Roberta wrote:Piffka, I saw The Usual Suspects without knowing that something unexpected or tricky was going to happen. I was completely taken in. Too bad you read that something was coming. The surprise was ruined for you. Not surprised to hear you say that there was too much violence for you. I liked Door-to-Door.
Yes, I was looking for something, but I'd probably never have bothered with the movie if I hadn't seen it mentioned here. It was a very clever piece and that last scene where Kevin Spacey changes from limping to briskly walking is a gorgeous bit. My son, btw, loved it. Apparently it is quite a favorite with his group of friends. He was a little disgusted that Mr.P and I both started pointing out that something was up with "the cripple," but it was fun to see all the clues. I thought it was Kevin Spacey right at the beginning though, I was sure he was the guy who peed on the fire, so I was confused right at the start. (I had a bit of a Disney flashback wondering if he was playing twins.) I think it is harder to mask the identity of someone from behind than it is from the front.
Helen Mirren was devastating in
Door-to-Door. What an amazing actress. I was very impressed with that film. According to Amazon, some people thought it was overdone... guess it wasn't perfect, but I liked it a lot. I even went to the website and think I may buy something.
I just finished watching
Notorious. Now THERE's a movie!