After discussing something with someone else on another board (and passing
on this article, which they of course loved), I've come to the conclusion that
"liberal" might not sum up my beliefs correctly.
I place the most importance on the individual, the other person knows me
personally and knows that. The thing is, I place so much importance on the individual that I think it nullifies the authority of any institution, no matter
how well-intentioned that institution may be. So, does that make me liberal
or conservative?
I don't trust the big government, or bureacracy. I don't trust big business.
Maybe I'm a Libertarian who knows better than to trust the free market.
Maybe I'm a post-liberal, or neo-liberal, or post-conservative. Not a neo-con.
I'm against collectivism. I'm pro-competition.
The discussion we were having stemmed from, initially, a link I posted to
someone suggesting a liberal/libertarian alliance, to counter the theocons
and neocons.
The other guy got pissed and accused me, as he often does, of promoting
"ganging up on those religious white people you resent for not being as
educated as you think they should be." So, I'm an elitist snob.
Later, we were discussing the problems minorities are having and he proposed
(which I agree with) that minorities should stop putting being a minority
first in their minds and be individuals, leave behind their backgrounds,
assimilate into mainstream American society.
Right, they should, and so should the evangelicals and pentecostals.
He didn't like that, but why is it elitist to have that view about one group
and not about the other?
Why would one group's not thinking for itself be damaging to society and
another's beneficial?
How is not knowing or caring how old the planet is different from insisting,
despite evidence to the contrary, that it's only 6,000 years old?
He said I'm being a snob, and enforcing the cultural view of the elite onto
Well, I guess I am, and that's a conservative action, being performed by a
liberal, to the objections of a conservative.
So there, post-liberalism. I think I'll write a book.