Why didn't they just behead them?
They wanted them to suffer, for days, in public, and be made an example of.
I think the Muslims at the kings on redefining. They would like to edit you all the way up to dead. And it's the Christians that are attempting to stop them. Funny you would have us stop. I'd like to see you and an extreme Muslim in a rood with you trying to explain to him why he shouldn't kill you? How long do you think you would last?
Oh, those blood lusty extremist muslims... sitting in their old, decrepit
house in rural Texas, waiting for hapless interlopers to get stranded nearby
so they can carve them up with chainsaws. Do they wear turbans on top of
their hockey masks? You need to get a more informed view of who the
various enemies and sides of people in this thing are... and you won't find
that on Fox news.
Can i hear a conversation about Muslims not being fair for a change? YOu love harping on us but never a word for them? YOu like others i have asked cannot prove we torture anyone, a little misstreatment maybe but not torture. You got some thing substancial post it!
Extremist muslims aren't fair.
This is torture:
I'd like to see how we are better. You sound very opposed to violence. Passive to a fault. How far would you let me get you before you defend yourself? I'm sure i could insult you, maybe even insult your wife/girlfriend. You think you would let me poke you in the ribs, or push your shoulder taunting you. Would you let me slap you? Maybe even punch you and you think you would relatiate? The only question here is where you limit is? But you limit i will reach, what are you gonna do, fight? All you gonna fight me fairly or are you gonna try and kick my ass! If i'm smaller then you are you gonna not hit me as hard? What if I don't know how to fight? You gonna go easy on me? You people always expect us to tolerate others and then you the first to not, why is that? When you can prove to me you are above it all like you think you are then maybe you arguement will hold more weight, but as i and you know we are the same. Quit being hipocritical and whining when you are no better.
Oh, I'd kick your ass. I wouldn't bomb your house and wife, though.