The Sudan, and the genocide that is denied.

Red cv
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2007 06:49 pm
I've been following the genocide of innocents in the Sudan and the horn of Africa for several years. The lastest propaganda out of Sudan is the Jews are at fault. I kid you not.

Here's an interesting article, I'll have more truthful stories and articles to post in the future. This should not be allowed to happen but the world is fixated on the US while Arabs kill with impunity. China and France are on the ground to ensure their oil interest are first and formost. China has paid to arm the Sudanese Military to ensure it's oil interest in Africa remain safe. Meanwhile innocent women get raped by gangs of Sudanese Military Barbarians and the world looks on and yawns. Iraq pales in comparison to the genocide that the UN is allowing to take place. Some Muslim Peace Keepers are on the ground but news reports have stated that these Peace Keepers are raping with impunity as well. It's bad enough for one group of animals to gang rape women and kill the male children but for those who are mandated to protect these victims to rape them again is unconscienable. It makes me truely sick to see the inhumanity that is committed in the name of some "False God".

Arabs have a long and brutal history of taking what they want with violence, they want the Horn of Africa's oil and they are taking it by violence. Yet the world is silent and when the media speaks they blame the Jews. How's that for lame.

Article Link: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3431281,00.html

Sudan: Jews behind Darfur conflict

Sudanese defense minister says '24 Jewish organizations fueling conflict in Darfur'

Yaakov Lappin Published: 07.29.07, 20:29 / Israel News

Sudan's defense minister, Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein, has accused "24 Jewish organizations" of "fueling the conflict in Darfur" last week in an interview with a Saudi newspaper.

Hussein was interviewed during an official state visit to the Saudi kingdom last week.

Darfur Crisis

'Israel creating unnecessary drama' / Roee Nahmias

Sudanese minister promises his country 'will find the way to deal with refugees'. Israel to continue aiding those fleeing Darfur until international solution is found
Full story

A journalist from Saudi Arabia's Okaz newspaper asked Hussein: "Some people are talking about the penetration of Jewish organizations in Darfur and that there is no conflict there?"

"The Darfur issue is being fuelled by 24 Jewish organizations, who are making the largest amount of noise over the issue, and using the Holocaust in their campaigning," the Sudanese defense minister replied.

Hussein added that the Darfur conflict was driven by "friction between farmers and herders and shepherds. Among the biggest problems is that of water, which is used to exploit the differences and fuel the conflict."

"Are these Jewish groups supporting (the rebels) financially?," the interviewer from Okaz asked Hussein.

"Yes, they provide political and material support through their control over the media and across American and British circles," Hussein said, adding that Jewish groups were using "all means to fuel these conflicts."

He added that Western reports of 200,000 people dying in Sudan were false, and said: "We talk about 9,000 dead as a result of either government or rebel actions."

'We came to Israel to look for a better place'

Several days ago, Sudan's Interior Minister, Zubair Bashir Taha, lashed out at Sudanese refuees who had sought asylum in Israel, and accused "Isaeli authorities of encouraging the Sudanese refugees to come to their country."


He added that his ministry was "very confused" by Sudanese citizens who came to Israel."

The Sudan Tribune quoted a Sudanese refugee as telling al-Jazeera television: "We were surprised when we came here. We met good people, who welcomed us and gave us food. We feel that we are extremely happy. We hope that the Israeli government would find a solution for us and our children. We came here to look for a better place."

Meanwhile, in the US, a number of Jewish organizations have attempted to raise awareness over the plight of Sudanese citizens who face mass killings and ethnic cleansing from the Sudanese government. Some 20 Jewish organizations joined the 'Save Darfur Coalition,' along with other religious communities and American civil rights groups.
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Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2007 08:27 pm
@Red cv,
If it's not Dick and Bush, it's Israel. We know Dick and Bush caused the bridge collapse in MN, and the mine cave-in UT. They probably touched off the earthquake in Peru, as well. BUT.....the Jews are guilty of all the rest of humanity's mischief, worldwide.

In the age of the Blame Game, we must always blame others, and always find someone else to blame, for everything. Gimme a name. Gimme a name. I want a name.
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Red cv
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 05:03 pm
@Red cv,
Here's a few more articles on the Sudan, and the genocide of Darfur. If you take the time to read the links you will see why it's so hypocrital of the rest of the world to heap scorn on the US when the Sudan, China and France are doing the same thing (worse really) and the media hardly gives genocide a passing glance.

