@Ann cv,
It is difficult for me to be in a religious war when I am not religious nor believe there to be a supernatural being that created the universe.
However I Digress. Campbell34 is exactly the religious fundamentalist we are refering to. The fact that you live your life using the litteral meaning of a book written 1700 years ago is somewhat disturbing really. I have begun reading the Bible of late, (after reading the God Delusion I thought it best to see the other side of the argument) and to be honest it is one of the most violent, murderous narrow minded pieces of Literature I have ever read. If it wasn't for the fact peope actually believe what is written, I think it would make a fantastic Nove!
You see here we are, Christian and Muslim Moderates expressing and showing in detail how 'their' holy book preaches peace, forgiveness and the loving of all gods creatures. Yet the flip side is that your books openly want to destroy and kill people with opposing views of the same god. Taking time to go into quite graphic detail on how the deeds are to be carried out.
It would seem to me that countries can become enemies and allies quite frequently, even the single biggest threat to humanity .(at the time) USSR v USA cold war ended with little bloodshed with in 50 years. Yet two religions who pretend to preach peace and tolerance have quite litteratelly been the cause of more war, fammine and death than any other single issue in the past 2000 years