What does Islam really teach?

Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 07:45 am
Curmudgeon;8371 wrote:

in other words people civilians who have not done anything to the muslims
harmless people. and harming Allahs/Gods creation is a majour sin unless you are at war with soldies or have another other very good reason
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 08:49 am
@al islam,
I think we know where this is going. I believe pelitsnake believes what they do is wrong but also they are not doing evil and will be let into heaven? He neglects to say what we all know is happening, they are at war with us so the killing of civilians is justified. Colateral damage is part of there game. And they intend to take our as many as possible.
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 08:54 am
Drnaline;8373 wrote:
I think we know where this is going. I believe pelitsnake believes what they do is wrong but also they are not doing evil and will be let into heaven? He neglects to say what we all know is happening, they are at war with us so the killing of civilians is justified. Colateral damage is part of there game. And they intend to take our as many as possible.

i think you have misunderstood me.
i did not say anywhere that killing of civilions is justyfied
0 Replies
Tulip cv
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 08:54 am
If you could provide links or re-answer the question please because I would like to know what are you referring to, there are plenty of issues in Iraq.

You say that:

i know what you have quoted sound like terrorism but their values are a lot different when they have been translated in English. And you should try reading the earlier verses before quoting one. The bit where it says do not take christians and Jews as your friends is because at that time Islam was a minority and both of these religions were persecuting them.

The more l read, trust me, the more horrified l am. First you said l took it out of context, so l provided the entire paragraphs, then you commented on the source, and so l provided three sources. Now you are saying well l should read the earlier verse before qouting, yep, l have done that.

And the problem is that these verses are being used and taught today by MAINSTREAM islamists. Here are examples of Islamists in action-

The following video clip, released several months ago by the IDF Spokesman's office, shows two examples of this phenomenon. In both cases, terrorists are seen taking or trying to take little boys for use as human shields.

The story and video clip can be found at www.mediaright.ca look at the links on the right side of the page, go down to the title "Islam a Religion of Peace".

More and more civilians are being killed in Iraq each day its worse that before and now they plan to leave

Actually, l just listened to the news and they aren't. We {NATO, as I am a Canadian} toppled a tyrant who was steeling the money of people like you,who are entitled to it, as it is an inheritance for all the people, not a selected few. This created a vacuum, THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

Now the Shias backed by Iran want to continue fighting, they do not want peace, they will get a BIG payoff if they get in. First, their is billions being held by the U.N. who has also found 500 million missing, taken by corrupt government officals, who are also missing , still, l beleive.

We don't want them in due to the fact that they have used children and their personal arsenal, teaching them the Quranic quotes l have supplied, and those are just a few from the MAINSTREAM Islamic faith.

The Americans, who are leading this effort to free Iraq from tyrants rules and chaos are now trying to train the Iraq troops and oh my goodness, from the report l read this morning, they are not the best, l guess it could be a language barrier, but basically they want the US to be up front and take the bullets and bombs.

And palestine, lets say this is what happened to them. for e.g. say if a complete stranger came knocking on your front door and said " from now on i own this but of your house and you are no allowed to use it, i will be settling in tomorrow" would you tolerate that?

Now that depends on the situation, or the context, historically, for example was it stolen from the Jewish or Christian people in the first place?

Yep, l think so, but you will have to be specific about which country you are referring too, as all of them have distinct issues.

I believe the Palestine's should never had recieved land for peace, and they certainly have not honoured the agreement. The motivation is the terrorist handbook found in the teachings of Muhammad and entilted the Quran.

I know what is going on has made you think that Islam is a terror religion but that's not true and i came to this forum not to convert you but to change your opinion or atleast know where they are coming from.

Well that is very noble of you but if you could make some statements l can let you know our side of thing...who knows maybe we can have our own peace talks?

Islam helped colossally with the development of science and maths take for instance algebra it was take by ibn
Musa al-Khowarizmi.

Hey, no one is saying the Middle East is lessor at all, we completely welcome those from the middle-east in our countries, they are given NOBEL PEACE PRIZE's and yes, they are brilliant, no question.

Allah Almighty said that the earth is "egg-shaped".

