@Brent cv,
None of us know what really happened because we weren't there. I had already seen this video and a discussion elsewhere and I thought about a few things as pertaining to things Ive been witness to in the past.
How many students would lie to help out a fellow student? College students arent known for honesty.. especially to Cops.
I dont know if its true or not but I saw a few comments from a couple of students who said they were there...who knows if they were or not. I couldnt find the quotes again.. there were over 1000 comments already.
The person said they dont let anyone in the library without an ID but this kid started yelling as soon as they asked him to leave. He wouldnt ID himself, they had no idea who he was or what he was doing there.
Can you Imagine what kind of crap the campus police have to put up with on a campus, and a Liberal campus at that? I wouldnt trust anyone either.
Another comment said the student was Persian and a jerk on campus.
In my former job I had contact with many "Middle Eastern" students and parents since most of our clientelle came from two large Colleges, they were usually very rude for the most part and difficult to deal with.
There is NO video of what happened before the screaming began. Why would the Cops go to such measures if the kid was compliant and doing what they asked? That's what doesn't make sense to me. Sorry, until more is proof is presented.. I side with the Cops. They say the kid was weak and couldnt stand.. but he was strong enough to scream at the top of his lungs.
Whoever is in the wrong needs to be punished severely.