So explain to me how faith makes it clear? From what you have said you have no moral code, no rules or knowledge of your "God" just a blind faith that what you are doing is right and those that don't do as you do are wrong.
I don't care, do you? If you believe in "God" why no effort to please him? You believe in "God" yet don't care what it takes to join him in heaven? Are you actually a Christian at all, you can still believe in "God" yet not love him.
Far from it, I know exactly where I'm headed. Those who believe in an afterlife are the ones stumbling in the dark. You believe in an afterlife but have no idea what it will be, no way of knowing if "God" will let you into heaven or cast you down to hell. No way of knowing if you or the Muslims have got it right. Yet you criticise other religions without a clue that they might be right and you could be wrong.
"God" doesn't want anything, he doesn't exist. I'm asking you if you know what your "God" wants, and you clearly don't. Living your life with no purpose or direction, just a hope that when you die "God" decides he likes you? Don't you think you should even try to impress him?
Agree with what? You have just completely sidelined the question with a completely irellevant statement. Do you defy Christ?
If two groups take two opposing courses of action either one must be wrong, or "God" doesn't care what you do. Which is it? You claim moral superiority over Muslims, yet you also say that morality is man-made not "God" given. How do you justify your morality and your intollerance to Islam? All I was doing was making an observation based on logic.
Your "God", he makes it a bit tricky doesn't he?
Yes, I have a lot of time to spare though so don't worry about me. Shouldn't you be out making yourself a better person?
Life is all down to chance if their is no omnipresent power using divine intervention to guide man's destiny. You sound more and more atheist with every post you make.
You did:
To degrade means to treat with disrespect, so you brought up the issue of respect. And no I don't respect anyone who follows blindly, why should I?
I answered your question fully, you didn't even understand what you were asking! Now you think you can judge my moral standards without the slightest knowledge about myself and my lifestyle? There's that arrogance again, are you sure you're not atheist? Or what's the term for believing oneself is God?
Oh yes. Insanity.
So explain to me how faith makes it clear? From what you have said you have no moral code, no rules or knowledge of your "God" just a blind faith that what you are doing is right and those that don't do as you do are wrong.
I don't care, do you? If you believe in "God" why no effort to please him? You believe in "God" yet don't care what it takes to join him in heaven? Are you actually a Christian at all, you can still believe in "God" yet not love him.
Far from it, I know exactly where I'm headed.
Those who believe in an afterlife are the ones stumbling in the dark. You believe in an afterlife but have no idea what it will be, no way of knowing if "God" will let you into heaven or cast you down to hell. No way of knowing if you or the Muslims have got it right. Yet you criticise other religions without a clue that they might be right and you could be wrong.
"God" doesn't want anything, he doesn't exist. I'm asking you if you know what your "God" wants, and you clearly don't. Living your life with no purpose or direction, just a hope that when you die "God" decides he likes you? Don't you think you should even try to impress him?
Agree with what? You have just completely sidelined the question with a completely irellevant statement. Do you defy Christ?
If two groups take two opposing courses of action either one must be wrong, or "God" doesn't care what you do. Which is it?
You claim moral superiority over Muslims
How do you justify your morality and your intollerance to Islam?
All I was doing was making an observation based on logic.
Your "God", he makes it a bit tricky doesn't he?
Yes, I have a lot of time to spare though so don't worry about me. Shouldn't you be out making yourself a better person?
Life is all down to chance if their is no omnipresent power using divine intervention to guide man's destiny. You sound more and more atheist with every post you make.
To degrade means to treat with disrespect, so you brought up the issue of respect. And no I don't respect anyone who follows blindly, why should I?
I answered your question fully, you didn't even understand what you were asking!
Now you think you can judge my moral standards without the slightest knowledge about myself and my lifestyle?
There's that arrogance again, are you sure you're not atheist?
Or what's the term for believing oneself is God?
Oh yes. Insanity.
You appear to have very little knowledge of Christian doctrine or theology, just what do you base your faith on? What everyone around you does? Face of Jesus in your soup?
Faith doesn't make it clear. Who are you to say i have no moral code? Or whether i am right or wrong? How do you explain to a person who when asked about what he believes uses the one word cure all, Atheist. And probably believe's that it takes no faith to beleive it whathe does?
