The Sudan, and the genocide that is denied.

Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 04:05 am
@Red cv,
To get Jerusalem back your gonna have to take it by force.

OK thats your opinion, if it becomes a reality, we will do that sooner or later, remember that a drop of water can drive a hole through hard rocks just by dripping on it.

History and God have already proven you are not capable of doing so, in fact when you guys do try you end up losing more then you had in the first place

history can not predict the future, it only Say's what happened in the past.
please don't start on God said this and that, we will never get to anything.

So your kind resorts to terrorism

remember that example i gave you about Cuba invading a US state?

just imagine with me that through conventional warfare it proved to be impossible to get back that state you lost, would you just say : OK we tried and did our best, lets forget about it, or would you try to get what you really believe to be your homeland through whatever means necessary?

no matter what you boil it down to it ends up terrorism

it depends on which side of the table you are standing, i look upon Israel as a terrorism sponsoring entity (not state), and Hamas as an organization fighting for independence from occupation.

I went through this and the first mention of Palestine is in the The Hellenistic Period between the years of 332 BCE — 63 BCE. In this time line it indicates the the two are separate. And i quote "Alexander the Great defeats Daruis at Gaugamela and conquers Palestine from the Persians (Daniel 11.3) captures Jerusalem
and Helenization begins"

i went through the website, all of it, here is my answer

(the website is in arabic)

this website Say's the following :

during the third millennium BC (starting 3000 BC-2000 BC) before any Jewish existed, the Kan'aans settled in Palestine and were the first to establish any civilization there (your website failed to mention this i wonder why) , and do you know who are the Kan'aans? they are the first citizens of the now KSA and gulf countries, the Yebosians (a branch of Kan'aans ) where the ones who first established "Yebos" which was later named "Aerosalem" or some similar variation, while the Phoenicians (spelling) settled in northern Palestine and in Lebanon, these were the first settlers of the land, the first to make anything of it (civilization) , the website goes on to state almost the same fact of the link you provided, the only difference is that your website does not mention who was in Palestine in the year 3000 BC , it only Say's that (Jerusalem first settled on the Ophel above the Gihon Spring ) well first of all is that a historical fact or biblical or Talmud fact? secondly this line doesn't say if there were people already there before him or not , it neither deny's it nor confirms it, it simply ignores it, wonder if that is for the purpose of leaving a back door open (in order to retreat if need be without contradicting one's self).

Then Egypt, Syria, Jordan promply attacked them and lost land in the process. This lost land are the spoils of war, if you can't afford to lose, don't play! This is the only other situation i can see you guys losing something in which case it was by your own means. They shouldn't of attacked. This must be the disputed land you keep talking about.

if lost land is a spoil of war then you are making it simply the matter of beating the other in warfare and making the land ours in the process, which ends any discussion on the subject, it becomes absolutely unnecessary to discuss the history of the area for you redeem it irrelevant.

This must be the disputed land you keep talking about

sorry using your logic there is no such thing as disputed land, its either yours because you occupy it, or its not yours, such logic i hope isn't practiced by all.

What do you mean get it back, it was never yours in the first place? The only reason your people were there is because the Jews had already been run out of there land

OK get out of north America , you guys are all from Europe , give back the united states of America, and Canada to the original inhabitants(sounds stupid right? its your logic).

i don't have a wish to kill every Jew ,

No, just the ones that won't leave huh?

yes, thats its here you put your finger right on it.

but i want you to understand that am not being unreasonable by wanting to wipe out the Jews,

Oh yes you are!!! Ask any one on this forum with the exception of Sword i doubt you will find otherwise?

you understood my statement the way you want it to be, or may be it was my fault by not making it obvious, anyways let me clarify exactly what i wanted to say :

you thought that i said wanting to wipe all Jews on my part is not unreasonable because They invaded Palestine, while i said AM not being unreasonable because i don't want to wipe out all Jews, in other words in my opinion wanting to wipe out all Jews is unreasonable which i refuse to be, did you get what am saying? notice how different you understood what am trying to say.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 04:58 am
@Red cv,
Red;32312 wrote:
It's funny first the US is evil for invading Iraq, now you want the US to stop the rise of Chinese power in the Sudan? Don't forget France is on the ground with a military force shooting at the janjaweed also.

Well your mad leader crawled into bed with China to arm the janjaweed, he let them kill, murder and commit genocide and refused the UN access to aide those that were suffering. If the Sudan becomes a puppet of China it's it's own fault.

you misunderstood me, the last thing i want is for China to get out of Sudan, my country is making alot of their presence here, our labor class is getting more and more experienced by working with their chinese friends, we are getting alot of technology for very reasonable prices, and so on!!

i was pointing out to you the uncorrectness of what you said about the US gaining nothing from helping africa, china is gaining , why wouldnot you.

I'm more concerned for the Horn of Africa, we need to arm the innocent africian people so the next time the janjaweed come storming into their towns on horse back the innocents can kill them where they sit. It would be madness to intervene in a civil war between the waring Arabs and the innocent Muslim Africians (it's their oil not the Sudans) arm them so they can fight for their oil

you are either totaly misinformed or simply unable to write english (no offence intended) but the janjaweed are in western Sudan or darfor ( thats from your point of view, me i never heard of anything called janjaweed in my life, the word janjaweed does not mean anything in my language, and i never heard it before the darfor crises) not in the horn of africa, and they have nothing to do with oil.
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