CAN you provide a referance for this, because the Moon God, Allah was a rock that looked like an egg.

My point is that Islam is not a so called " terrorist religion" and i hope you would look at things from all points of view before you conclude. And more and more people are converting to Islam with their own research.

go for it show me your qoutes, because so far it is a mainstream faith that is fueling the fire in the belly of terrorists, justifying horrific acts of kidnapping and torturing, of threatening violence and death.

Israel has been threatened to be wiped off the map, as well as Hezzbollah vowing to never stop fighting, there is case after case of horrific non-peaceful actions in the name of Allah.

CHildren are taught to hate Jews, that they are pigs, and they need to kill them. Husbands are taught to oppress and beat their wifes.

How exactly do you say it isn't a religion of hatred, violence and terrorism??

I see Islam in word is all about terrorism, I see that Islam in action is all about terrorsim.
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 09:01 am
pelitsnake;8376 wrote:
i think you have misunderstood me
i did not say anywhere that killing of civilians is justified.
Are people that kill innocent civilians evil doers?
Are extreme muslims that kill People in this country, the USA, Evil? I'm asking your personal opinion not the Quran.
If my country is at war with Muslims, in which i think you think they are, given the chance will they kill me?
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 09:17 am
@Tulip cv,
Hello Tulip,
As you know i cannot speak for all the actions of the Muslims because the are divided in many divisions ( like catholics and protestants) And the one i belong to is ahle sunnat and i cannot speak for the sheas etc. and where it says to beat their wife's is when they rebel against you ( as a last resort).
But the rank of a mother is before a father in Islam. it goes like this.
First Allah then Muhammed after The mother and then the father. Its how to interpret it. I cannot justify the killing of Jews but as i said earlier Jews did a lot of bad things if you read my earlier post.

As for the reference goes : The Authorized English Translation of the Quran, Sura - 79 The Snatchers (Al-Naaze`aat), translated from the original by Dr. Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D.
[79:30] He made the earth egg-shaped.
*79:30 The Arabic word ``dahhaahaa'' is derived from ``Dahhyah'' which means ``egg.''

I hope that has answered your question and i hope you realize that there are more than 17 different divisions in Islam ( some more well known as others)

thanks for your time:peace: i hope i didn't offend anyone
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 09:28 am
Drnaline;8377 wrote:
Are people that kill innocent civilians evil doers?
Are extreme Muslims that kill People in this country, the USA, Evil? I'm asking your personal opinion not the Quran.
If my country is at war with Muslims, in which i think you think they are, given the chance will they kill me?

I do not understand what you mean by the term "Evil doers"
well as to your second question i don't know what they will do or not ( as i cant read their minds:p ) if you are doing nothing to them. they are certainly not allowed to. In the olden days when Muslims use to take prisoners they would keep them for 10 days and ask them if they want to convert to Islam.
if they refused they were let go.
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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 09:37 am
@al islam,
I do not understand what you mean by the term "Evil doers"

Are extreme muslims/terrorists going to heaven? Directly or indirectly.
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 09:41 am
@al islam,
In the olden days when Muslims use to take prisoners they would keep them for 10 days and ask them if they want to convert to Islam.
if they refused they were let go.

What about the new days? I haven't heard anybody getting away alive unless you convert!
0 Replies
Tulip cv
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 09:41 am
Geesh, you sound like a Canadian, we apologize all the time as well.

So you are a Sunni, okay, that is great, because I now can see where you are coming from, and you opinions are valued, even while we may not agree with you.

I have to get back, but go ahead and answer the Isreal question please.

And, by the by, the U.S. president wants to continue helping IRAQ and I completely support that they continue to help, and l am sure they will. Iraq needs to become responsible for themselves and today l read about how US troops are training them. The continued fighting between the shias and the sunnies does not help the matter. They need to decide whether they want to be terrorists or citisens.

In the meantime, the UN has been holding the oil bank account. Why should this all happen at the taxpayers of NATO countries? We are talking about oild money to the tune of hundred of billions of dollars. While the U.S alone has invested 400 billion dollars to help Iraq.

