He wants to say that if obama is president in 2010, then there is no longer a possibility that he is not president in 2010, and though he is wrong (since it's logically possible that he is not president in 2010), I want to make what he says correct by qualifying the word "possibility" with the appropriate adjective. I came up with the word, "real," but I was hoping that the word "epistemic" would be a better fit.
I can't really jump fifty feet up into the air unaided. It's not possible! Awe, but it is possible. It's logically possible, so when I say "It's not possible," I'm wrong; however, I want to say it anyway!, but to do so and not be in error, I need to know what word to use to qualify the kind of possibility I'm talking about.
But, I need to be careful. It's not physically possible, but the scope of "physical" is not wide enough to cover both examples. After all, what's not physically possible about obama not being president in 2010?
The problem is simple. Kinds of possibilities are being equivocated. I just don't know the label to apply to the kind of possibility that both he and I is talking about. I'm hoping "epistemic" will do.