Fundalmentalism and Dogma

Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 09:41 am
Numpty;39738 wrote:
You scare the living **** out of me with ur medieval views. On the one hand you openly Condem the Muslim world to the wrath of your god, with all sorts of reasons why they will be killed and should be killed. In the next you say that Abortion is tandamount to murder. so which is it? Life or Death?

Do you subscribe to Love or Hatred, do you want peace or war. Or are we all the children of God as the bible clearly states?

The Questions are randon and make no sense maybe, but does the bible?

Could you point me in the right direction for the evidence which shows the parting of the sees,also the proof they were Egyption and could you tell me what demons they were, and how come they told you their names. I find it interesting and would like to reasearch it.

The Bible is clear that in the end of time God would return the Jews to Israel, God also points out that He is not doing this for the Jews. He is doing it to reveal to the world who He is. God gave that land to the Jews and the world forgot about that long ago. Just as most of the world forgot who God is. The war between the Islamic nations and Israel will be a short one, and when the dust settles, only the Jews will be left standing. And on that day, the world will know, and so will the Jews, that it was Jesus Christ that saved them. America will be gone and europe will become the leader of the western world.
You can read about the Islamic nations and their war with Israel in Ezekiel chapters 36, 37, 38, and 39, you can also see the end results of this war and it's affects on the Jews in Zec. chap. 12.

Here are some links for the red sea crossing site just discovered in recent years.

Exodus - Parting of the Red Sea - gulf of Aqaba
Throne of God Home Page
Throne of God Home Page

The encounter I had with demons happened long ago. Way back in 1973 I was having a hard time reading my Bible, in a simple prayer I ask God if there was somthing evil keeping me from reading it would He reveal that to me.
I did not think much of the prayer but when I got home that same night things started to happen. I started to hear voices and chanting, even the sound of jungle drums. I was never so unnerved in my life. Over a period of six months things just kept happening. Near the end of the six months I met some Christians who not only knew what was going on, they could actually see them and knew their names. Now these demons had spoke to me, but never told me their names. I learned that from these Christians. One Saturday morning I met with them in a home in Crete Il., and they commanded the demons to leave in the name of Christ. The demons did not care for Christ and they really did not want to go back to hell. I could hear one of them screaming, and one of the women across from me could see him burning up. I still have the tapes from that time, and for me, none of those Bible stories are very hard to believe anymore. All I can say is, I have been there.
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 10:01 am
Well I am encouraged by this thread. I see a lot of thinking people who are asking the right questions here.

I have asked many of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ the following questions . ( Full disclaimer I am a Christian)

Why when Christ said we are to pray for our enemies, turn the other cheek and not seek revenge;do you cheer on wars?

Why when Christ taught that we are to feed the hungry help the sick and visit the imprisoned .Why do you fight against health care for all? Why do you condemn the poor as lazy and not deserving of help? And why do you cheer while so many loose their lives to prison?

I have asked this question and never gotten a answer from the so called Christians who claim the war on the Muslims is God's plan.

But in a way maybe it us. I can tell you this though. Christians came from Jacob and Muslims from Esau. God does not intend in the end to loose any of them . God will bring the decendents of Esau and Jacob back together in the end.What these people do not understand is that they are fighting against their own brothers and sisters in these crazy wars. God will judge those who cheer these wars on harshly in the end.
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 10:33 am
wvpeach;39814 wrote:
Well I am encouraged by this thread. I see a lot of thinking people who are asking the right questions here.

I have asked many of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ the following questions . ( Full disclaimer I am a Christian)

Why when Christ said we are to pray for our enemies, turn the other cheek and not seek revenge;do you cheer on wars?

Why when Christ taught that we are to feed the hungry help the sick and visit the imprisoned .Why do you fight against health care for all? Why do you condemn the poor as lazy and not deserving of help? And why do you cheer while so many loose their lives to prison?

I have asked this question and never gotten a answer from the so called Christians who claim the war on the Muslims is God's plan.

But in a way maybe it us. I can tell you this though. Christians came from Jacob and Muslims from Esau. God does not intend in the end to loose any of them . God will bring the decendents of Esau and Jacob back together in the end.What these people do not understand is that they are fighting against their own brothers and sisters in these crazy wars. God will judge those who cheer these wars on harshly in the end.