Quote where is said i cared? Don't put words in my mouth. You assume because i call myself a Christian it is by your definition, it is not. I'll believe what ever i want to believe and call myself what i like. And you have nothing to do with it, prime example of free will.
This aut to me good. Where exactly are you headed?
All this you speak of, is just your opinion. Can it be wrong, roughly 85% of this planet might indicate so. If like you say the Muslims are right, where does that leave you, an atheist? If the Christians are right, where does that leave you, an atheist? Best case scenario your screwed no matter what.
"God" doesn't want anything, he doesn't exist." You answered your own question. Again you do not define my definition of faith, define your own when and if you get one.
Isn't free will great. Using it i suppose i have to power to defy anyone. I don't know about Christ as you don't think he exists.
So if two groups are taking action in the same direction, one of them is wrong, explain how? Don't say it's what i believe because you have no proof i believe that. It must be what you believe i should believe in that is forcing the question, therefore you should answer it for yourself.
Quote me where is claim such a thing?
If they(edit: Muslims) loose control of there women it usually spells death for her.
Show me where i was intolerant? Justify your morality of intolerence to Christianity? We already know you speak on behalf of muslims.
You were doing a little more then that. Calling someones religous beliefs a "joke" goes beyond observation.
Not tricky at all, maybe for atheists though. Does the Muslim God make it tricky for them?
Me too. I am making myself a better person. I'm trying to talk sense into an atheist, LOL.
Why do you speculate about chance on the premise of there being no God. Chance is there regardless. Free will and all. For an atheist you have a vivid imagination. You like argueing about things you don't believe in for entertainment purposes. What would you rank your moral standard at?
Wrong again,
degrade - Definitions from
To reduce in grade, rank, or status; demote.
To lower in dignity; dishonor or disgrace: a scandal that degraded the participants.
To lower in moral or intellectual character; debase.
To reduce in worth or value: degrade a currency.
To impair in physical structure or function.
Geology To lower or wear by erosion or weathering.
To cause (an organic compound) to undergo degradation.
Nothing abour disrespect! Trying to throw a little spin in there heah, one more example of your fine atheistic moral standard?
So what your saying is i need not have any respect for an atheist? For the reason that you did not earn it?
Really, where? I never asked about respect. You made comment of it. Changing the question from degrade to disrespect then to respect is not an answer. An example of your not so forth coming IMO.
Like i said you not so forth coming with yourself. But to answer your question, Yes. I can judge your moral standards. And already came up with a few instances where the standard is not so high, IMO. Some one once said, respect is earned. If that is the case your going in the wrong direction.
What funny about this statement is that because you say your an atheist you think your not at fault. You come in here and degrade others in some thing you have no faith in. You already did what you accuse us of doing. I don't expect an atheist to get it. Do atheists have the market cornered on arrogance?
You fit that term to a T. You claim no belief in God so in his absense wouldn't that make you yourown God? Insanity indeed!
You seem to have a low opinion of Christians in general, so why do you care? I base my faith on what i believe. Just like you, but with alot less assumptions because of what you believe the bible to mean, funny point of view coming from an atheist. Or are you speaking on a Muslims behalf again?
Your morals are subjective, meaningless in the context of faith. Your morals are wrong if you believe in an omnipresent "God" who creates morality. Either you follow his morality or you don't, and fail. If you're not following your "God's" morality why should anyone else?
I'm asking you a question, not stating a fact. So am I to deduce from this that you call yourself a Christian but you don't care about Christ? How does this work then?
Into the ground, like everyone else.
So basically you call yourself a Christian, because what, you like the dress code? And just in the off chance that calling yourself a Christian will what, get you in heaven? Forgive my ignorance but I always thought there were certain conditions to allow you to get to heaven, any idea what these are?
Yes best case scenario when I die I die, why kid myself anything else might happen? At least I'm not entering into religion as if it were a game of chance, I thought gambling was frowned upon in Christianity?So you are an atheist? How can you be a Christian and not believe "God" exists?
Are you saying that because I don't believe in Christ you can't defy him? Where is the logic in that? You are making no sense, how does my belief effect yours in the slightest?
