Fundalmentalism and Dogma

Ann cv
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2007 10:23 am
At the moment, with the rise of fundamentalism, it almost feels as if the world is going in exactly the opposite direcion and that dogmas and literal interpretations of not only Christianity, but other religions too are becoming entrenched. (This is all caused by fear of change and ignorance)

Do you agree with this statement?

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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 8,133 • Replies: 144
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Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2007 11:57 am
@Ann cv,
I don't like either this statement or fundamentalism. I'm Catholic, so naturally, anything 'fundamentalist' is something that I don't generally get along with, although I do follow some aspects of it. This statement, I would say, was made by your run-of-the-mill, egotistical scientist, professor, or liberal elitist in general (caused by fear of change & ignorance), the sort of person I really don't like.
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Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2007 12:17 pm
@Ann cv,
What rise in fundamentalism?
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Reply Wed 21 Feb, 2007 07:30 pm
@Ann cv,
I agree with the feeling that we are regressing, I have it as well, but I disagree with his/her statement that ignorance and fear of change are the reason for this, indiference plays a greater part than either and it is only another pebble in the bucket.
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Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 06:43 pm
@Ann cv,
You say the "world" but on a level closer to your own home could you state how this condtion has manifested itself in your country?
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Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2007 09:16 pm
@Ann cv,
I don't know if fear and ignorance is the right analysis but I agree that the world seems to be regressing. Mind sets are becoming more absolutist and less analytical. I think a better conclusion is that the desire for belonging to the power group and for simplicity of philosophy and for homogeny in your society has been elevated to a political thought instead of a sociological instinct. Every dog wants to pee on the nearest tree and dare the other dogs to pee on it...
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Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 12:36 pm
@Ann cv,
I believe primitivism to be the greatest danger facing the word today. However, there is hope. There are more people going to college today than ever before and more of these are women.
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 01:34 pm
It is plain and simply a moral decline in society. Fully disclosing that I am a Christian . I respect people of all other faiths. What it boils down to is that people do not really live the religious tenants of their faith . They say they are Christians but then cheerlead for wars.

They say they are against abortions but then would not lift a finger or give a dime to save someones life who was dying of diabetes and can not afford care.

They say they love children , but they stand idly by as the education system falls to ruin.

I imagine this problem can be found in all religions around the world right now . People giving lip service only to their faith. And these same people would kill you for your last can of beans if the world fell apart and they feared for their own skin.
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:32 pm
@Ann cv,
That is correct wvpeach. We need cooperation, but cooperation for itself, if we base our cooperation on some need whenever it is no longer needed we will fall once again in the same patterns. We should give freely and be able to recieve just as free. Noone owns anything, not if we are all one.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 09:48 am
The fact is that the Christian Right politics and their religion just do not jave. The themes of social justice and compassion for the poor and disable are consistent throughout the Bible. The Christian Right lends towards let alone capitalism, materalism, Soical Darwinism and intense competition both in education and economics. Also, they are strick Biblical literalest and do not understand that the Bible was written by ancient people who believed the Earth was flat and that mental disorders were caused by evil spirits. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 01:32 pm
@Ann cv,
Indeed I do, simply because Fundamentalists of all religions are brain-washed from an early age that their 'god' is the one true god and all other gods are false. In the bible and the Qu'ran it is quite specific what is to be done to non belivers and and those who follow other gods. The fundermentalists of our time and previous times take their respective holy books as the literal word of god, acting upon it accordingly. With the advent of WMD, Muslim, Hindu and Christian nations now have the ability to wipe each and everyone of us off the face of the planet.

Make no mistake we are in the midst of a holy war not seen since the days of the crusades. When there is talk on the News about insurgents and allies, what they really mean is Muslim and Christian, unfortunately no-one wants to accept or admit this.

The 'moderates' or 'progressive' among the religious communtities fall short when it comes to respecting other religious views when accepting them as 'equal' faiths. when you cut it all away to the day of death, ultimately the Christian belives he is off to heaven and his muslim friend off to hell, and vice versa. Thus making all religious people on the 'day of judgement' Fudamentalists.
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 06:47 am
Numpty;39609 wrote:
Indeed I do, simply because Fundamentalists of all religions are brain-washed from an early age that their 'god' is the one true god and all other gods are false. In the bible and the Qu'ran it is quite specific what is to be done to non belivers and and those who follow other gods. The fundermentalists of our time and previous times take their respective holy books as the literal word of god, acting upon it accordingly. With the advent of WMD, Muslim, Hindu and Christian nations now have the ability to wipe each and everyone of us off the face of the planet.

