You realize, of course, that your questions seem relevant to you because they refer to concepts which
you feel are essential in explaining reality?
We are wired differently. To you, a rational explanation may give you that deep sense of profound understanding.
To Neo, a rational explanation may not cause that same feeling. To him, a poetic explanation may be what strikes home.
Very generally speaking, theists tend to think of atheists as evil, while atheists think of theists as stupid.
The true difference is that one thinks heart matters more than mind, while the other feels mind matters more than heart, so to speak. It is such a foolish quarrel, especially considering the fact that the most successful humans through history have approached life with both a clear mind and an open heart.
Choosing one over the other is like deciding that from this day forth I shall only mind where I place my right foot, and try to forget all about my left foot.