You can reduce everything happening today in the middle east to a formula and apply it to any time in history by changing variables of time, culture, and technology.
I do not deny that our culture is in need of evolution and reform, all cultures are and always will be, but what is going on in the middle east is not new and not and has more to do with human psychology than anything else..
Human psychology seeks ways to rationalize its desire for power and homogeny ...and its slavery to their own nature and the limited abiility of traditional culture to define the human experience. We fall prey to power adicted alphas of our species as they seek to use our own beliefs to manipulate us.
Our society has hit upon an admmittedly imperfect way of keeping our Alpha Dogs, our Al Queda if you will, under control. They own oil companies or street gangs and Pacific Island sweat shops and they do evil things but a largely in a manner that mutes the damage they do.
for whatever reason other cultures can't seem to manage their own Alpha dogs
The battle over what is moral and what is not, have gone on sense human beings first walked the earth and will likely continue as long as sentient beings live here. What is needed is for mankind to advance and evolve enough that words like greed, corruption, inequality and bigotry will have no meaning...
The Moslims were able to invade Spain in the late dark ages and early Middle Ages because the were united and militarily powerful and the were driven out in the 1490s because the Spanish became united and militarily powerful. Spiritual battles take place within individual people