mlurp;42058 wrote:First you never heard me say that. If I have I am sorry.
Second the scientist themselves say it is a theory. That simple. They say that for many of the ideas they present. It is our theory.
No, No, No, it was not you who said that to me, you have nothing to appologise for.
I understand what you are saying, it is true they are 'just' theories. However the theory is based upon investigating and testing, the evidence is gathered and studied and an informed assumption is made. In its simplest form, that for me is how a theory is understood.
As a person I like to read and understand a great many things, recently I have started to read the bible, indeed it is a very interesting piece of liturature, however I personally find it very difficult to understand how it can be taken literally, with a great many people believing every word to be the word of god. With only their 'faith' as any form of evidence. Now I appreciate that faith is the corner stone of any religion, but it is so alien to me, to believe something without challenging or investigating the idea leaves one open to alot of dissapointment if they are indeed wrong.
It is obvious science does not have all the answers, but isn't that the greatest gift the universe has bestowed upon us, the abilty and thirst to discover the unknown, expand our minds and understand the wonderment of the cosmos. There is so little we understand, but should that stop us, or drive us on as a species, I know which I want us as a race to aspire to.
If fundamentalists get there way, any form of science that could potentially prove there isn't a God would be outlawed and the scientists vilified. You know it to be true, Campbell knows it to be true. We would be taking a step backwards in time to the darkages and our lives would become stagnent.