I asked you a question, what is this ridle you return with? Try making some sense you're speaking gibberish. I've been asking you what you believe and you seem afraid to tell me, unless you divulge I can only assume you are a Christian as you have it in your user profile. Just how you personally define Christianity I don't know, you seem quite atheist in most of your views.
Unless of course you admit a similar moral view point?
If intolerance means criticism, whic is all I've done to Christianity, you have criticised Islam all over this forum.
Is that what you interpret to mean intollerance? Christianity is a joke, faith is a ridiculous notion. Why would someone live their lives on the basis of faith? You look gullible and foolish, that is an observation.
If you don't know what is required to get into heaven how are you supposed to do the right thing? That sounds tricky to me. As far as Muslims are concerned they have the word of "God" to guide them.
Talk sense? You haven't even made any so far! LOL
Your free will is to choose between following the right path or not, where is the chance in that you either do as "God" desires or you choose not to. Unless there is no "God" then man creates his own destiny.
Wrong again!
Dishonour: fail to observe or [SIZE="6"]respect[/SIZE]
Dignity: the state or quality of being worthy of [SIZE="6"]respect[/SIZE]
Don't tell me I have to give English lessons to a half-arsed pedantic american. :beat:
Well, yes.
Degrade means to disrespect, disrespect is a derivative of respect, therefore you were talking about respect. You don't understand what your saying yourself half the time. :beat:
I think people may respect the way I can form a logical argument where as you are just babbling incoherrant nonesense. You don't know my morals because I haven't told you them, you think you will gain respect by claiming clairvoyance? You make me laugh.
At fault at what? More nonsense and riddles. :beat:
Aroggance and atheism tend to go hand in hand. With no "God" who do you think I believe is number one? You on the other hand are meant to believe in an omnipresent super being, yet you claim authority over him!![]()
That's exactly right!
Your morals are subjective, meaningless in the context of faith. Your morals are wrong if you believe in an omnipresent "God" who creates morality. Either you follow his morality or you don't, and fail. If you're not following your "God's" morality why should anyone else?
I'm asking you a question, not stating a fact. So am I to deduce from this that you call yourself a Christian but you don't care about Christ? How does this work then?
Into the ground, like everyone else.
So basically you call yourself a Christian, because what, you like the dress code? And just in the off chance that calling yourself a Christian will what, get you in heaven? Forgive my ignorance but I always thought there were certain conditions to allow you to get to heaven, any idea what these are?
Yes best case scenario when I die I die, why kid myself anything else might happen? At least I'm not entering into religion as if it were a game of chance, I thought gambling was frowned upon in Christianity?
So you are an atheist? How can you be a Christian and not believe "God" exists?
Are you saying that because I don't believe in Christ you can't defy him? Where is the logic in that?
You are making no sense, how does my belief effect yours in the slightest?
I asked you a question, what is this ridle you return with? Try making some sense you're speaking gibberish. I've been asking you what you believe and you seem afraid to tell me, unless you divulge I can only assume you are a Christian as you have it in your user profile. Just how you personally define Christianity I don't know, you seem quite atheist in most of your views.
You claim moral superiority over Muslims
Quote me where is claim such a thing?
Originally stated by Drnaline
If they(edit: Muslims) loose control of there women it usually spells death for her.
Unless of course you admit a similar moral view point?
If intolerance means criticism, whic is all I've done to Christianity, you have criticised Islam all over this forum.
Is that what you interpret to mean intollerance? Christianity is a joke, faith is a ridiculous notion. Why would someone live their lives on the basis of faith? You look gullible and foolish, that is an observation.
If you don't know what is required to get into heaven how are you supposed to do the right thing? That sounds tricky to me.
As far as Muslims are concerned they have the word of "God" to guide them.
Your free will is to choose between following the right path or not, where is the chance in that you either do as "God" desires or you choose not to. Unless there is no "God" then man creates his own destiny.
Wrong again!
Dishonour: fail to observe or respect
Dignity: the state or quality of being worthy of respect
Don't tell me I have to give English lessons to a half-arsed pedantic american.
That's your opinion and your entitled to it.
Really, i take "I don't care, do you?" As to mean you believe that i care to be a fact! I asked you to quote me where i said i care but alas, you can't. So i believe you stated what you believe to be a fact, so yes, you stated a fact to answer your question.