1. THE DAMNED OF DARFUR | By RALPH PETERS | Opinions | Scott Stringer | Adam Brodsky
2. Islamic Slavery in Sudan - HUMAN EVENTS

3. BBC NEWS | Africa | No return for Sudan's forgotten slaves

Reply Sat 18 Aug, 2007 07:47 am
@Red cv,
Red;31644 wrote:
Here's a few more articles on the Sudan, and the genocide of Darfur. If you take the time to read the links you will see why it's so hypocrital of the rest of the world to heap scorn on the US when the Sudan, China and France are doing the same thing (worse really) and the media hardly gives genocide a passing glance.

1. THE DAMNED OF DARFUR | By RALPH PETERS | Opinions | Scott Stringer | Adam Brodsky
2. Islamic Slavery in Sudan - HUMAN EVENTS

3. BBC NEWS | Africa | No return for Sudan's forgotten slaves


Ralph peters is a retired inteligence officer and works as a reporter now, he has never been in Sudan, its nothing but hearsay , serving the interests of those who want to portray Sudan in the worst possible way, mr or Dr spencer has never been in Sudan too , its hearsay too, stories from one person to another, i can not trust his sources, saying this am not denying that whats happening in Darfor is wrong, but its not what these people are trying to make it look like, just want go through.
Red cv
Reply Sat 18 Aug, 2007 03:59 pm
@Red cv,
A bus load of reporters where given a tour of Darfur, you leader refused to allow them to interview the refugees-why? They had armed guards with them at all times, they were not allowed to go anywhere without guards. Why? Relief workers on the ground have validated that mass rapes and genocide has taken place. It's not if or when but has. Your President is an animal, here's him being interviewed and look who's getting the blame for Darfur yep the JEWS and the US. I can only shake my head if your people believe this hateful retarded devil.

MEMRI: Latest News

He's not the brightest bulb in the pack is he.
Reply Sat 18 Aug, 2007 06:52 pm
politically-wrong;31711 wrote:
Ralph peters is a retired inteligence officer and works as a reporter now, he has never been in Sudan, its nothing but hearsay , serving the interests of those who want to portray Sudan in the worst possible way, mr or Dr spencer has never been in Sudan too , its hearsay too, stories from one person to another, i can not trust his sources, saying this am not denying that whats happening in Darfor is wrong, but its not what these people are trying to make it look like, just want go through.

Don't forget, PW.....you want to 'destroy Israel'. With that in mind, it's going to be very, very difficult for me to give you much credibility. :no:
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 01:34 am
@Red cv,
Red;31798 wrote:
A bus load of reporters where given a tour of Darfur, you leader refused to allow them to interview the refugees-why? They had armed guards with them at all times, they were not allowed to go anywhere without guards. Why? Relief workers on the ground have validated that mass rapes and genocide has taken place. It's not if or when but has. Your President is an animal, here's him being interviewed and look who's getting the blame for Darfur yep the JEWS and the US. I can only shake my head if your people believe this hateful retarded devil.

MEMRI: Latest News

He's not the brightest bulb in the pack is he.

untill you can give credibility to your stories !! , about this bus where did you hear about it? iam very sceptical because i know how the US is trying to use whats happening in Darfor to its own use, which is making it very hard for the Sudan to cooperate, and because we know what UN forces do in every country they have entered so far, you must keep in mind am not saying there is no trouble in Darfor , no there is, but its not massmurder or massrape thats just what the US is trying to make Sudan look like for political ends and thats why the government will never agree to UN forces in Darfor, i want to give you some insight i didnot watch the video u mentioned (i never watch our president appearance on tv) but this guy isnot the one you should be looking for , he is just a doll in place, and he is not the brightest bulb, infact he is not a bulb at all , but as long as the US is leading the world stand about Darfor there will never be enough co operation from Sudan.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 01:42 am
Pinochet73;31828 wrote:
Don't forget, PW.....you want to 'destroy Israel'. With that in mind, it's going to be very, very difficult for me to give you much credibility. :no:

what has my wanting to destroy Israel do with giving me credibility?
i was frank and truthfull about that wasnot i?
am just as frank and truthfull about everything else.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 01:54 am
@Red cv,
Haven't you learned yet? There's no profit in human rights, hence why we "liberated" the Iraqis, but let millions anguish in Africa. Simply put, there's nothing in it for us, not to mention that China has oil interest there, which makes it off limits to the U.S. big money.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 11:13 am
politically-wrong;31847 wrote:
... which is making it very hard for the Sudan to cooperate, and because we know what UN forces do in every country they have entered so far....

Sudan has a hard time cooperating in stopping the evil because the government is the entity perpetratiing the evil.

You should welcome the UN. It does nothing when it enters a country except provide legitimacy for the country's actions.
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 01:45 am
Volunteer;31907 wrote:
Sudan has a hard time cooperating in stopping the evil because the government is the entity perpetratiing the evil.

