Well well, a wee bit of news from Scotland

Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2007 05:50 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;33622 wrote:
listen ian,you know im an athiest,so the last thing i would want is sharia law ! but the fact is we dont have it here in the UK,yes they're are radical islamic groups,and they need to be kept in check,but they're is no islamic party with any political clout,only mainstream parties,they're was a court case here in the UK last year about a mulsim woman who wanted to wear a hijab( a veil covering the whole face with only the eyes showing ) in a school,i was totally against this woman and what she was trying to do,and so was the vast majority of the country,and quite rightly she was told she could not wear it,im a no muslim apoligist,the actions of the extremists anger me,with their views,but thre is no islamic party with any political power.

Your Islamic population is growing, while your White population isn't. Who gives a damn about political parties? They're going to bomb your freckled butts to mincemeat.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2007 10:09 am
Pinochet73;33839 wrote:
Your Islamic population is growing, while your White population isn't. Who gives a damn about political parties? They're going to bomb your freckled butts to mincemeat.

after this piece of information from pino ! i am now in the process of building a underground bunker,and keeping a bazooka next to my bed !
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2007 02:41 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;33929 wrote:
after this piece of information from pino ! i am now in the process of building a underground bunker,and keeping a bazooka next to my bed !

gimme a big atta boy!!
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2007 04:11 pm
@Red cv,
Kind of hard to dig in a country built on Rock their Scooby.

Here's a good read for you Mericans, it's a US based Islamic forum and look what they are openly discussing?

On August 26, Islamist websites hosted in Minnesota [SiteGenie, LLC, Rochester, MN] posted an item titled "How to Join Al-Qaeda." It is not clear when the item was written; it was produced by the website Al-Thabitoun 'Ala Al-'Ahd, which is affiliated with Al-Qaeda in Egypt and is currently inactive. The item calls on every Muslim to regard jihad as a personal duty and to take initiative to establish a jihad cell without waiting for recognition from Al-Qaeda. It goes on to elaborate on how to form and run the cell, how to raise funds, and how to select a target, "for example, assassinating the American ambassador," which, it states, "takes no more than a gun and a bullet."

The following are excerpts from the item:

"You feel that you want to carry a weapon, fight, and kill the occupiers, and that it is our duty to call for jihad as much as to call for prayer... All that is required is a firm personal decision to fulfill this obligation, and participation in jihad and the resistance...

"Do you really have to meet Osama bin Laden in person in order to become a jihad fighter? Do you have to be recognized by Al-Qaeda as one of its members to become a jihad fighter? If Al-Qaeda commanders should be killed, would the jihad be eliminated? What would you do if Al-Qaeda did not exist today? How is Osama bin Laden different from you? - [yet] he managed to establish the world jihad organization. Who provided training to Osama bin Laden and Abdallah 'Azzam when they went to Afghanistan to become the first Arab jihad fighters?

"The answers to these questions are the following: I don't have to meet Osama bin Laden to become a jihad fighter. Moreover, there is no need to meet even one jihad fighter to become one. Neither do I need recognition from Al-Qaeda...

"As the first step, imagine that Al-Qaeda does not exist and that you are interested [in waging] jihad - what would you do in this case?... If you know any young people - whether one, two, or more - in your area, mosque, or university who are as dedicated and enthusiastic about jihad as you are, come to an understanding with them, and together form a cell whose objective is to help Islam and only Islam...

"At first, your cell should have no more than five members, all absolutely trustworthy... The cell must have a commander and a shura council... The commander must clearly realize that he is Osama bin Laden to the cell members...

"Each cell should have a source of funding... When you have several members, you will [surely] find the funds for your cell... Then you should buy weapons, make plans, brainstorm, plot your plans, monitor your enemy's important objectives, and study its moves. Set a goal; for example, assassinating the American ambassador - is it so difficult? Is it [indeed] difficult for someone who has already crushed America in her own home?

"What is the difference between you and the hero of the New York attack, Muhammad Atta, who planned an action which even today shakes the world every time it is mentioned? Assassinating the ambassador takes no more than a gun and a bullet. One could disguise oneself as a peddler in order to tail [the target], which shouldn't cost a lot of money...

"The cells must maintain contact among themselves, but by no means in a direct or conventional way. The contact must be spiritual: What will unite you is the love of Islam and the motto "There is no God but Allah." Even if the contact between [your] cell and the rest is indirect, it will be close... You must meet once a month... You must not meet in the same place twice... Personal meetings with a small number of people [must take place] once a week...

"From the moment the cell is established, its members must be divided - into secret members, members who do not [act] openly and are not wanted by the authorities, and members who are wanted (who have been arrested in the past or on whom the intelligence apparatuses have a file)... The secret members must perform intelligence tasks, collect information, raise funds, recruit [new members], and assist in [actual operations]. Those who act in the open must perform the primary military operations, such as assassinations, firing at enemy facilities, etc.

