Speaking about the economy, is Bush taking credit for the trade deficit also?
0 Replies
Fri 13 Oct, 2006 07:08 pm
Heh. Sweet. We're getting our cash back and fighting a war at the same time. Gotta love Conservatives. Anyway, to be honest, I don't see why a Democrat should complain about deficit spending. Weren't they all for it a few years back?
For the most part i allow off topic antics. I take it as having a some times heated conversation. Much like a family would have over a football came, wedding video, or any place where a close family would gather.
Well........ the weed comes from my ancestors name. Tumble was the only thing I could think of that goes with weed, other than papers.
I prefer to see both sides of the coin when referring to Bushs accomplishments.
0 Replies
Mon 16 Oct, 2006 05:16 pm
Dow closed at 11,997.? today. Damn are economy sucks. We should of hit 12 grand along time ago, like clint-oh wait. Clinton's economy never did that, LOL.
As good as the economy is it doesn't seem to be helping the Republicans much.
Voters seem to be more concerned about the performance of elected officials.
Not all aspects of the economy are doing as well as Wall Street. Just ask someone trying to sell a house.
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Mon 16 Oct, 2006 09:24 pm
I hear Sen Harry Reid's performance in unreported land deals is going great. Netted 1.1 cool million. He prabably would of got more if a house would of been on it. I also hear he is paying bonus's to his staff out of election funds? Think either of those may be illegal?
I love land deals, I do them all the time. Long live free enterprise!
You win some, you loose some.
Fifty years from now we'll all be dead and no one cares!
It's all a game....we'r just passing through. We'r pilgrims!
Let's imagine a conversation between two political experts that might have taken place three months ago. One is a strong conservative, the other an equally strong liberal. All of the statistics and other facts mentioned below are, in fact, real.