You should welcome the UN. It does nothing when it enters a country except provide legitimacy for the country's actions.

you should read more into the the history of UN forces intervention and what frequently is reported after wards.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 09:42 am
politically-wrong;31850 wrote:
what has my wanting to destroy Israel do with giving me credibility?
i was frank and truthfull about that wasnot i?
am just as frank and truthfull about everything else.
what has my wanting to destroy Israel do with giving me credibility?
You can't complain about injustice in one arguement and then say you want "to destro Israel" in another. That makes you as bad as the people you would have destroy them, unless it is you who are going to be doing the destroying?
i was frank and truthfull about that wasnot i?

We appreciate your honesty but it explains alot about your politic. You cannot have a good converstion without you and i being honest about what we feel. It leads us to believe you would not want the same for every one which in our opinion takes away from your credibility, as a just and humane person.
am just as frank and truthfull about everything else
Not about who wrote your Quran? But i do understand why you can't say what you know to be true!
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 11:47 am
92b16vx;31853 wrote:
Haven't you learned yet? There's no profit in human rights, hence why we "liberated" the Iraqis, but let millions anguish in Africa. Simply put, there's nothing in it for us, not to mention that China has oil interest there, which makes it off limits to the U.S. big money.

Very true, there is nothing for the US to gain by helping Africa.
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 12:02 pm
politically-wrong;31850 wrote:
what has my wanting to destroy Israel do with giving me credibility?
i was frank and truthfull about that wasnot i?
am just as frank and truthfull about everything else.

You speak from two faces, honesty, don't use big words you don't understand. Why don't you tell us what you really think of Christians. It is not much different than how you feel about the Jews. The largest population of Jewish people outside Israel is in the USA, do you wish us to be wiped off the map as well? Come on tell the truth, tell all the Christian people here giving you benefit of the doubt the truth. So far I have been the only one to really say anything insulting to you, tell us please, show us your true self, let us see you for what you really are.
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 02:59 am
tvsej;32049 wrote:
You speak from two faces, honesty, don't use big words you don't understand. Why don't you tell us what you really think of Christians. It is not much different than how you feel about the Jews. The largest population of Jewish people outside Israel is in the USA, do you wish us to be wiped off the map as well? Come on tell the truth, tell all the Christian people here giving you benefit of the doubt the truth. So far I have been the only one to really say anything insulting to you, tell us please, show us your true self, let us see you for what you really are.

you can never ever see me for what i really am because you already have a previously formed opinion of every muslim before you see hear or talk with one.

don't use big words you don't understand

now you are inside my brain , and you know what i understand from what i dont understand , nice trick how do you do it?

Why don't you tell us what you really think of Christians. It is not much different than how you feel about the Jews

oh no , its totaly different from how i feel about the jewish community, i have nothing against christians for they dont occupy my land, which isnot the case with the jewish community.

The largest population of Jewish people outside Israel is in the USA, do you wish us to be wiped off the map as well

i dont give a damn about a jew who resides out side palestine , my problem is with those occupying palestinian lands.

Come on tell the truth, tell all the Christian people here giving you benefit of the doubt the truth. So far I have been the only one to really say anything insulting to you, tell us please, show us your true self, let us see you for what you really are

from your words here its 100% clear to me that my first statement of this post is also 100% accurate, not that iam a genius , its just plain obvious.

So far I have been the only one to really say anything insulting to you

you dont have to tell me that, i know who insulted me and who didnot, just because you happened to be christian iam not gonna hold it against other christians, plus you didnot really manage to get under my skin , its too thick Very Happy , also i very much understand why you feel so much emossion about this, if your media can show the worst muslim as the average one and our media's capabilities=zero its not your fault.

what i really am by the way is some one who wishes he can solve the problems of the world , i can not but i will always do my best.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 03:13 am
tvsej;32048 wrote:
Very true, there is nothing for the US to gain by helping Africa.

i have to disagree with you here , there is alot to be gained, not directly anyway, The US has and will always have interests in africa , alot of its citizens reside here , they have huge investments all over the region , for example you wouldnot want russia and china to have unchallenged presence in Darfor , why ? because huge amounts of Uranium has been discovered in the region , you may not believe this ofcourse , but you can find out if you want to , also this is just one example of the vast interests for you in africa , if china is let loose soon they will have their own empire of markets here , guess what will that do to your major advirsary's already growing market ?
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 03:46 am
Drnaline;32016 wrote:
You can't complain about injustice in one arguement and then say you want "to destro Israel" in another. That makes you as bad as the people you would have destroy them, unless it is you who are going to be doing the destroying?
We appreciate your honesty but it explains alot about your politic. You cannot have a good converstion without you and i being honest about what we feel. It leads us to believe you would not want the same for every one which in our opinion takes away from your credibility, as a just and humane person.Not about who wrote your Quran? But i do understand why you can't say what you know to be true!

