wvpeach;39908 wrote:Plucking out a eye was for the most part a parable. Although if you can not get the eyes in control I agree with scripture perhaps you would be better off blind. Christ said many make themselves Eunuchs for the glory of the kingdom of God and I believe many who have sexual tendencies that are spoken of in the bible as being Hated by God do live the life of a Eunuch so as not to offend and sin . But they do not literally de ball themselves as we are not to literally pluck out our eyes.
Through the Holy Spirit I can hear the gears of your mind grinding campbell . You know this. We are to follow the teachings of Christ and they are not just supernaturally for the jews as there is no more Jews or gentiles for all are part of one body in Christ.
If your eye offend thee pluck it out. This means if you lust because of what your eyes see, do not expose them to that sight. This means if envy comes in through your eyes remove yourself from what causes you envy. This means if you hate because of what your eyes see , pray for that hate that God through his Holy Spirit take it away from you. This does not mean to literally disfigure yourself and remove your eyes. Most church leaders down through the centuries agree on this teaching. But how quickly they will use it as you have, to say that a Christian cannot literally follow the teachings of christ . [SIZE="4"]That is not true.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"] Christ came and died for us to leave us teachings that we can follow and he will call us to account for why or why not we have obeyed his commands.[/SIZE] I know many christians who literally do the best they can to follow the teachings of Christ.
Many church denominations try their best to follow the teachings of Christ.. The Restored Church of God , The Amish , The Mennonites. The Jehovahs Witness ( I know you hate them, but never the less) Anabaptists and a host of small denominations that teach and follow the teachings of Christ. So I have witnessed with my own eyes(literally) many good christians in all the afore mentioned denominations follow Christ and his teachings.
Let those gears grind campbell and pray that you be shown the way to follow Christ and to model him to a world that is sorely gone astray.
The reasons Christians say we cannot fully follow these literal teachings is because that was not the intent. Christ tells us we are to be perfect as the Father in heaven as so stated in Matthew 5:48. WVPeach, Are you perfect as the Father in heaven? And if you are not, why not? This is one of Christ commands. If someone attacks you, will you really turn the other cheek so he can hit you on the other side. And if your right hand offends you, will you cut it off and cast it it away. When Jesus spoke in parables, Scripture makes this obvious. When Jesus speaks in a parable the Scripture will read "he spake this parable unto them, saying" Yet this is not the case here. And when something seems hard for you, then you proclaim it a parable? And you do this even when it is not announced in the Scripture? Even your claim that we are to literally follow these commands have been tempered BY YOU, and your claim of parables. Which means the Words of Christ in this text cannot be fully literally followed. The very thing you have accused church leaders of doing, you have done yourself.
When someone asks you for money, perhaps for school or some charity ect. Do you always give that person the money they desire? If I asked you to give me your home, and your car, would you give it to me? And don't forget about your husbands pickup truck. Because unless you do that, you will be breaking another one of Christ commands which is found in Matthew 5:42. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
Now do you have a bank account? Because according to Matthew 6:19, that is not Scriptural. The Bible tells you thieves can break in and steal that money. And have you been to the store lately to pick out some clothes. Here again, this is not Scriptural, according to Matthew 7:28, Jesus tells you why take thought about what you will ware? You of little faith, God will take care of that for you. These are not commands that can be literally followed, nor was that the intent.
And we still have Jews today that believe the law is all they need. And I have stated that the Sermon on the Mount was directed at the Jews of that time. YET, that Sermon is for ALL people, all generations, and all religions that believe they can earn their way to heaven. The Sermon showed all of us, that salvation cannot be achieved by doing good works.