Most Americans don't realize how critical market economics have always been to their very being. Most of our founders freely admitted our Declaration of Independence was almost pure
John Locke, an Enlightenment forefather who taught that
private property was the key to a healthy, enduring society. It works something like this: a property owner will
vote, because he wants a government that will protect his property rights; a property owner will
obey the law, because if he doesn't, he could lose his property; he will
pay taxes, for the same reason; he will
work hard, to own more property, and/or keep what he has; he will
care about the quality of the social order to which he belongs, because he has a huge
stake in it -- his
property. He will
defend that society, preserve it, contribute to its progress, so on and so forth,
ALL BECAUSE HE LOVES AND WANTS TO KEEP HIS PRIVATE PROPERTY. Moreover, all people want to own property. That's a major way in which they celebrate, express and define
FREEDOM. Sure......people can
say anything, but it's their
property that counts the most to them. If you don't believe me, think about losing your
home, that which you busted hump you're entire life paying for. Without a place to live, that you can call your own, you're SOL, in a big way. Your attachment to your home speaks many times more about the way you feel about life in general than anything else. Property ownership is central to human happiness and the wellbeing of society, like it or not. Sorry, Marx, but, in the final analysis, people don't care that much about the welfare of their fellow Man, and are not motivated by moral incentives. It's all about property and personal wealth.
That's our nature.