Ruach wrote:The land Israel is taking back from Palestine is within the original land given to the Jews clear back to Hebrew times. Murder and terrorism precedes both their reputations. But knowing how so many nations desire to clear Israel out of the ME is not acceptable. They are forced to fight to survive and so must palestine. I never sing their praises either.
We are living in the New Testament times with the scripture there will be wars and rumors of wars and nations will be in turmoil.
Rauch, You seem to believe in a very bad God.
Gods supports the "murder and terrorism" that is required to "take back the land" from Palestine? Your God supports the assassinations, the destruction of property and the death of children?
The God that I would respect would institute "peace and goodwill towrard men" instead of "wars .... and turmoil".
A God that wants to "bomb bomb bomb", seems awfully diabolical.
What ever happened to "love your enemy" and "do good to those who harm you"? What happened to forgiveness and compassion?
A God of hatred, killing and revenge. What will they come up with next?