So what kind of impression on this planet will your life make? You seem very determined to not talk about yourself why?
I call myself a Catholic(by your standard non-praticing) which falls under Christianity. Calling myself a Christian awards me nothing for the pleasure, it usually brings critisizing from atheists, that's where you come in. I'm afraid it's not ignorance it sounds like arrogance to me. That's my opinion.
That's why you got free will buddy. You go!!! To be
frowned upon by atheists as well?
No, you are an atheist. I'm Christian remember. To you God does not exist. Boy you think you could keep that straight.
I'm saying it makes no point it discusing it with you as you don't believe in Christ. Or are you speaking on behalf of Muslims again?
I don't know, i keep asking you qusetions about your beliefs but the story hasn't changed. You won't answer or you beat around the bush. This is seeming to be a one sided conversation. Enough talk about how you deem Christains a "joke" and lets talk about your belief in atheism?
I've asked you plenty of questions, you are not forth coming. So this is the way it is.
Not the way i see it. A statement about how they treat there women and how that treatment may end up in death is not a claim of "moral superiority." I was referencing some storys i've read of honor killing. But believe what you will.
You've done a little more the criticise. IMO
Doesn't excuse your comment.
Do you know what is required, maybe you can give me a lesson? Or is that too tricky for you?
In your opinion, are Muslims right and Christians wrong?
Man creates his own destiny whether it involves God or not.
Instead of beating around the Bush why not answer the original question? With that i'm not gonna waist the whole day argueing, i'm out.
Wrong, you said morality was subjective. It's not my opinion it's yours. And if morality is subjective it is a fact that you are not following "God's" moral code, you are following your own. What makes your morality better than anyone elses? Try to answer the question this time.
Well rather than make half-arsed assumptions why don't you just stick to what is being said, which was a question. If I believed that you cared was a fact I wouldn't bother asking would I? :beat:
The fact is if you do not care for Christ, you are not a Christian in the standard definition. So what the hell are you?
The thread isn't about me, it's about Christianity and it's hypocrisy. Try to stay on topic, if you want to discuss atheism start a thread on it.
No, I assure you it's ignorance. How am I supposed to know your faith if you don't tell me? I was assuming you were a Christian, but just using the label doesn't actually make you one. You are also a non-practicing muslim, hindu, homosexual(?) etc, etc......
If you don't practice the religion you can hardly say you belong to it.
Nice question avoidance once more. So your freewill is to choose to use the label Christian but not to actually practice your religion? Why do you choose to do this? From the little I know of Christian teaching this will not get you into heaven, you may as well be an atheist, or a muslim.
You said I answered my own question with the answer that God does not exist. I asked you what "God" wanted and you said the answer was he doesn't want anything he doesn't exist. If that is what you believe then you are also an atheist, if that isn't what you meant please try to answer the question properly insted of arsing around. :beat:
So you just avoid the question and post utter bollocks? Drnaline, we are not going to get very far if you just talk bollocks, so perhaps you are right in this being a waste of time.
If you don't know what you're talking about then I certainly don't, are you in some way mentally retarded? My beliefs are firstly irellevant and secondly quite apparent. I am an atheist, you already know this so what are you babbling about now you loon? I already told you to stay on topic, stop trying to hijack this thread trolling it with your nonsense. If you want to discuss atheism start a seperate thread.
Your questions have been made to steer the debate away from the thread topic and onto atheism. Bog standard diversionary tactic to steer away from your losing argument. :beat:
Do you agree with it, or do you take moral superiority?
You will have to cite examples of my intollerance or shut up about it then, your opinion is worthless to me.I wasn't trying to excuse it, I was explaining that it isn't intollerance and that you are talking out of your arse.
As it happens even with my limited knowledge of the Christian faith I know what is supposed to be required to gain entry to heaven. But as I couldn't give a ****, and don't believe it why should I bother?
What does my opinion have to do with it? Stay on topic!
Wrong! You don't practice any faith, and obviously don't understand it either. What is the book of Revelations if not the propchecy of man's destiny? If you believe in the Bible you must believe that destiny exists, but you have already said you are Christian by name alone so I guess you don't.
I have answered your question fully. Respect is earnt. And I am not trying to vindicate my lack of faith.