First you have to ask yourself, who was Christ speaking to when He told them to pray for their enemies, and turn the other cheek, ect. What was Christ really trying to tell them? Was Christ trying to tell them they could earn salvation by doing good works? Was that the message of the Gospel?
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 10:41 am
Christ was speaking to the enemies of Christians . He was telling all Christians that we should pray for our enemies. Whomever and where ever we find enemies.

I believe campbell in pre destination I do not believe we earn anything. We are given what we receive.

Campbell34;39823 wrote:
First you have to ask yourself, who was Christ speaking to when He told them to pray for their enemies, and turn the other cheek, ect. What was Christ really trying to tell them? Was Christ trying to tell them they could earn salvation by doing good works? Was that the message of the Gospel?
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 01:19 pm
wvpeach;39825 wrote:
Christ was speaking to the enemies of Christians . He was telling all Christians that we should pray for our enemies. Whomever and where ever we find enemies.

I believe campbell in pre destination I do not believe we earn anything. We are given what we receive.

When Jesus made those statements it was during His first recorded public sermon. This was the Sermon on the Mount. And the people He was speaking to were Jews. In Matthew 7:29 it states that when Jesus was finished with his sayings, the crowds were astonished at His doctrine because He taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes. You see, the Bible points out that THESE PEOPLE were being taught by the scribes. The purpose for Christ Sermon was not to encourage the Jews to labor harder in the law. He came there to point out to the Jews that the law was not enought to save them. What Christ was saying is, if you want the law to save you, then your going to have to do a lot more than what the law is telling you to do. Now some will say Christians should follow all of these sayings of Christ if they want to follow Him. Yet if that is true, then when Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:29 which is in the same sermon, that we should pluck out our eye from its socket if it causes us to sin, then we should be following that saying as well. This was not a list to show Christians how to live, this was given to the Jews to explain to them that the law was not enought. Until Christ show up, the Jews felt that the law was all they needed. Yet the gospel tells us that no flesh will be justified by the works of the law. And this was the first public sermon where that was expressed by Christ. And He did this to let the Jews know, that by works no flesh shall be justified.
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 01:38 pm

Now I get it I think. Those of you who choose not to follow the teachings of christ absolve yourselves from doing so because you are not of Jewish decent? or at least you seem to be saying that. I don't imagine that most people are smart enough to come up with that excuse but now that you mention it I bet a lot do .

I never knew this. Wow that is a mindset that never even occurred to me.

What about Paul saying that there is no longer Jew or Gentile all are one in christ?

What about Christs last command that if we love him we should keep his commands ? Was he speaking only to the Jews here too?

Would you care to outline briefly in the teachings of Christ just what then do you follow ? I ask what teachings of Christ you do follow ,because that will undoubtedly be a short list. He walked and taught mostly to the Jews here on earth , you would have to fill volumes about what you feel he taught that was not meant for you a gentile believer. But it should be a short list then of what teachings of the Lord you do think were meant for you.
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 03:17 pm
wvpeach;39855 wrote:

Now I get it I think. Those of you who choose not to follow the teachings of christ absolve yourselves from doing so because you are not of Jewish decent? or at least you seem to be saying that. I don't imagine that most people are smart enough to come up with that excuse but now that you mention it I bet a lot do .

I never knew this. Wow that is a mindset that never even occurred to me.

What about Paul saying that there is no longer Jew or Gentile all are one in christ?

What about Christs last command that if we love him we should keep his commands ? Was he speaking only to the Jews here too?

Would you care to outline briefly in the teachings of Christ just what then do you follow ? I ask what teachings of Christ you do follow ,because that will undoubtedly be a short list. He walked and taught mostly to the Jews here on earth , you would have to fill volumes about what you feel he taught that was not meant for you a gentile believer. But it should be a short list then of what teachings of the Lord you do think were meant for you.

I believe most Christians who are Christian really want to follow all the teachings of Christ, yet if the Sermon on the Mount really was a list of things for Christians to do, then most of us male Christians should be walking around with only one eye right now.