Make no mistake we are in the midst of a holy war not seen since the days of the crusades. When there is talk on the News about insurgents and allies, what they really mean is Muslim and Christian, unfortunately no-one wants to accept or admit this.

The 'moderates' or 'progressive' among the religious communtities fall short when it comes to respecting other religious views when accepting them as 'equal' faiths. when you cut it all away to the day of death, ultimately the Christian belives he is off to heaven and his muslim friend off to hell, and vice versa. Thus making all religious people on the 'day of judgement' Fudamentalists.

Well we are involved in a religious war for sure, and according to the Bible at the time of the end Islamic nations will be on a war footing and in a great struggle. The Bible tells us what will be at the center of this great coming war will be the control of Jerusalem. The Bible also tells us that in the latter years God will allow the Jews to return from the nations where they have been scattered, and allow them to return to the land of Israel. The God of the Bible is doing this to anger the Islamic nations. He is useing the Jews as bait, and He is preparing a trap for the Islamics. What is happening, is God is getting ready to reveal to the world, who He is.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 07:35 am
@Ann cv,
It is difficult for me to be in a religious war when I am not religious nor believe there to be a supernatural being that created the universe.

However I Digress. Campbell34 is exactly the religious fundamentalist we are refering to. The fact that you live your life using the litteral meaning of a book written 1700 years ago is somewhat disturbing really. I have begun reading the Bible of late, (after reading the God Delusion I thought it best to see the other side of the argument) and to be honest it is one of the most violent, murderous narrow minded pieces of Literature I have ever read. If it wasn't for the fact peope actually believe what is written, I think it would make a fantastic Nove!

You see here we are, Christian and Muslim Moderates expressing and showing in detail how 'their' holy book preaches peace, forgiveness and the loving of all gods creatures. Yet the flip side is that your books openly want to destroy and kill people with opposing views of the same god. Taking time to go into quite graphic detail on how the deeds are to be carried out.

It would seem to me that countries can become enemies and allies quite frequently, even the single biggest threat to humanity .(at the time) USSR v USA cold war ended with little bloodshed with in 50 years. Yet two religions who pretend to preach peace and tolerance have quite litteratelly been the cause of more war, fammine and death than any other single issue in the past 2000 years
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 08:52 am
Numpty;39689 wrote:
It is difficult for me to be in a religious war when I am not religious nor believe there to be a supernatural being that created the universe.

However I Digress. Campbell34 is exactly the religious fundamentalist we are refering to. The fact that you live your life using the litteral meaning of a book written 1700 years ago is somewhat disturbing really. I have begun reading the Bible of late, (after reading the God Delusion I thought it best to see the other side of the argument) and to be honest it is one of the most violent, murderous narrow minded pieces of Literature I have ever read. If it wasn't for the fact peope actually believe what is written, I think it would make a fantastic Nove!

You see here we are, Christian and Muslim Moderates expressing and showing in detail how 'their' holy book preaches peace, forgiveness and the loving of all gods creatures. Yet the flip side is that your books openly want to destroy and kill people with opposing views of the same god. Taking time to go into quite graphic detail on how the deeds are to be carried out.

It would seem to me that countries can become enemies and allies quite frequently, even the single biggest threat to humanity .(at the time) USSR v USA cold war ended with little bloodshed with in 50 years. Yet two religions who pretend to preach peace and tolerance have quite litteratelly been the cause of more war, fammine and death than any other single issue in the past 2000 years