Wrong, you said morality was subjective. It's not my opinion it's yours. And if morality is subjective it is a fact that you are not following "God's" moral code, you are following your own. What makes your morality better than anyone elses? Try to answer the question this time.
Well rather than make half-arsed assumptions why don't you just stick to what is being said, which was a question. If I believed that you cared was a fact I wouldn't bother asking would I?
The fact is if you do not care for Christ, you are not a Christian in the standard definition. So what the hell are you?
The thread isn't about me, it's about Christianity and it's hypocrisy. Try to stay on topic, if you want to discuss atheism start a thread on it.
No, I assure you it's ignorance. How am I supposed to know your faith if you don't tell me? I was assuming you were a Christian, but just using the label doesn't actually make you one. You are also a non-practicing muslim, hindu, homosexual(?) etc, etc......
If you don't practice the religion you can hardly say you belong to it.
Nice question avoidance once more. So your freewill is to choose to use the label Christian but not to actually practice your religion? Why do you choose to do this? From the little I know of Christian teaching this will not get you into heaven, you may as well be an atheist, or a muslim.
You said I answered my own question with the answer that God does not exist. I asked you what "God" wanted and you said the answer was he doesn't want anything he doesn't exist. If that is what you believe then you are also an atheist, if that isn't what you meant please try to answer the question properly insted of arsing around.
So you just avoid the question and post utter bollocks? Drnaline, we are not going to get very far if you just talk bollocks, so perhaps you are right in this being a waste of time.
If you don't know what you're talking about then I certainly don't, are you in some way mentally retarded? My beliefs are firstly irellevant and secondly quite apparent. I am an atheist, you already know this so what are you babbling about now you loon? I already told you to stay on topic, stop trying to hijack this thread trolling it with your nonsense. If you want to discuss atheism start a seperate thread.
Your questions have been made to steer the debate away from the thread topic and onto atheism. Bog standard diversionary tactic to steer away from your losing argument.
Do you agree with it, or do you take moral superiority?
You will have to cite examples of my intollerance or shut up about it then, your opinion is worthless to me.
As it happens even with my limited knowledge of the Christian faith I know what is supposed to be required to gain entry to heaven. But as I couldn't give a ****, and don't believe it why should I bother?
What does my opinion have to do with it? Stay on topic!
I think i'll use my freewill and decline.
I'd rather make half assed assumptions. I'm what ever you want me to be.
The topic is about children and how is the preferred method of killing children as per Jesus. How close to the topic are you? If i want to discuss atheism i'll start right here. Your lack of answers to simply questions tells a story of how or why you became an atheist. I just wish you could talk about your problems.
I don't need to tell you, you already got it all figured out. I'm just waiting for you to let me know. Religous interpritation by an Atheist 101.
Not avoiding anything, i'm waiting for you to answer a few.
Which voice are you talking from now, the Atheist or are you speaking for Muslims?
So what i should do is respect your request and answer the question? Have you earned it?
An atheist trying to dicuss religion, so how far do you expect to get?
Flatery will get you know where. Any hijack i think is commited by you. Are you under the impression that this is your thread?
What was that thread topic again? Children i think.
I'll have to think about that one, i'll get back to you.
How about none of the above.
Yes you could give a ****, your here. Coming half way your usual limit?
The topic is about children, lets see how well you do.
You have no answer, and you haven't disputed being wrong. 1-0.
You are ignorant. 2-0
The implied meaning of the first post is quite clear. You don't even understand your own faith, nevermind anyone elses, of their lack of.
Now you assume I possess clairvoyance too?
Does it matter? Your questions are irellevant and merely used to distract away from your own failings, those being your complete ignorance of your own supposed faith. Without your cooperation I can only deduce from what you will say, and so far you have denounced "God" and claimed moral superiority over all other men. And shown you are a novice with the english language, both reading and writing it.
Do what you want, but if you wish to retract your statement about not believing "God" exists and answer the question properly it might show you to be more than an atheist. At present you still agree that "God" doesn't exist, so you are in fact an atheist. 3-0
Two atheists discussing religion remember, and who decided you require faith to discuss theology? Only knowledge and intelligence is required. The stumbling block here is that you don't possess any of them!
