@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:
Fido wrote:
I think just about anyone could be better at being me than me...It is a job I have mucked up beyond belief, and now it is far too late to set right... So If anyone wants to be me; step right up and try your hand at it...You could do no worse, and there is no prize; but the suspense of waiting for the next big disaster to grow ripe and burst can be entertaining... Sort of.
Hi Fido!
Cheer up, my friend! I think you're brilliant!
But aren't you projecting here? I mean, the self-disappointment and pessimism you are displaying is a vital part of "YOU". So what you are doing is projecting an idealistic personal vision of yourself. Which would not incorporate the true properties of "YOU".
I think you are just steam-letting though.
Have a fine evening Fido!
What does it matter after all, since we cannot change selves, and can barely change ourselves when change is required... And the ability to remake ourselves to new conditions is a sign of intelligence; but the eagerness with which we face the t.v., giving up our own drama for the drama of others, trading our troubles in for an evening on the troubles of others shows me that my disatisfaction with self is not at all uncommon.
We only get one life, and getting it right is a full time job, but everything we do, including our jobs, removes us further from a perfection as human beings... What do our jobs ask of us... It is not art, but action, or efficiency... It is not truth, but certainty, a guarantee... It is no wonder philosophy grew in slave societies... When others are handed the drudgery, then others still can lift their eyes to heaven, lost in finding the foundations of the firmament...
The disabled are mislabeled... For them the existential question is always near at hand; so we should keep them for answers... What is there to life that makes it worth living even when it does not hold all the pleasures of good health and wealth for one as for another... If we seeem cursed as individuals then we are cursed as humanity, each forced to trade the joys of youth for the pangs of old age... Why do we do it??? Ask those who never get to run and jump and play... Ask those for whom life is one long travail, for of misfortune we all suffer our share, but of inhumanity humanity alone chooses how much it will suffer... And trust me on this: Were we today to rid ourselves of our burden of old and injured and maimed, then tomorrow it would be the poor and the less intelligent who would seem the burden so that the endless house cleaning would consume us all...
All my life I have been mobility for another... My older brother was eighty percent parlyzed by polio. I have rid myself of that burden only to find others, but as it stands, my brother is considered an asset to his employer, and a credit to his family... He takes from no one to make his living, and the experience of his life, in every sense, made my own... I would not be able to bear the weighty questions of morality were I not always, even from my birth, a beast of burden... When he fought we fought... When he hurt we hurt... What we enjoyed he enjoyed, often more than us, no less for being vicarious... Ask If I would rob from him his life, when I would wish his life on no one... He lives it; so let him... It is not fate that makes life horror, but choice made out of blind certainty of right... Ask the victims what is right... An ant has as much regard for his life as you do for yours...Good or bad; why do we all cling so to our lives??? It is because life is meaning..