Iraq should be using part of this huge oil money to help NATO countries which have freed them and this money which would have lined the pockets of corrupt government officals and terrorists. I know as a taxpayor, l don't mind paying for security of our world's future, but l resent paying to help a country and then hearing insults from the leader of that country- this is IRAQ.

I would like some of those billions to pay for restructuring and rebuidling so that at least our troops have top notch equipment and this doesn't fall on the taxpayer.

And then the Iraqis continue to call for humanitarian aid, and yet this money in the UN account can completely rebuild and help all of the people, no more slums or tyrants ruling the country,

So, go ahead, make some points and comments, I welcome them, we want Islamists to be a peace with their neighbours and with us. As much as l disagree and am horrified witht he teachings of Muhammad, l have no issues with the citizens of Islam except the actions of Hezzbollah, the Brotherhood and Hamas.

The Sunnis have done some autrocious deeds and fueled the sectarian violence in IRAQ. This makes it really difficult to create peace, and have laws that unify the country and make the political and security move towards re-construction. If you are a Sunni where do you stand on the issues of continued resistance in Iraq.
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 10:00 am
Drnaline;8380 wrote:
Are extreme Muslims/terrorists going to heaven? Directly or indirectly.

as i wrote earlier that 1-1000 will go to heaven. As i said there are more and more divisions in Islam and the prophet (pbuh) says "that there will reach a time when Islam has 73 partitions and only 1 ( the original and the correct one will go to heaven) will go to heaven". Now a days more and more Muslims are getting off task and that is what make up for the ratio. Its a bit like a prison sentience for Muslims who go to hell. One day they will get out. after they have done their sentence but hell so terrifying its beyond imagination.
as for your question i cannot answer if they will go to heaven directly or indirectly as i am not God. ( sorry ) but i did say that harming harmless civilians is a big sin. I myself am a very bad person and most Muslims are going to hell unless they change their ways. i recently realised that and i am greatful to Allah/God for guiding me the right way.

Sorry, if i couldn't answer you question.
Thanks for your time. ( again i hope i didn't offend anyone :peace: )
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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 10:05 am
@Tulip cv,
is the question getting wiped off the map?

Migrating and taking over is very different. The Israelis have taken half the land. I saw pictures in the news that the palestinians were fighting back with stones and they got shot.
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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 10:05 am
@al islam,
I don't think that you can't answer, i think you will not answer. Again i am asking your opinion, not asking what Allah/God will do.
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 10:25 am
Drnaline;8385 wrote:
I don't think that you can't answer, i think you will not answer. Again i am asking your opinion, not asking what Allah/God will do.

The thing about Allah is that he is indeed the most mercyful. And you can as forgiveness from him 0until you die. In my opinion if what they are doing is killing civilians for revenge or anger which is worng. And as with the case will most muslims i think they will go indirectly.

thanks for your time.

p.s. can i ask you your a/s/L thank you
0 Replies
Tulip cv
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 10:48 am
Petitsnake, l just want you to know that God loves you and that you are welcome at anytime to read his book, the Bible and begin a relationship with his son, who many call Jesus, but is in fact Yahshau.

In the Bible, you will find the way to peace. It was written centuries before Muhammad was in diapers. Muhammad had epileptic siezures and had dellusions that don't make any sense, in fact, unless you are a sociopathic mass murderer. And no dis-respect intended to the people who have been fooled into believing he is merciful.

Here is examples of Allah's mercy-

Qur'an 3:141 "This is so that Allah may test the faithful and destroy the unbelieving infidels." [Another translation:] "Allah's object is to purge those that are true in Faith and blight the disbelievers. This is so that Allah may test the faithful and destroy the unbelieving infidels."

Qur'an 3:150 "Soon We shall strike terror into the hearts of the Infidels, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be in the Fire!"

Qur'an 33:8 "He has prepared for the Unbelievers a grievous Penalty."

Qur'an 33:58 "And those who annoy or malign Muslims bear (on themselves) a crime of calumny and a glaring sin."

Qur'an 24:39 "For those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage in the desert. There is no water for the thirsty. He only finds Allah, who will pay him his due in Hell."

Qur'an 23:40 "Soon they will regret. Torment and an awful cry will overtake them. We have made such men rubbish, like rotting plants. So away with the people."