We are all one in Christ, but the Sermon was directed at Jews back then because they were the keepers of the law and present, yet it applies to every generation that believes salvation can be earned by works alone. And Christ so expanded on the law, that the Jews of that time knew, that no one could be that good. Even we know today, that the best of us could not fulfill all these commands.

As Christians we follow the ten commandments. And as Christians we try to tell others about the salvation that can only be found in Christ. We desire to be that light on the hill, pointing the way to Jesus. We are partners in the Great commission, and believe we are to go to the world telling all who will listen, that Jesus Christ is both Lord and Saviour. And we consider this duty a privilege. We donot try to be good to earn favor, we try to live Godly lives to show our love for Him.
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2007 06:49 am
Plucking out a eye was for the most part a parable. Although if you can not get the eyes in control I agree with scripture perhaps you would be better off blind. Christ said many make themselves Eunuchs for the glory of the kingdom of God and I believe many who have sexual tendencies that are spoken of in the bible as being Hated by God do live the life of a Eunuch so as not to offend and sin . But they do not literally de ball themselves as we are not to literally pluck out our eyes.

Through the Holy Spirit I can hear the gears of your mind grinding campbell . You know this. We are to follow the teachings of Christ and they are not just supernaturally for the jews as there is no more Jews or gentiles for all are part of one body in Christ.

If your eye offend thee pluck it out. This means if you lust because of what your eyes see, do not expose them to that sight. This means if envy comes in through your eyes remove yourself from what causes you envy. This means if you hate because of what your eyes see , pray for that hate that God through his Holy Spirit take it away from you. This does not mean to literally disfigure yourself and remove your eyes. Most church leaders down through the centuries agree on this teaching. But how quickly they will use it as you have, to say that a Christian cannot literally follow the teachings of christ . [SIZE="4"]That is not true.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"] Christ came and died for us to leave us teachings that we can follow and he will call us to account for why or why not we have obeyed his commands.[/SIZE] I know many christians who literally do the best they can to follow the teachings of Christ.

Many church denominations try their best to follow the teachings of Christ.. The Restored Church of God , The Amish , The Mennonites. The Jehovahs Witness ( I know you hate them, but never the less) Anabaptists and a host of small denominations that teach and follow the teachings of Christ. So I have witnessed with my own eyes(literally) many good christians in all the afore mentioned denominations follow Christ and his teachings.

Let those gears grind campbell and pray that you be shown the way to follow Christ and to model him to a world that is sorely gone astray.

Campbell34;39871 wrote:
I believe most Christians who are Christian really want to follow all the teachings of Christ, yet if the Sermon on the Mount really was a list of things for Christians to do, then most of us male Christians should be walking around with only one eye right now.

We are all one in Christ, but the Sermon was directed at Jews back then because they were the keepers of the law and present, yet it applies to every generation that believes salvation can be earned by works alone. And Christ so expanded on the law, that the Jews of that time knew, that no one could be that good. Even we know today, that the best of us could not fulfill all these commands.

As Christians we follow the ten commandments. And as Christians we try to tell others about the salvation that can only be found in Christ. We desire to be that light on the hill, pointing the way to Jesus. We are partners in the Great commission, and believe we are to go to the world telling all who will listen, that Jesus Christ is both Lord and Saviour. And we consider this duty a privilege. We donot try to be good to earn favor, we try to live Godly lives to show our love for Him.
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2007 08:04 am
wvpeach;39365 wrote:
It is plain and simply a moral decline in society. Fully disclosing that I am a Christian . I respect people of all other faiths. What it boils down to is that people do not really live the religious tenants of their faith . They say they are Christians but then cheerlead for wars.

They say they are against abortions but then would not lift a finger or give a dime to save someones life who was dying of diabetes and can not afford care.

They say they love children , but they stand idly by as the education system falls to ruin.

I imagine this problem can be found in all religions around the world right now . People giving lip service only to their faith. And these same people would kill you for your last can of beans if the world fell apart and they feared for their own skin.

CLAPPINGGGGGGG!!!! Great post wvpeach, what a heart felt and honest view, you are right again.

Hypocrits they are! the pot calling the kettle black, on Suday at church all do gooders want to be patted on the back and recognized for one small deed done. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, just saying you want to help and not actually helping gets you a nice seat on the bus to a firey(spell) afterlife.
:headbang:for you
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2007 08:53 am
James:1:22 Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only deceiving your own selfs.