The thread is about the hypocrisy of Christianity, you do not follow the teachings of the Bible.
Children? That's the title, not the topic. :beat:
The topic is how Christians recommend killing children, as it instructs in the Bible, and implies that Christians don't follow the Bible.
Don't strain yourself. No rebutal, 4-0
No examples to cite. 5-0
Give a **** about what? Living as a good Christian? Strange thing for an atheist to care about isn't it? I'm here because I enjoy debate, but there's none being provided. I'd love to hear a real structured argument from you, but you just don't seem to have it in you. :beat:
You have no answer, and you haven't disputed being wrong. 1-0.
You are ignorant. 2-0
The implied meaning of the first post is quite clear. You don't even understand your own faith, nevermind anyone elses, of their lack of.
Now you assume I possess clairvoyance too?
Does it matter?
Your questions are irellevant and merely used to distract away from your own failings, those being your complete ignorance of your own supposed faith. Without your cooperation I can only deduce from what you will say, and so far you have denounced "God" and claimed moral superiority over all other men. And shown you are a novice with the english language, both reading and writing it.
Do what you want, but if you wish to retract your statement about not believing "God" exists and answer the question properly it might show you to be more than an atheist. At present you still agree that "God" doesn't exist, so you are in fact an atheist. 3-0
Two atheists discussing religion remember, and who decided you require faith to discuss theology? Only knowledge and intelligence is required. The stumbling block here is that you don't possess any of them!
The thread is about the hypocrisy of Christianity, you do not follow the teachings of the Bible.
Children? That's the title, not the topic.
The topic is how Christians recommend killing children, as it instructs in the Bible, and implies that Christians don't follow the Bible.
Don't strain yourself. No rebutal, 4-0
No examples to cite. 5-0
My answer, your wrong.
I must be, i believe in God, you do to if your speaking for Muslims, are you?
Now it's implied meanings huh, LOL. So what your saying is your not going to stay on topic, fine by me. How can i learn about others faiths like atheism if you won't talk about it?
You might as well, you speak for Muslims and your not a Muslim. When do you start speaking for Christians?
Of course it does, i like to know what side of your face your talking out of. Right now you have two faces maybe more that i know of.
All your opinion. Failings work both ways so the conversation can and should include your failing as well. Shall we start.
Do you normally treat other percieved atheist this way?
Perceived atheist. Your assuming alot. You also seem to like aregueing with mindless atheists, your morning are always a fight, as soon as you look in the mirror. So is this how new atheists are created, you prove to yourself they are not Christians and a new atheist is born?
Really i thought it was about Children?
Don't you think it hypocratic that you are an atheist debating religion?
Being i am an atheist can you tell me Christians preferred method of killing children and also what is the atheists preffered method for the same. Have you been talking about the topic of killing children or ranting on about other perceived topics?
Boy us atheists are doing good aren't we.
I new us atheists would win, who we going after now? Buddists? Surely not Muslims being as i guess "we" speak for them now?
Not when there in a religous forum debating religion, not so strange at all. See you this afternoon, love ya.
Question: "What makes your morality better than anyone Else's?".
Your answer: "your wrong".
What the **** is that supposed to mean?
Firstly you can speak on behalf of someone or something and still not share their beliefs, secondly you have already said that you don't believe in "God" so what are you talking about now? Backtracking? 6-0
No, what I'm saying is (for the slow of thinking) the thread topic is clearly about the hypocrisy of Christianity. The meaning is so blatant even a child could spot it, but you struggle. I will discuss atheism, in a seperate thread start one if you want to discuss atheism, be a man.
I already have, I seem to know more about Christianity than you do! God doesn't mean destiny, my eye!![]()
And being able to understand religion requires super powers does it?
You just get better and better!
So it matters to you, it is of no relevance to the debate, but then nor does any of the bollocks you've been spouting either!
Wrong. I have quoted you already once. You denied the existence of God, and state that morals are man made. If your morals are subjective you are claiming moral superiority over those that don't follow your own morality. It's not ******* rocket science. :beat:
Go ahead and pick out my failings, your perverse view of reality is quite ammusing.
What way?
Percieved atheist who denies the existence of God. My perception is pretty damn good. I assume nothing, all I can go off is your own words, and you stated that "God doesn't exist". Atheists, as far as I'm aware, don't recruit. What would be the point?