Well according to the Bible Russia is going to be the one that makes the move on Israel. And the days of peace with Russia will come to an end. She will be allied with the Islamic nations. My brother use to say that would never happen, yet a few months ago he learned that the Russian military is over half Islamic, with their numbers growing. I have to tell you my experiences with God does not end at the bible. I know who Christ is, I have had some interesting times with Him. He is not dead. Just as some in the Bible tell of encounters with Him, I have had such experiences myself. God has a plan for this world, and there is nothing I can do to stop the future from happening. The future is recorded in the Scriptures, and the events surrounding Israel will happen just as the Scriptures have laid out. The great war between Israel and the Islamic nations I believe to be another 25 or 30 years off, but I believe some of us will see this day. If your intrested you might read Ezekiel chapters 36, 37, 38, and 39. Those chapters speak volumes of Israels future, and of the coming war. Pretty interesting stuff.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 08:55 am
thomascrosthwaite;39588 wrote:
The fact is that the Christian Right politics and their religion just do not jave. The themes of social justice and compassion for the poor and disable are consistent throughout the Bible. The Christian Right lends towards let alone capitalism, materalism, Soical Darwinism and intense competition both in education and economics. Also, they are strick Biblical literalest and do not understand that the Bible was written by ancient people who believed the Earth was flat and that mental disorders were caused by evil spirits. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

You need to re-print this again...because this is an important fact.
Campbell, what about this?
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 10:13 am
aaronssongs;39699 wrote:
You need to re-print this again...because this is an important fact.
Campbell, what about this?

Not every mental disorder is caused by evil spirits. However, I have had encounters with two such spirits named Abjar and Altra way back in 1973. Such evil does exist, but often people see them everywhere which is not the case. The reason the religious right has aligned themselves with the republican party is not because the republicans are so morally good. It is because of their strong stand against abortion. It took many years, but this year we stopped late term abortions. Today 60 million Americans have been aborted, and unless this can be stopped another 60 million will surly die as well. I believe it is to late for this nation, but we Christians will still try and stop the killing. The problem is, God is not going to look to kindly on a nation that has already murdered 60 million of it's own citizens. And I already know what judgement God has planned for America based on the O.T. prophecies. These prophecies paint a pretty grim picture for future America. They are very detailed, and I find them somewhat disturbing even for an old Bible Thumper like myself.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 10:38 am
@Ann cv,
Thomas Crosthwaite I was raised in a fundalimentalist church in rural Tennessee and have recently read the Bible all the way through. The book is so repetitious and seemingly contradictory that it is truly remarkable that the majority of people still take it literally. Just think of it. Has anyone ever seen a snake that talked? Yet, we have grown men and women teaching our children who actually believe this. What is the difference between a tail like this and "Jack And The Bean Stock'? thomascrosthwaite visit my website at Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 10:57 am
@Ann cv,
Ann;11076 wrote:
At the moment, with the rise of fundamentalism, it almost feels as if the world is going in exactly the opposite direcion and that dogmas and literal interpretations of not only Christianity, but other religions too are becoming entrenched. (This is all caused by fear of change and ignorance)

Do you agree with this statement?


Actually if you read the Bible it appears it's prophecies which are very detailed are happening as they were laid out. This has nothing to do with ignorance, but the truth of the written Word. Like it or not, the Bible is a Book that should not be ignored, especially when you see much of what was written so long ago unfolding before us today.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 11:08 am
thomascrosthwaite;39716 wrote:
Thomas Crosthwaite I was raised in a fundalimentalist church in rural Tennessee and have recently read the Bible all the way through. The book is so repetitious and seemingly contradictory that it is truly remarkable that the majority of people still take it literally. Just think of it. Has anyone ever seen a snake that talked? Yet, we have grown men and women teaching our children who actually believe this. What is the difference between a tail like this and "Jack And The Bean Stock'? thomascrosthwaite visit my website at Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

Well the Bible makes many claims, and in recent years they are discovering that a number of those claims are true. Take the spliting of the Red Sea and the Children of Israel escaping to the other side with Pharoahs army getting caught in the middle. They have now discovered that site, and yes, they are now finding the remains of Pharoahs coral incrusted army.
I personally never saw a talking snake, but back in 1973 I had an encounter with two demons, so believe me, I'm not going to sweat the snake.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:03 pm
@Ann cv,
You scare the living **** out of me with ur medieval views. On the one hand you openly Condem the Muslim world to the wrath of your god, with all sorts of reasons why they will be killed and should be killed. In the next you say that Abortion is tandamount to murder. so which is it? Life or Death?

Do you subscribe to Love or Hatred, do you want peace or war. Or are we all the children of God as the bible clearly states?

The Questions are randon and make no sense maybe, but does the bible?

Could you point me in the right direction for the evidence which shows the parting of the sees,also the proof they were Egyption and could you tell me what demons they were, and how come they told you their names. I find it interesting and would like to reasearch it.

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