James 1:27
pure religion and undefiled before God and the father is this, to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Do we take this scripture to mean that by "visiting"the widow's and fatherless we have done our duty by them? Certainly not because the bible also tells us that when we look at a person in need or " visit" them and do nothing to clothe , feed or keep them warm then we have not followed the commands of our Lord. We are not just to visit the fatherless and widows we are to help them any way we are able. It amazes me that people will pick and choose from the bible only the parts they want to follow and believe. They use all kinds of excuses. I hear you have to rightly divide the Word of God all the time. The truth is their is no excuse for not following the teachings of christ as they are simple enough throughout the New Testament for even a child to understand.

Some words of wisdom from James which by the way is one of my favorite books of the bible. Most bible scholars believe James was the brother of Jesus the child of Mary and Joseph . Or the child of Joseph and his first wife. At any rate it is clear that James knew the teachings of Jesus well and understood them.

What more clear words have ever been written?
[SIZE="4"]Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only deceiving your own selfs.[/SIZE] Pretty much sums up how a follower of Christ is to live.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2007 11:41 am
wvpeach;39908 wrote:
Plucking out a eye was for the most part a parable. Although if you can not get the eyes in control I agree with scripture perhaps you would be better off blind. Christ said many make themselves Eunuchs for the glory of the kingdom of God and I believe many who have sexual tendencies that are spoken of in the bible as being Hated by God do live the life of a Eunuch so as not to offend and sin . But they do not literally de ball themselves as we are not to literally pluck out our eyes.

Through the Holy Spirit I can hear the gears of your mind grinding campbell . You know this. We are to follow the teachings of Christ and they are not just supernaturally for the jews as there is no more Jews or gentiles for all are part of one body in Christ.

If your eye offend thee pluck it out. This means if you lust because of what your eyes see, do not expose them to that sight. This means if envy comes in through your eyes remove yourself from what causes you envy. This means if you hate because of what your eyes see , pray for that hate that God through his Holy Spirit take it away from you. This does not mean to literally disfigure yourself and remove your eyes. Most church leaders down through the centuries agree on this teaching. But how quickly they will use it as you have, to say that a Christian cannot literally follow the teachings of christ . [SIZE="4"]That is not true.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"] Christ came and died for us to leave us teachings that we can follow and he will call us to account for why or why not we have obeyed his commands.[/SIZE] I know many christians who literally do the best they can to follow the teachings of Christ.

Many church denominations try their best to follow the teachings of Christ.. The Restored Church of God , The Amish , The Mennonites. The Jehovahs Witness ( I know you hate them, but never the less) Anabaptists and a host of small denominations that teach and follow the teachings of Christ. So I have witnessed with my own eyes(literally) many good christians in all the afore mentioned denominations follow Christ and his teachings.

Let those gears grind campbell and pray that you be shown the way to follow Christ and to model him to a world that is sorely gone astray.

The reasons Christians say we cannot fully follow these literal teachings is because that was not the intent. Christ tells us we are to be perfect as the Father in heaven as so stated in Matthew 5:48. WVPeach, Are you perfect as the Father in heaven? And if you are not, why not? This is one of Christ commands. If someone attacks you, will you really turn the other cheek so he can hit you on the other side. And if your right hand offends you, will you cut it off and cast it it away. When Jesus spoke in parables, Scripture makes this obvious. When Jesus speaks in a parable the Scripture will read "he spake this parable unto them, saying" Yet this is not the case here. And when something seems hard for you, then you proclaim it a parable? And you do this even when it is not announced in the Scripture? Even your claim that we are to literally follow these commands have been tempered BY YOU, and your claim of parables. Which means the Words of Christ in this text cannot be fully literally followed. The very thing you have accused church leaders of doing, you have done yourself.
When someone asks you for money, perhaps for school or some charity ect. Do you always give that person the money they desire? If I asked you to give me your home, and your car, would you give it to me? And don't forget about your husbands pickup truck. Because unless you do that, you will be breaking another one of Christ commands which is found in Matthew 5:42. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
Now do you have a bank account? Because according to Matthew 6:19, that is not Scriptural. The Bible tells you thieves can break in and steal that money. And have you been to the store lately to pick out some clothes. Here again, this is not Scriptural, according to Matthew 7:28, Jesus tells you why take thought about what you will ware? You of little faith, God will take care of that for you. These are not commands that can be literally followed, nor was that the intent.
And we still have Jews today that believe the law is all they need. And I have stated that the Sermon on the Mount was directed at the Jews of that time. YET, that Sermon is for ALL people, all generations, and all religions that believe they can earn their way to heaven. The Sermon showed all of us, that salvation cannot be achieved by doing good works.
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2007 01:33 pm
Boy campbell you got in a lot of topics with this one post. So I think we need to take them one at a time.

