I bring this to the top
An elephant never forgets? George W. Bush's lost e-mails: Page 1
So, let me get this straight...
They *HAD* an email system working WITH A FUNCTIONAL BACKUP SYSTEM IN PLACE, which they decided to swap out for one that does NOT have said backup system... instead using humans to sift through millions of emails.
Cool, so these emails are not "lost", merely being sorted... okay, why haven't you presented them. What about backups? Don't tell me you didn't make backups before changing a critical section of a network's structure.
On top of that, once it was in place, human sifting and all... they complained it was too slow. Scrapped again! Another contractor came in to do the work... causing a top level tech to quit in anger.
How do you screw up on this level?! Oh wait, same admin that brought us Iraq and our strong economy. Nevermind...