@al islam,
There are so many misconceptions of Islam and I can't hope to speak for an entire religion as I know non of you can for yours. Muslim means one who submits his will to the will of GOD. In truth just based on that definition there is no one book or one doctrine for a Muslim to follow. This is not popular because its Humanities philosophy to separate itself and to alienate those that don't look, act, feel or think like them. A little about me I am a Black man who grew up in a American Muslim community I went to a Muslim private School and learned to read Quranic Arabic right along with english. On the other hand my grand parents and outside of my Immediate parents were for the most part were Christians and other faiths from Buddhist to Bahi. I've seen post after post of people paraphrasing and editing the Quran then on the Muslim Side Paraphrasing and editing the Bible then on both sides paraphrasing and editing Judaism... lol I'm sure at some point someone will paraphrase and edit the teachings of the Buddha. I'd like to point out some facts that not most people look to in the Quran and Hadith Prophet Muhammad was shown the revelations of all
humanity this is my point in every scenario that wisdom was shared that created our doctrines of life there was a specific understanding from different people. I feel that true Muslims are one that look back to the first words Prophet Muhammad was told "Read In the Name of Your Lord that Created You." Now reading can never be one source we learn that everyday in our schools in our lives we always need multiple sources to understand a single subject. So look at this fundamental facts. Fact #1 the 10 Commandments 10 basic laws that point to how to live a just and righteous life. Fact #2 The life of the Buddha a understanding of the responsibility of humanity on itself and its surroundings. Fact #3 The life of Jesus Christ the love and respect for life that teaches that no man woman or child should be mistreated and left alone. Fact #4 The teachings of the Quran who's most important message is the reverence and the fear of GOD Almighty. This is our lives this is everyone of our concerns Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist heck even Wiccans and Idol worshipers have the same basic concerns of life. Why are we arguing who's right and who's wrong when if we look at life under the basic logical laws the truth of right and wrong will lead you to the straight path. And I don't care what your faith is that should be all of our goals. We are given analytical skills for a reason. There is no faith or thought that should get in the way of reason people are confused out here people are hurting and scared. Learn more read more teach more we will understand our differences true our communication. That is why GOD separated us in the first place because no one man can know it all. All of us have different experiences that shape our actions how many times were you sure that there was only one way to think until you met someone that thought differently and expanded your horizon. A little more about me I am married to a Christian woman who grew up in the South the Bible belt and because of her lack of understanding about people different then herself struggled with loving a Muslim. In the Quran it states "there is no compulsion in religion" so regardless of any war words you find this point is always true. No one is forced and can be forced to believe and when force is applied we will fight for our belief. Lets all stop forcing things lets understand lets recognize our contribution to the world and point to that as a fact. Like the books of a library all are knowledge and we can't read every book but if we share we can become more knowledgeable. Peace Be Unto You.