Campbell34;39940 wrote:
When Jesus spoke in parables, Scripture makes this obvious. When Jesus speaks in a parable the Scripture will read "he spake this parable unto them, saying" Yet this is not the case here.

I said this was the case in this scripture you speak of where Jesus says to pluck out your eye if it offends you. I believe it is a parable. And I do not believe , in fact I know that we are not told in scripture every time there is a parable.

But let me ask you then since you say when Jesus was about to speak in parables we are always told it is a parable in scripture.
In John 14:28 Jesus says Ye have heard how I say unto you, I go away, and come again unto you, if you loved me you would rejoice because I said, I go unto the Father and my Father is greater than I. No where in this chapter are we told that these words of Jesus are a parable. So do you agree that Jesus meant just what he said in this scripture campbell? That his Father was greater than he?
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2007 09:24 pm
wvpeach;39965 wrote:
Boy campbell you got in a lot of topics with this one post. So I think we need to take them one at a time.

Campbell34;39940 wrote:
When Jesus spoke in parables, Scripture makes this obvious. When Jesus speaks in a parable the Scripture will read "he spake this parable unto them, saying" Yet this is not the case here.

I said this was the case in this scripture you speak of where Jesus says to pluck out your eye if it offends you. I believe it is a parable. And I do not believe , in fact I know that we are not told in scripture every time there is a parable.

But let me ask you then since you say when Jesus was about to speak in parables we are always told it is a parable in scripture.
In John 14:28 Jesus says Ye have heard how I say unto you, I go away, and come again unto you, if you loved me you would rejoice because I said, I go unto the Father and my Father is greater than I. No where in this chapter are we told that these words of Jesus are a parable. So do you agree that Jesus meant just what he said in this scripture campbell? That his Father was greater than he?

Since my belief is based on Scripture, I have no problem agreeing with Jesus statement that His Father is greater than Him. Yet I also understand that God exist as 3 persons who = one God. Just as the atom has three elements with different funtions, those three elements still = one atom. I can agree with every statement of Scripture, because my belief system is based formost on Scripture. However I understand that your belief system does not allow you to confirm Jehovahs own words, especially when He said He made the earth ALONE and BY HIMSELF. And you cannot confirm His statement, because you have a misconception of the makeup of God.
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2007 09:31 pm
You are completely wrong Campbell all I care about is that the Words of Christ are known in their true form and substance.

Good you know that Jesus said he is subservient to God the Father. That is a first start in understanding the scriptures.

Praise God!
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2007 10:11 pm
wvpeach;40018 wrote:
You are completely wrong Campbell all I care about is that the Words of Christ are known in their true form and substance.

Good you know that Jesus said he is subservient to God the Father. That is a first start in understanding the scriptures.

Praise God!

I never had a problem with that, I always said Jesus was subservient to the Father. Yet they still equal one God, and that is why I can agree with Jehovahs statement, that He made the earth alone and BY HIMSELF. And that is why YOU CANNOT agree with Jehovahs statement.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Oct, 2007 07:36 pm
tvsej;39910 wrote:
CLAPPINGGGGGGG!!!! Great post wvpeach, what a heart felt and honest view, you are right again.