"You must be aware that you have brothers everywhere, and that they are expecting the actions of you and your friends even if they don't know you in person or by name...

"Every jihad cell is a microcosm of the world jihad organization."

On American soil discussing ways to kill. Where's the FBI these days.

Linky: MEMRI: Latest News
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 05:10 am
@Red cv,
Red;33996 wrote:
Kind of hard to dig in a country built on Rock their Scooby.

Here's a good read for you Mericans, it's a US based Islamic forum and look what they are openly discussing?

On August 26, Islamist websites hosted in Minnesota [SiteGenie, LLC, Rochester, MN] posted an item titled "How to Join Al-Qaeda." It is not clear when the item was written; it was produced by the website Al-Thabitoun 'Ala Al-'Ahd, which is affiliated with Al-Qaeda in Egypt and is currently inactive. The item calls on every Muslim to regard jihad as a personal duty and to take initiative to establish a jihad cell without waiting for recognition from Al-Qaeda. It goes on to elaborate on how to form and run the cell, how to raise funds, and how to select a target, "for example, assassinating the American ambassador," which, it states, "takes no more than a gun and a bullet."

The following are excerpts from the item:

"You feel that you want to carry a weapon, fight, and kill the occupiers, and that it is our duty to call for jihad as much as to call for prayer... All that is required is a firm personal decision to fulfill this obligation, and participation in jihad and the resistance...

"Do you really have to meet Osama bin Laden in person in order to become a jihad fighter? Do you have to be recognized by Al-Qaeda as one of its members to become a jihad fighter? If Al-Qaeda commanders should be killed, would the jihad be eliminated? What would you do if Al-Qaeda did not exist today? How is Osama bin Laden different from you? - [yet] he managed to establish the world jihad organization. Who provided training to Osama bin Laden and Abdallah 'Azzam when they went to Afghanistan to become the first Arab jihad fighters?

"The answers to these questions are the following: I don't have to meet Osama bin Laden to become a jihad fighter. Moreover, there is no need to meet even one jihad fighter to become one. Neither do I need recognition from Al-Qaeda...

"As the first step, imagine that Al-Qaeda does not exist and that you are interested [in waging] jihad - what would you do in this case?... If you know any young people - whether one, two, or more - in your area, mosque, or university who are as dedicated and enthusiastic about jihad as you are, come to an understanding with them, and together form a cell whose objective is to help Islam and only Islam...

"At first, your cell should have no more than five members, all absolutely trustworthy... The cell must have a commander and a shura council... The commander must clearly realize that he is Osama bin Laden to the cell members...

"Each cell should have a source of funding... When you have several members, you will [surely] find the funds for your cell... Then you should buy weapons, make plans, brainstorm, plot your plans, monitor your enemy's important objectives, and study its moves. Set a goal; for example, assassinating the American ambassador - is it so difficult? Is it [indeed] difficult for someone who has already crushed America in her own home?

"What is the difference between you and the hero of the New York attack, Muhammad Atta, who planned an action which even today shakes the world every time it is mentioned? Assassinating the ambassador takes no more than a gun and a bullet. One could disguise oneself as a peddler in order to tail [the target], which shouldn't cost a lot of money...

"The cells must maintain contact among themselves, but by no means in a direct or conventional way. The contact must be spiritual: What will unite you is the love of Islam and the motto "There is no God but Allah." Even if the contact between [your] cell and the rest is indirect, it will be close... You must meet once a month... You must not meet in the same place twice... Personal meetings with a small number of people [must take place] once a week...

"From the moment the cell is established, its members must be divided - into secret members, members who do not [act] openly and are not wanted by the authorities, and members who are wanted (who have been arrested in the past or on whom the intelligence apparatuses have a file)... The secret members must perform intelligence tasks, collect information, raise funds, recruit [new members], and assist in [actual operations]. Those who act in the open must perform the primary military operations, such as assassinations, firing at enemy facilities, etc.

"You must be aware that you have brothers everywhere, and that they are expecting the actions of you and your friends even if they don't know you in person or by name...

"Every jihad cell is a microcosm of the world jihad organization."

On American soil discussing ways to kill. Where's the FBI these days.

Linky: MEMRI: Latest News

Holy **** Red, this is allowed to go around America where anyone surfing the net can find it. Where the hell are the freedom fighters (FBI etc...) now to banned recruiting sites like this one. Scary very scary. It is this kinda thing exactly that makes me spit bad phrases and words to another people.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 07:17 am
@Red cv,
Smash the terrorists. Show no mercy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 08:06 am
@Red cv,
its hopeless we are all doomed
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 07:54 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;33929 wrote:
after this piece of information from pino ! i am now in the process of building a underground bunker,and keeping a bazooka next to my bed !