Well you thought wrong.
No, why do you? If you do I suggest buying a dictionary and asking someone to read the definition of hypocrisy to you. Then ask them to explain that definition to you. Then, God willing, you will understand that it is not hypocritical for an atheist to discuss or debate religion. As God doesn't exist I am confident you will remain ignorant, it would appear to require divine intervention before you even begun to understand this thread.
The point would be that Christians don't have a preferred method. But Americans are renouned for their lack of irony and you are a prime example of that. I will try to explain to you once more that the opening post was implying that Christians do not follow the Bible as they don't kill their children. It implies that the Bible is full of useless passage that Christians choose to ignore. You can prove me wrong of course, simply reveal the preferred method that Christians kill children.
Who's this us paleface? I work alone.
You seem confused, unsurprisingly. I'm not scoring against Christianity, I'm scoring against you dumbass!
I still don't see why I would care about living a Christian lifestyle. For resources of debate I mostly care about conflicting beliefs and hypocrisy in the Christian faith, not really much need to research the lifestyle part.
If you aren't going to bother rebutting any of my remarks or claims, what are you babbling on about?
I'll start afresh so you might understand better.
Christians don't follow the Bible closely, they make decisions which practically overrule "God" and live as they choose following a man made subjective morality.
Muslims on the other hand seem to follow the Koran to the letter believing it to be the literal word of God.
With regards to religion, which I disagree with anyway, at least the Muslims have faith strong enough to follow even the dumbest of rules, Christians on the other hand seem far more particular. In my opinion the Muslims show a stronger faith and I commend them for having the courage of their convictions, rather than ammending the parts that didn't suit them.
If you dispute any of this Drnaline then you could try to rebut the arguments, but I think you'll find that you at least are unable to do so.
Question: "What makes your morality better than anyone elses?".
Your answer: "your wrong".
What the **** is that supposed to mean?
Firstly you can speak on behalf of someone or something and still not share their beliefs, secondly you have already said that you don't believe in "God" so what are you talking about now? Backtracking? 6-0
No, what I'm saying is (for the slow of thinking) the thread topic is clearly about the hypocrisy of Christianity. The meaning is so blatant even a child could spot it, but you struggle. I will discuss atheism, in a seperate thread start one if you want to discuss atheism, be a man.
I already have, I seem to know more about Christianity than you do! God doesn't mean destiny, my eye!
And being able to understand religion requires super powers does it?
You just get better and better!
So it matters to you, it is of no relevance to the debate, but then nor does any of the bollocks you've been spouting either!
Wrong. I have quoted you already once. You denied the existence of God, and state that morals are man made. If your morals are subjective you are claiming moral superiority over those that don't follow your own morality. It's not ******* rocket science.
Go ahead and pick out my failings, your perverse view of reality is quite ammusing.
Percieved atheist who denies the existence of God. My perception is pretty damn good. I assume nothing, all I can go off is your own words, and you stated that "God doesn't exist". Atheists, as far as I'm aware, don't recruit. What would be the point?
Well you thought wrong.
No, why do you? If you do I suggest buying a dictionary and asking someone to read the definition of hypocrisy to you. Then ask them to explain that definition to you. Then, God willing, you will understand that it is not hypocritical for an atheist to discuss or debate religion. As God doesn't exist I am confident you will remain ignorant, it would appear to require divine intervention before you even begun to understand this thread.
The point would be that Christians don't have a preferred method. But Americans are renouned for their lack of irony and you are a prime example of that. I will try to explain to you once more that the opening post was implying that Christians do not follow the Bible as they don't kill their children. It implies that the Bible is full of useless passage that Christians choose to ignore. You can prove me wrong of course, simply reveal the preferred method that Christians kill children.
Who's this us paleface? I work alone.
You seem confused, unsurprisingly. I'm not scoring against Christianity, I'm scoring against you dumbass!
I still don't see why I would care about living a Christian lifestyle. For resources of debate I mostly care about conflicting beliefs and hypocrisy in the Christian faith, not really much need to research the lifestyle part.
If you aren't going to bother rebutting any of my remarks or claims, what are you babbling on about?
I'll start afresh so you might understand better.
