@mark noble,
Hi Mark, I am writing to respond to this:
Quote:And if you don't read an entire thread, you're bound to take it out of context.
I owe you an apology. I did read the entire thread, but in bits and pieces as it evolved, so I forgot about the opening bits in which you stated that you hope no one would agree with the premise of your thread title. I read that part weeks ago and I forgot about it. I'm glad to read that you don't agree with this premise, and I'm sorry I misjudged you due,in part, to my own bad memory.
But on the other hand, I do still stand by what I said. Maybe its just that this subject is too close to me for me to be able to view it objectively, but I do have to ask myself if making such statements, or even opening the subject up to provide a forum for others to make such statements, where people who are dealing with the realities of being different and thought of as 'less than' on a daily basis can now be treated with seeing it spelled out for them, is a viable use of their circumstances.
In other words, that really long sentence is asking, 'Is it moral to use these people and their situations as fodder for discussion? And to what end? Your entertainment and diversion?
Now it sounds like I'm getting 'shirty' again, and I'm not trying to - but this subject does wind me up. Maybe we should start another thread like Rob's where he asks, 'Are there any limits on what can be used as subjects for humor?' or something along those lines.
Are there any limits on what we can use as fodder for 'philosophical' discussions? Because what is just the abstract or hypothetical for you and me is the reality for others.
Should we be encouraged to air our views in our hypothetical and abstractly 'what if' way about something that is deadly serious, painful and all to real for a lot of people - and yes -their mothers?
Do you have any idea what it must be like to be the mother of a disabled child?
I can't distance myself enough from this subject not to get wound up about it, but just as I see your point- can you see my point?
And I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just thinking this through.
Anyway - sorry I forgot what you wrote at the beginning of the thread.
Have a nice day - sorry again for the empty platitude, but I find it funny to fulfill my role as the empty-headed American over here. I like to say it here, because truth is - I'd NEVER say 'Have a nice day' over there - but I'm expected to
Anyway - no hard feelings - Rebecca