creator in his laboratory and as result praised Him.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 02:37 am
Drnaline;27858 wrote:
What nationality are you from? Arab or converted?

u r good man u know that , u know when u r beaten and u know how to cover ur self , only its not so easy to irritate me or get me off ur chest , nice try though , i might use it one of those days , Read the the history of the Ottoman empire , i feel there is something there u can learn Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 11:41 am
@The Submitter,
Do does this mean your not going to answer? You sound like a convert to me? I am of Mexican decent, see it's not so hard, you?
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 02:26 am
Drnaline;28144 wrote:
Do does this mean your not going to answer? You sound like a convert to me? I am of Mexican decent, see it's not so hard, you?

The question it self say's alot about the (asker) when u seriously want to know about the background that i represent, iam sure u know the proper way to ask such a question, i never answer inflamatery questions(thats some background for u), so dont waste ur time.
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 07:36 am
politically-wrong;28385 wrote:
The question it self say's alot about the (asker) when u seriously want to know about the background that i represent, iam sure u know the proper way to ask such a question, i never answer inflamatery questions(thats some background for u), so dont waste ur time.
The question it self say's alot about the (asker)
What does it say, you make mention of it saying something but you don't say what?
when u seriously want to know about the background that i represent,
What's wrong with that? So it's not ok to wonder why you do what you do, your not very forthcoming? I'm Mexican Roman Catholic Christian, I'm not trying to hide that fact, are you?
iam sure u know the proper way to ask such a question,
The way i know is to put a "?" at the end of what you want to know. How do you do it?
i never answer inflamatery questions(thats some background for u),
Please quote what you deem inflammatory? What in this question jumps out at you? "What nationality are you from? Arab or converted?"
I already have a formed opinion, that is why i said i think you are a convert. By you defensiveness, you suggest some issue's? Are you also defensive about revealing your age? I figure you less then 18, am i close?
I think you bypassed the introduction thread so we don't know much about you?
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 07:59 am
Drnaline;28394 wrote:
What does it say, you make mention of it saying something but you don't say what?What's wrong with that? So it's not ok to wonder why you do what you do, your not very forthcoming? I'm Mexican Roman Catholic Christian, I'm not trying to hide that fact, are you?The way i know is to put a "?" at the end of what you want to know. How do you do it?Please quote what you deem inflammatory? What in this question jumps out at you? "What nationality are you from? Arab or converted?"
I already have a formed opinion, that is why i said i think you are a convert. By you defensiveness, you suggest some issue's? Are you also defensive about revealing your age? I figure you less then 18, am i close?
I think you bypassed the introduction thread so we don't know much about you?

thanks for the background on u (although i understood Mexican and Christian only but i would like to know about the roman and catholic parts) , well i really hope that ur kidding when u r asking me whats inflamatory about ur question(arab or converted), simply put the assumption that a muslim is either arab or converted is disgusting to say the least, do u see me asking u if u were a born christian or a bread-christian? yes thats spelled right "bread", and iam Sudanese, u know from Sudan, ring a bell? iam sure it does (we managed to be on the news for the last one year) So now u know my religion and my country , regarding my ethnicity i have at home my family tree that goes upto prophet Mohamed's Cousin and iam proud of it, my Greatest grand father left whats now known as Saudi arabia centuries ago during a period of agression from a long line of kings (descendants of a famous figure in islam) against my fore fathers , should i continue? ,i wasnot trying to hide any of this , i just refuse to asnwer ur question, its too suggestive if not insulting , and regarding my age, looooooolz another nice try , am starting to collect this huge book on how to get on the nerves of people
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 08:35 am
@The Submitter,
simply put the assumption that a muslim is either arab or converted is disgusting to say the least, do u see me asking u if u were a born christian or a bread-christian?
Do you assume i would not answer? Christians are not born of the religion, first there's baptism then communion then conformation. But the fact remains that Muslim originated for Arab decent.
Sorry, your not on my nerve's. I'm just curious about our new member. It's nice to know a little back ground. I'm sorry if i offended you.
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 12:47 pm
@The Submitter,
For those who are ignorant:

