Will they? Will all of them fight? Think about it. Will Obama's official armies, in whatever uniform, under whatever specific orders, actually fight for his treasonous cause? I doubt it. I submit there will be large-scale desertions and mutinies, emanating from in-rank strife and rebellion. Indeed, the 'cast of usual misfits', e.g., the traitors of Traditional America (i.e., anti-White racists, Communists, atheists, pagans, and every other stripe of American derelict) will probably fight for Obama; but what about the patriots in his official service? WILL THEY TURN ON THEIR OWN PEOPLE? WILL THEY ARREST THEM, BEAT THEM, SHOOT THEM, TORTURE THEM IN OBAMA'S CONCENTRATION CAMPS, ETC., ETC.? No...........I don't believe they will. Quite to the contrary, they will succumb to the 'hard tugging' of their collective Christian conscience, and refuse to do so. Most will outrightly defy such orders, break ranks, and JOIN THE WESTERN CHRISTIAN INSURGENTS OF AMERICA, those heroic warriors of God's TRUTH. Hail, Christian Knights of New America. Hail, and come with us, as we battle Anti-Christ Obama, for possession of America's soul.