Hypocrits they are! the pot calling the kettle black, on Suday at church all do gooders want to be patted on the back and recognized for one small deed done. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, just saying you want to help and not actually helping gets you a nice seat on the bus to a firey(spell) afterlife.
:headbang:for you

I'm in agreement. Great post
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2007 02:56 pm
@Ann cv,
I have been off for a few days while I was posting a picture of my self on authors net,com. I find the above discussion very interesting. I repect your knowledge of the Bible Mr. Cambell, however, I can truefully say that you are the most way out person that I have ever had a decussion of religion with. Your account of your exorcism goes beyond anything I ever heard growing up in the backwoods of Tennessee. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 10:00 am
@Ann cv,
This issure of exorcism needs to be talked about more. First of all it has been abandoned by the Catholic church or almost so. A few years ago an autistic child was killed during an exorcism in Milwaukee. I do not recall whether the minister was charged with murder, but it was talked about. Religion and science just do not mix well. Fundamentalists still deny things that have been suspected for a hundred years or longer and are now well documented.Thomas Crosthwaite
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2007 11:16 am
@Ann cv,
Hi Numpty,
I am a 71 year old man whith a severe congenital speech impediment, learning disabilities, and A.D.H.D. I was also raised in a fundalmentalist church, Church of Christ to be exact. Campell is the crazist religious nut I have yet to run into. His account of his exorcism is really way out. Cambell is a dangerous man because he is intelligent and "educated". He even knows that atoms have three components and he gave the best explaintion of the trinty that I have ever heard or read. He is part of a movement that fails to recognize that ignorance, poverty, and disease are the enemy of the human race and not "Harvardism" "Yaleism" and "Princetonism". How foolish. In the event that you would like to order my book, "I Thought That I Would Never Make 4th Grade" it is available from all major internet outlets. You might also like to visit my website at www.freewebs.com/thomascrosthwaite/. I would be glad to hear from you
Best of wishes,
Thomas Crosthwaite U.S.A
[email][email protected][/email]
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2007 02:54 pm
thomascrosthwaite;40671 wrote:
Hi Numpty,
I am a 71 year old man whith a severe congenital speech impediment, learning disabilities, and A.D.H.D. I was also raised in a fundalmentalist church, Church of Christ to be exact. Campell is the crazist religious nut I have yet to run into. His account of his exorcism is really way out. Cambell is a dangerous man because he is intelligent and "educated". He even knows that atoms have three components and he gave the best explaintion of the trinty that I have ever heard or read. He is part of a movement that fails to recognize that ignorance, poverty, and disease are the enemy of the human race and not "Harvardism" "Yaleism" and "Princetonism". How foolish. In the event that you would like to order my book, "I Thought That I Would Never Make 4th Grade" it is available from all major internet outlets. You might also like to visit my website at Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author. I would be glad to hear from you
Best of wishes,
Thomas Crosthwaite U.S.A
[email][email protected][/email]

You know I have to agree with you, I do really sound way out. Yet the God that I believe in often puts me in situations that makes it hard for me to explain. If all this was just about make believe, then I would be a dangerous person. But everything that has happened to me, everything that I have stated on this post is the truth. The day will come when I will stand before God, and I donot want to explain to Him why I made up lies about Him. I'm 57 years old, and my days are numbered on this earth. I don't make up stories about God. And I don't fail to recognize that ignorance, poverty, and disease are the enemy of the human race. And I do recognize why they exist. It all comes down to the broken relationship between man and God. When that relationship is repaired, time and time again many of these things begin to disappear. My relationship with God covers a good part of my life, and I have had encounters with Him. I really don't have the words to describe His reality. Yet He has always been there for me. On rare occasions, He will speak to me. Once He told me to pray for a job, and the second I did, the phone rang and I got the job. Another time, He told me my wife was pregnant, and four hours later I found out she was. Once I was getting out of my car and told the Lord I loved Him, when suddenly a balloon blew down the street and stopped in midair, it squeezed through a fence gate and almost hit me in the face. I caught the balloon in my hands, and when I turned it over I read the words printed on the balloon, and they said, "I Love You". I recall another time when I was a younger man, I was sitting on a bench, at a Florida beach. Most of the kids were high or drunk around me, and I asked God if He would send someone to talk to me about Him. When I opened my eyes there at my feet was a track about Jesus. Then two men approached me and ask if I new Christ, I told them I did and had just ask Him if I could speak to someone about Him, we all had a good laugh, and as soon as they left, another man came and ask me if I knew Jesus. All my life I have seen the evidence of God. It's not because I'm such a good person, I believe it is because I have a relationship with God, and I believe in His power.
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