[SIZE="2"]Only 17% of MUSLIMS are ARABS. Also, not all Arabs are Muslims as there are Christian Arabs and Jewish Arabs (those may add up to about 8% of Arab population).[/SIZE]
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2007 12:57 am
Drnaline;28401 wrote:
Do you assume i would not answer? Christians are not born of the religion, first there's baptism then communion then conformation. But the fact remains that Muslim originated for Arab decent.
Sorry, your not on my nerve's. I'm just curious about our new member. It's nice to know a little back ground. I'm sorry if i offended you.

well it seems i misundertood ur intentions, sorry for that , i no longer think u offended me,and i hope i havenot offended u , hope no hard feelings :thumbup: , so lets make a fresh start, for starters baptising and communion and then conformation when they are done what would a persons age be? , secondly the supposed fact that islam originated for arab decent, how do u prove that, i mean whats ur source?
and u didnot answer my question about being a Roman catholic, how does it differ from the average christian? and is there any other , i mean as a catholic can u be other than ROman? i have had alot of christian friends(back when i was in india) but i never asked.
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2007 06:49 am
politically-wrong;28565 wrote:
well it seems i misundertood ur intentions, sorry for that , i no longer think u offended me,and i hope i havenot offended u , hope no hard feelings :thumbup: , so lets make a fresh start, for starters baptising and communion and then conformation when they are done what would a persons age be? , secondly the supposed fact that islam originated for arab decent, how do u prove that, i mean whats ur source?
and u didnot answer my question about being a Roman catholic, how does it differ from the average christian? and is there any other , i mean as a catholic can u be other than ROman? i have had alot of christian friends(back when i was in india) but i never asked.

Baptism is usually between the ages of 0 to two years. Communion usually at the age of 10-12. And Conformation is at around 16-20 years of age.
secondly the supposed fact that islam originated for arab decent, how do u prove that, i mean whats ur source?
It is my opinion that Muslims are arab. What what i understand of the faith, Muhammid was Arab? His followers were Arab. I have read some of the hadiths which indicate Arab.
and u didnot answer my question about being a Roman catholic, how does it differ from the average christian?
My religion comes from Rome, the first Christians were Catholic. There are slight belief difference's between Catholics and other Christians.
i have had alot of christian friends(back when i was in india) but i never asked.
Ask away, i will answer what i can.
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2007 07:00 am
Drnaline;28572 wrote:
Baptism is usually between the ages of 0 to two years. Communion usually at the age of 10-12. And Conformation is at around 16-20 years of age.It is my opinion that Muslims are arab. What what i understand of the faith, Muhammid was Arab? His followers were Arab. I have read some of the hadiths which indicate Arab.
My religion comes from Rome, the first Christians were Catholic. There are slight belief difference's between Catholics and other Christians.Ask away, i will answer what i can.

ur answers mean that u were born a christian, because two of three stages are made without ur consent (not that ur old enough to have one) and when u r old enough to choose u have already lead a third of ur life as a christian, to me this means a born christian, about Islam being for arabs, actually its the religion it self that decides , am sure Sword of God can quote many many versus from the Quran that challenge ur opinion, while u can not point out any teachings of Islam that state otherwise, and after all if u look at the 1 billion muslims of today u will find that half of them reside in indonesia, does that surprise! it should because if u knew it u wouldnot have formed that kind of an opinion, but if u knew then i have not got anything to say, regards.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2007 08:07 am
@The Submitter,
YOu are not a Christian till you consciencely chose to be one, not before. Your parents may be Christian and you may be brought up Christian. You are not a Christian till you accept it willingly.
So were you born a muslim? or did you become one?
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 02:01 am
Drnaline;28585 wrote:
YOu are not a Christian till you consciencely chose to be one, not before. Your parents may be Christian and you may be brought up Christian. You are not a Christian till you accept it willingly.
So were you born a muslim? or did you become one?