destroying Israel as i want is in the dismantling of the state , iam not trying to wipe out the people in it, you must understand that my stance against them because of the occupation , there is nothing else , personally the most important aim is to get back Jerusalem , next comes every inch of occupied land in the war of 67 , i dont have a wish to kill every jew , what iam demanding isnot a small thing ( far from it) but i want you to understand that am not being ireasonable by wanting to wipe out the jews, the jews can have anything they want as long as i get back whats my rightfully mine (in my point of view till it changes ) , if cuba some how succeeds in occupying the nearest US state to it, wouldnot you want to get it back? will you have a wish to kill every Cuban? its the same for me as i believe Israel is occupying arab land.
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 07:15 am
politically-wrong;32136 wrote:
i have to disagree with you here , there is alot to be gained, not directly anyway, The US has and will always have interests in africa , alot of its citizens reside here , they have huge investments all over the region , for example you wouldnot want russia and china to have unchallenged presence in Darfor , why ? because huge amounts of Uranium has been discovered in the region , you may not believe this ofcourse , but you can find out if you want to , also this is just one example of the vast interests for you in africa , if china is let loose soon they will have their own empire of markets here , guess what will that do to your major advirsary's already growing market ?

Of course there's some exploitable resources, but nothing close the the billion dollar a day oil business we have in the middle east.
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Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 08:09 am
politically-wrong;32137 wrote:
destroying Israel as i want is in the dismantling of the state , iam not trying to wipe out the people in it, you must understand that my stance against them because of the occupation , there is nothing else , personally the most important aim is to get back Jerusalem , next comes every inch of occupied land in the war of 67 , i dont have a wish to kill every jew , what iam demanding isnot a small thing ( far from it) but i want you to understand that am not being ireasonable by wanting to wipe out the jews, the jews can have anything they want as long as i get back whats my rightfully mine (in my point of view till it changes ) , if cuba some how succeeds in occupying the nearest US state to it, wouldnot you want to get it back? will you have a wish to kill every Cuban? its the same for me as i believe Israel is occupying arab land.
To get Jerusalem back your gonna have to take it by force. History and God have already proven you are not capable of doing so, in fact when you guys do try you end up losing more then you had in the first place. So your kind resorts to terrorism, no matter what you boil it down to it ends up terrorism. You cannot achieve it through diplomatic means so this is what you are reduced too.
Check this out.
Main Events In The History Of Jerusalem Timeline @ CenturyOne BookstoreMidEast Web - Middle East Israel - Palestinian Conflict TimeLine Of which Israel declared it's independence. Then Egypt, Syria, Jordan promply attacked them and lost land in the process. This lost land are the spoils of war, if you can't afford to lose, don't play! This is the only other situation i can see you guys losing something in which case it was by your own means. They shouldn't of attacked. This must be the disputed land you keep talking about.

Link to the Belfour Declaration. Middle East Documents Balfour Declaration
British support for Jewish Restoration. British Support for Jewish Restoration

Now how do you figure you are being occupied?
personally the most important aim is to get back Jerusalem
What do you mean get it back, it was never yours in the first place? The only reason your people were there is because the Jews had already been run out of there land.
i dont have a wish to kill every jew ,
No, just the ones that won't leave huh?
but i want you to understand that am not being ireasonable by wanting to wipe out the jews,
Oh yes you are!!! Ask any one on this forum with the exception of Sword i doubt you will find otherwise?
the jews can have anything they want as long as i get back whats my rightfully mine
Please explain how it is yours? Do you have title at least?
if cuba some how succeeds in occupying the nearest US state to it, wouldnot you want to get it back?
Not want, we would get it back by force. Not through terrorism.
will you have a wish to kill every Cuban? its the same for me as i believe Israel is occupying arab land
You believe but your belief is wrong. Unless you can prove otherwise? World history as i see it see's it my way not yours?
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 05:17 pm
@Red cv,
It's funny first the US is evil for invading Iraq, now you want the US to stop the rise of Chinese power in the Sudan? Don't forget France is on the ground with a military force shooting at the janjaweed also.

Well your mad leader crawled into bed with China to arm the janjaweed, he let them kill, murder and commit genocide and refused the UN access to aide those that were suffering. If the Sudan becomes a puppet of China it's it's own fault.

I'm more concerned for the Horn of Africa, we need to arm the innocent africian people so the next time the janjaweed come storming into their towns on horse back the innocents can kill them where they sit. It would be madness to intervene in a civil war between the waring Arabs and the innocent Muslim Africians (it's their oil not the Sudans) arm them so they can fight for their oil.

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