Wed 30 Jun, 2010 09:46 pm
Hi everyone, just wanted to see if anyone could translate a few phrases in Latin for me.
"he who has nothing to live for, has nothing to die for"
"gain wisdom through experience
stay confident within yourself
do not shy away from a challenge
do not shy away from challenging others
help when you get the opportunity
do not get down if you make a mistake
life is about learning
life is about loving
life is there to enjoy"
Just those.. I've tried the free translators online but a few words don't translate. Let me know, I really appreciate it!!
That's quite a list.
Maybe we can do a couple at a time.
I'd appreciate it! The first one I believe is translated like this:
is quisnam has nusquam vivo pro has nusquam morior pro
but I don't think it is right because the word "has" is the same? Let me know!
"he who has nothing to live for, has nothing to die for"
qui nihil pro quo vivere habet, nihil pro quo mori habet
qui --> [he] who
nihil --> nothing
pro --> for
vivere --> to live
habet --> has
mori --> to die
awesome, thank you! I appreciate your time on this.
You're welcome, akfindley.
gain wisdom through experience
cape sapientiam experientia
cape --> gain
sapientiam --> wisdom
experientia --> through (or by means of) experience
Thank you, I made up the second quotation and really like it so yeah. It is something my Gma essentially taught me so I wanted to translate it into latin for a possible tattoo dedicated to her. So again, thank you George.
stay confident within yourself
sta confidens intra te
sta --> stay, stand
confidens --> confident
intra --> within
te --> yourself, you
do not shy away from a challenge
Noli ab provocatione refugere
Noli --> Do not (with infinitive)
ab --> from
provocatione --> challenge
refugere --> to shy away, to flee
Thanks again George. Where did you learn latin? I'm very impressed.
Way back when I went to high school, we were required to take four years
of Latin and a year of Greek. I took a few more courses of each in college.
Very cool, I was only required to take one foreign language in high school and didn't take anything in college. Thank you again, I look forward to the rest of it!
Yeah, we had to take a foreign language, too. I took French.
do not shy away from challenging others
noli ab alios provocando refugere
alios --> others
provocando --> challenging
I am in the process of learning spanish but these self teaching things are kind of difficult. Thanks again.
help when you get the opportunity
adiuva occasione data
adiuva --> help
occasione --> opportunity
data --> given
noli marere si erras
noli --> do not
maerere --> to be sad, down, mournful
si --> if
erras --> you make a mistake
life is about learning
vita de discendo est
vita --> life
de --> about
discendo --> learning
est --> is
life is about loving
vita de amando est
amando --> loving
Thanks George, I think the last one is this. Let me know if I'm right!
vita ibi fruor est
ibi --> there
fruor --> to enjoy