Qur'an 24:57 "Never think that the unbelievers can escape in the land. Their abode is Fire!"

Qur'an 4:12 "Those who disobey Allah and His Messenger and transgress His limits will be admitted to a Fire, to abide therein: And they shall have a humiliating punishment."

So you see Petitsnake, the Moon God ALLAH has been decieving the people of Islam, who deserve to be free from this senseless religion that promotes deception and violence.

It is nothing personal, in fact you are welcome to read the Bible, and in fact Muhammad commands you to hold the HOLY SCRIPTURES above anything else. So it is your duty to read the Bible.

And Yahshau loves you and died for your sins...even all the murder, hatred and violence.
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 10:57 am
@Tulip cv,
what i would have to say to that my offend you. so thats why i will say nothing at all.

thank you

So you see Petitsnake, the Moon God ALLAH has been decieving the people of Islam, who deserve to be free from this senseless religion that promotes deception and violence.

It is nothing personal, in fact you are welcome to read the Bible, and in fact Muhammad commands you to hold the HOLY SCRIPTURES above anything else. So it is your duty to read the Bible.

And Yahshau loves you and died for your sins...even all the murder, hatred and violence.[/QUOTE]
0 Replies
Tulip cv
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 11:04 am
well go read a bible, like you were commanded to do, now Muhammad insisted he had a relationship with Jesus so why don't you, after all if you are devoted to Islamic teachings it only makes sense to spend some time with Yahshau?

don't be afraid, Yahshau loves you, and you will be inspired to overcome the danger of understanding God's teachings in a country that tortures Christians.
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 11:23 am
@Tulip cv,
Tulip;8393 wrote:
well go read a bible, like you were commanded to do, now Muhammad insisted he had a relationship with Jesus so why don't you, after all if you are devoted to Islamic teachings it only makes sense to spend some time with Yahshau?

don't be afraid, Yahshau loves you, and you will be inspired to overcome the danger of understanding God's teachings in a country that tortures Christians.

Hello, The Quran is the most updated version of Gods book.

can i ask you a question?
why does the bible has so many testaments and why is it so many different people wrote it?
0 Replies
Tulip cv
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 12:31 pm
Hello, The Quran is the most updated version of Gods book.

Sorry, Petitsnake, first the Quran is about the Moon God, ALLAH, not to be confused with God. And what makes up the Quran is a few lines jotted down by a scribe of Muhammad, which he himself called 'SATANIC VERSES', and also the recitations of seven different tribes with their own language. It was put together 200 years or so after Mu's death because it suited the rulers to invent a religion to justify lawless acts of tyranty, violence and robbery.

God is about none of this, so l am afraid that that brings be back to Muhammad's words in which he commands you to honour the Holy Books of the Torah and Bible.

So you see, you are in fact commanded to read these scriptures and honour them.

can i ask you a question?

Sure, but just so you know, the Bible answers just about every question you have, so being a mere human, it is unlikely that l can give you the answers, only Yahshau can do this.

why does the bible has so many testaments and why is it so many different people wrote it?

So here we are back at what l originally said, when you read it you will find the beautiful and delightful answer to your questions. I assure you of this.
Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 03:37 pm
@Tulip cv,
Tulip;8395 wrote:
Sorry, Petitsnake, first the Quran is about the Moon God, ALLAH, not to be confused with God. And what makes up the Quran is a few lines jotted down by a scribe of Muhammad, which he himself called 'SATANIC VERSES', and also the recitations of seven different tribes with their own language. It was put together 200 years or so after Mu's death because it suited the rulers to invent a religion to justify lawless acts of tyrant, violence and robbery.

All discussions apart, i am very offended by what you have said. I take great care on not to offend anyone and you have just broken that barrier.
Well, that is your opinion. What can you do?
But you have said this with out taking in consideration other peoples beliefs.
i can say a lot of thing which you wont like to hear. But i don't.
Besides all that why is it that Islam is the Fastest growing religion in the world. And one of the biggest. What do you think attracts people of all race faiths cultures? A lie?
I don't think so.

Well, what can i say.
Thank you
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