In trying to understand the world and all the religious contraversy, l decided to investigate for myself, so l began to read religious text.
For example, l was told by a friend, a Pakistani bride, that Muslims loved Jesus too.
Then on the forums l found out more, l had to understand what this was about, because living in a multi-cultural society l know that Muslims are not bad people, and deserve to be treated with respect and consideration...
what l learnt is from the Quran, Hadith , the actual {english translation]books, and then there are a ka-zillion on-line interpretations to help you navigate the text as Arabic translations are wide ranging.
It is very worthwhile reading, since so much of our world is entangled in news reports that are half explaining the situation, and concern conflicts between the religions.
just look up Quran, Koran, Muhammad, Mohammad, etc.....lots and lots and lots of info.