That would require balls and forethought (no....not foreskin, dammit), Scooby. You lack both, as a liberal Socialist.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 07:55 am
politically-wrong;34065 wrote:
its hopeless we are all doomed

Right, if you try to pull your crap in the US. We're not another pansy-Europe.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 07:57 am
@Red cv,
Keep kicking butt, Red. You da bomb, Mama. You da 'Bomb'n Mama', up in here.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:43 am
Pinochet73;34219 wrote:
That would require balls and forethought (no....not foreskin, dammit), Scooby. You lack both, as a liberal Socialist.

LOL because im a liberal socialist,i have no balls LOL away and play with your guns pino :beat:
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:44 am
Pinochet73;34220 wrote:
Right, if you try to pull your crap in the US. We're not another pansy-Europe.

yeh you amercans are all big tough guys LOL
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 01:43 pm
@Red cv,
scooby-doo;34239 wrote:
LOL because im a liberal socialist,i have no balls LOL away and play with your guns pino :beat:

You emasculated yourself the instant you quit believing in ancestral Europe. You worship a fake, dying world that did nothing good for anyone, when it was inflated, and seemingly alive. You wouldn't fight for anything, Scooby. You are bereft of conviction.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 01:43 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;34241 wrote:
yeh you amercans are all big tough guys LOL

Yup. We da chit. Got gonads?:dunno:
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 02:48 pm
Pinochet73;34338 wrote:
You emasculated yourself the instant you quit believing in ancestral Europe. You worship a fake, dying world that did nothing good for anyone, when it was inflated, and seemingly alive. You wouldn't fight for anything, Scooby. You are bereft of conviction.

you talk some amount of pish ! as for not fighting for anything,i think you would fet a surprise on that one :cool:
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 02:48 pm
Pinochet73;34339 wrote:
Yup. We da chit. Got gonads?:dunno:

even without your guns ?
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 05:51 pm
politically-wrong;34065 wrote:
its hopeless we are all doomed

I don't think so PW if half the Muslims' globally have your sense of honour and ethics than we shall join forces and hopefully we can live together in peace and harmony. Wahhabi Islam it the source of the rise in Radical Islam crush it for the cult it is and we will see Islam go back to being what it can be peaceful. Our world leaders are weak and live to rule or govern they don't care if the world goes to hell in a hand basket we do.

Yes Tv and I've seen worse, I'll try and find the link but it's in England. A Muslim forum discussing why it's okay to rape women and kill Children in ENGLAND during a Jihad. I kid you not. I don't blame the posters I blame spineless governments who rather appease a small group of radicals than crush them like bugs. The internet is monitored but it's me and other blunt posters who will be forced out before radical Islamists. The socialist have crawled into bed with them for the vote and that won't change until we crush the socialist hiding as Liberals globally. They believe in nothing but a socialist utopia, and never working.
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 10:57 am
@Red cv,
Red;34372 wrote:
I don't think so PW if half the Muslims' globally have your sense of honour and ethics than we shall join forces and hopefully we can live together in peace and harmony. Wahhabi Islam it the source of the rise in Radical Islam crush it for the cult it is and we will see Islam go back to being what it can be peaceful. Our world leaders are weak and live to rule or govern they don't care if the world goes to hell in a hand basket we do.

Yes Tv and I've seen worse, I'll try and find the link but it's in England. A Muslim forum discussing why it's okay to rape women and kill Children in ENGLAND during a Jihad. I kid you not. I don't blame the posters I blame spineless governments who rather appease a small group of radicals than crush them like bugs. The internet is monitored but it's me and other blunt posters who will be forced out before radical Islamists. The socialist have crawled into bed with them for the vote and that won't change until we crush the socialist hiding as Liberals globally. They believe in nothing but a socialist utopia, and never working.

Western Christians cannot peacefully co-exist with Islam. It's impossible.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:00 am
@Red cv,
Wahhabi Islam it the source of the rise in Radical Islam crush it for the cult it is and we will see Islam go back to being what it can be peaceful. Our world leaders are weak and live to rule or govern they don't care if the world goes to hell in a hand basket we do.

well you can say that again , Wahhabism = & means extremism , the biggest problem is they got tons of money , but the citizens are not happy with them to say the least , and i think it will be better if i (as a muslim) bring that government down , before a western collaboration does it because of another 911.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:16 pm
politically-wrong;34679 wrote:
well you can say that again , Wahhabism = & means extremism , the biggest problem is they got tons of money , but the citizens are not happy with them to say the least , and i think it will be better if i (as a muslim) bring that government down , before a western collaboration does it because of another 911.

At last, a truly sensible solution. Now, go out and recruit all your friends that think as you and kill the true infidels of Islam, the Islamic radicals.
0 Replies

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