so no one under 20 is a christian? , ok let me ask u a question, and please take time to think of the answer i dont want the first thing that comes to ur mind (its only a request) , would you have chosen christianity as your religion and way of life if your parents were Muslim? , iam talking about you personally and not generally, iam asking this because personally i think the decision of religion in most cases isnot made by US (thats not united states its "us", plural of "me" i think) but we decide to continue (unconsciously) for alot of reasons (i suppose they are obvious enough) , personally i like to think iam both ( born muslim and then became one by consciously choosing ISlam as my religion) iam not trying to prove anything against you iam only thinking aloud , i feel ISLAM can guide humanity to the best of its potential (if correctly understood AND applied to everyday life) .
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 02:05 am
i just remembered , does any one know what was jesus's nationality? i mean were was he born( the country) were did he live most of his life (i understand he traveled alot) , because i want to know to which ethnicity christianity was meant for!!
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 08:27 am
politically-wrong;28693 wrote:
so no one under 20 is a christian? , ok let me ask u a question, and please take time to think of the answer i dont want the first thing that comes to ur mind (its only a request) , would you have chosen christianity as your religion and way of life if your parents were Muslim? , iam talking about you personally and not generally, iam asking this because personally i think the decision of religion in most cases isnot made by US (thats not united states its "us", plural of "me" i think) but we decide to continue (unconsciously) for alot of reasons (i suppose they are obvious enough) , personally i like to think iam both ( born muslim and then became one by consciously choosing ISlam as my religion) iam not trying to prove anything against you iam only thinking aloud , i feel ISLAM can guide humanity to the best of its potential (if correctly understood AND applied to everyday life) .
so no one under 20 is a christian?
Did i say that? No. What does age have to do with it, i'm just suggesting average age for these rituals.
ok let me ask u a question, and please take time to think of the answer i dont want the first thing that comes to ur mind (its only a request) , would you have chosen christianity as your religion and way of life if your parents were Muslim?
I don't know, would you have chosen Muslim if your parents were Christian?
iam talking about you personally and not generally, iam asking this because personally i think the decision of religion in most cases isnot made by US (thats not united states its "us", plural of "me" i think) but we decide to continue (unconsciously) for alot of reasons (i suppose they are obvious enough)
I can see your point and it may of been that way for you but i chose to be Christian and i fully understand what i am saying. I have sole searched and wondered if my choice was right, I still think it is. As i'm sure you think condinueing your faith is justified.
personally i like to think iam both ( born muslim and then became one by consciously choosing ISlam as my religion) iam not trying to prove anything against you iam only thinking aloud ,
Good for you, enjoy. It supposed to be fulfilling.
i feel ISLAM can guide humanity to the best of its potential (if correctly understood AND applied to everyday life) .
Too bad some chose to take it to extreme's. But as history has always suggested, there will always be some one there to meet the extremists.
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 08:27 am
politically-wrong;28694 wrote:
i just remembered , does any one know what was jesus's nationality? i mean were was he born( the country) were did he live most of his life (i understand he traveled alot) , because i want to know to which ethnicity christianity was meant for!!
Read the bible, the info is in there.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 11:50 am
politically-wrong;28694 wrote:
i just remembered , does any one know what was jesus's nationality? i mean were was he born( the country) were did he live most of his life (i understand he traveled alot) , because i want to know to which ethnicity christianity was meant for!!

Jesus (peace be upon him) was sent only to the house of Israel (Jews) as he explicitly stated in the Bible:

[SIZE="2"]Jesus said: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." [Matthew 15:24][/SIZE]

Now, Why Christians keep insisting to deceive the people of the world by telling them that Jesus came for you, while Jesus himself emphasized in the bible that he had been sent ONLY to the JEWS (the lost sheep of the house of Israel) !!!?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 05:52 pm
@The Submitter,
Who wrote your book?
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