Moving on past the mysteries of the contents of purses,
http://able2know.org/topic/153490-1we now enter the seventh level of Hell, the wallet.
I have seen every kind, from the Costanza model pictured above, to the guy who pulls out the slimmest money clip with a couple of twenties on one side and a single (always American Express) card on the other.
Women not only have purses, they have wallets in their purses, so they should feel free to add their list here.
Here's what to do: Take out your wallet and just list everything that's in it. Don't try to remember because, as you know, both you and I are always finding things in our wallet.
Here's my list:
ATM Card
Amex Card
Driver's License (what a picture!)
Staples Discount Card
AARP Membership Card (why am carrying that?)
Health Insurance Card for a plan I no longer belong to(!!)
MultLock Key Code Card
Zip Car Card
Bloomingdales Gift Card (six months old. I never get to the East Side)
New York Road Runner Membership Card
New York Public Library Card
$11.00 in cash (one Ten and one One)
So now I'm throwing away that Health Plan Card and filing the AARP Card. Thanks.
I have a firm rule against keeping receipts ever since I wrapped a receipt around a credit card. When I went to look for the card I couldn't see it in my wallet EVEN after taking everything out of the wallet.
You guessed it.
.......Called it in, had it canceled, had to open a new account, spent seven days waiting for the new card to arrive and, of course, it arrived exactly one day before I went on vacation.
Panic had consumed me by then. (What everything will go on the AMEX and then I have to pay for it next month/???)
No more paper in the wallet of any kind.
~~There's another story about a piece of paper with the words "Margo, ya ya ya" and a phone number. Just want to say, never go to Oktoberfest without your spouse and then be cleaning out your wallet at the kitchen counter a few days later as said spouse cruises by. Cruises by in the same sense that a bald eagle cruises by a duck pond. Same eyesight.
Joe(no...the ya, ya thing was just a joke about the chorus of one the songs we were singing while standing on top of a table...... No, no, not just Margo and I, um, there were lots of other people... Jenna, Paula and er, a couple of guys.... I don't know why I don't remember THEIR names......)Nation