Christians don't follow the Bible closely, they make decisions which practically overrule "God" and live as they choose following a man made subjective morality.
Muslims on the other hand seem to follow the Koran to the letter believing it to be the literal word of God.
With regards to religion, which I disagree with anyway, at least the Muslims have faith strong enough to follow even the dumbest of rules, Christians on the other hand seem far more particular. In my opinion the Muslims show a stronger faith and I commend them for having the courage of their convictions, rather than ammending the parts that didn't suit them.
If you dispute any of this Drnaline then you could try to rebut the arguments, but I think you'll find that you at least are unable to do so.
Yup, I admit it's alittle more then i'm getting out of you. It's supposed to mean anything you fucken want it too.
Then i must be speaking for atheists. Putting words in people's mouths again? What don't you understand, I am the Christian and your ate the atheist/Muslim.
It must only be clear to atheists because when i put a title on a new post it means that is the topic.
Which is "children" how many posts have you made in this thread with such a topic in mind?
What is your preferred method of child euthanization? Have you ever caused a women to get an abortion?
On a side note, why don't you start your own thread with the title of children and talk all you like about how hipocritical us Christians are, oh wait, let be turn back into an atheist speaking for Christians. It also appears to me a real man can talk about atheism in any thread, not wait for some one else to start one?
Prove it!
Nope some of the stupidest believe in God, Some of them also believe in atheism.
Atheist or atheist speaking for Muslims? If it is Muslim, i'd like to know Allahs prefered method of killing children? Kinda hard to ask an atheist that when there not hiding behind another religion.
No, you deny the existence of God, i'm Christian, you atheist. Are you always this confused? Can you quote me where i say "morals are man made?" i can't find it.
Morningstarr wrote:People simply pick and choose what's right and what's wrong, I thought that was God's job?Drnaline wrote:If it were Gods job we wouldn't need free will. What tells you whether you are doing good or bad? Is it not your person? You can use a book as a reference but the moral decision is still the same.
I did state that man creats his own destiny whether he involves god or not. If i'm not up to your atheistic view of Christian, heah i can live with myself, a shame you can't.
Please show where I, me personally deny the existence of God? Me saying it not me quoting you? You proof of this perception will determine how much if any you assumed.
"God" doesn't want anything, he doesn't exist." You answered your own question.
Not according to the title.
Abortion. What do you think the Muslim preference is?
You got a sidekick while your here. You pailface, me tanto.
Maybe you should try and score with something other then your hands.
Your confused, unwilling is more likely then unable. Just giving what i get. talk to ya later.
Your arguing about allegory that was never meant to be taken literally...........
Tell that to a believer.
So the word of the Bible is really quite meaningless, all one has to do to get into heaven is make a genuine effort to please God? Even if you genuinely believe that torturing and murdering women is God's will? How bad can these mistakes be?
So, providing you have no conscience you can do whatever you like and God will not punish you? That's not the Catholic view is it?
How can you force belief? Either you believe or you don't, based on subjective opinion. If God does exist his precence would be objective and their would be no choice regarding belief, that is what faith is.
So how are you supposed to get into Heaven? Trail and error? Surely the Bible is meant to show you the way, and free will is whether or not you follow this path?
If God is the all powerfull all seeing super being he's cracked up to be, why does he allow mere mortals to speak on his behalf?
I have morals without faith, how does that work then?
Morningstarr, I am not Christian, because I do not believe God is defined, nor do I believe he has taught us everything. IMO he showed us what we needed to know in the manner which we would understand. That belief alone separates me from any Catholic faith. Not being of any particular faith, I am relieved from the duty of following doctrine.
The bible isn't meaningless, at least not to me, it helps me think, gives me a christian perspective, I take my own. If you truely don't know any other way, to choose to ignore another way is diferent, I don't believe God would condem you for it. You see me and you believe, blessed are those who without seeing believed. It goes something like that.
I have never met anyone without one, you?
Yes, that is what belief is, but are they given any other options as what to believe in?
Free-will is to choose what path to follow, be it your own or someelses. Yes trial and error, do you have any other solution?
Because we are all diferent, you can't use the same solution to diferent problems.
To me that works perfectly, because you do have faith, faith in your own opinion.