Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 09:45 am
that's a side effect of my adding some of your tags to my tag list for this thread
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 09:46 am
Thanks, there's some improvement on my screen already
Forums: That Time Of The Month, Setantrum, Legitimate Complaints, Setanta Is Right, Setanta Speaks Truth

* My Tags:
* [X] Legitimate Complaints,
* [X] Objection To Posses,
* [X] Objection To The Royal We,
* [X] Stop The Creeps,
* [X] Ban Dweebs,
* [X] Setanta Is Right,
* [X] Setanta Speaks Truth,
* [X] Why Forum Sucks,
* [X] Abolish a2k Cliques
0 Replies
Robert Gentel
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 01:35 pm
Yeah? How so? How am I "sucking up" to them ehBeth? Rolling Eyes I think you are sucking up to Setanta, who's playing his role as forum troll yet again and going out of his way to be abrasive and nasty to people. Just because I don't share his penchant for being a forum bully doesn't mean I'm sucking up to anyone. When I don't hand-hold he criticizes the service and when I do he calls it kissing ass.

You can both kiss mine, I'm not here to kiss anyone's ass and have no time and patience to deal with troglodytes like Setanta.
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 06:49 pm
@Robert Gentel,
I guess you missed the part of my post where I commented that he already knew how I felt about things in regard to your responsiveness to the former PF posters ... and his many posts commenting that I'm not "loyal" enough.

We came to our view of the PF posters and your attention to them from very different places. We happen to agree. For once.
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2010 08:57 pm
Look at it positively. The tags on my screen went downhill again and now read:
Forums: Setantrum, That Time Of The Month, Whining, Troll, Verbal Diarrhea

* My Tags:
* [X] Legitimate Complaints,
* [X] Objection To Posses,
* [X] Objection To The Royal We,
* [X] Stop The Creeps,
* [X] Ban Dweebs,
* [X] Setanta Is Right,
* [X] Setanta Speaks Truth,
* [X] Why Forum Sucks,
* [X] Abolish a2k Cliques

AND my posts and yours have been zeroed by 3 or 4 posters. What's positive about all this? Just think, if those mute cowards didn't get a chance to nitpick tags and markdown posts they would move to the next rung up the psychopathic scale and start pulling legs off flies. We're doing a public service Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 05:14 am
What I contribute positively is useful threads and comments (as determined by a plurality of members) over a period of 12 years, both on this forum and the previous one ( My reputation and contributions is/are about my body of work. Why take on and call out someone about whom you know nothing?

So not only you come down on the wrong side, you're looking like an hysteric at the same time.
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 12:45 pm
as determined by a plurality of members

No ****? A "plurality of members" has determined that you've made a positive contribution to A2K over the preceding 12 years? Mind posting a link to that vote, I'm new here and I don't believe you for a second. Seeing as I don't know you from anywhere else and considering that you sound like a logorrhea-affected hysterical freak show on this specific thread.
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 12:50 pm
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 12:53 pm
You any relation to the other clown on this forum posting links to videos displaying her "package" with such suggestive titles as "Mine is Bigger than Yours"? The one the head moderator around here asserts not to recognize as an A2K "authority" of any kind? If you're no kin to her what are you waiting for, you just got yourself a HOT DATE Laughing

Maybe I can get you links, here goes:

First is from Jespah, head moderator (just met her myself) professing ignorance of your date's claim to be obsessed by the "good of the forum"
I have no idea who decided to speak for the forum as if that person were an authority. Sorry, cannot help you on that.

Second is from my McChrystal thread

The same retard came to post advertisement on her "endowments" on a thread on Afghanistan (as in BLOOD and TREASURE going for a decade with no end in sight) then admitted her ad is nothing to do with Afghanistan after all. Not that I watched her video, there's a limit to my tolerance for the emetic porn to be found on the web.

You want to call someone hysterical, you got her number now, don't call me ever again
Drunk Drunk Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 01:16 pm
Sorry anyone so stupid he can only communicate via the use of lengthy animated cartoons just ain't worth my time to watch his attempt at communication. No offense meant, it's just that life is too short to allow for that kind of interaction. Try Hellen-Keller-joke websites or any medical facility catering to the handicapped.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 04:59 pm
Then you have a choice, it seems to me. Continue challenging me or just ignore my comments as you see fit. The fact that you're a new-guy-on-the-block matters little to me as you seem to have some sort of chip in your shoulder.

Oh,. wait I get it now. You are a tea bagger with issues.

Go0d day!
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 05:29 pm
Re that other thread - I'm developing a new concept (for me) of the word 'posturing'. I just thumbed up BFN and Snood there, and, here, Ragman, on general principles. I usually try not to thumb up just re opinion, but do sometimes. I try harder to not thumb down merely for opinion in a post. Sometimes that's hard. I do once in a while thumb down for free flowing adhominems, leaving some room, since I'm no flower of perfect behavior myself.

On the Set and Robert set-to (not my business), and the impression of kow towing to the philo folks, I can see getting that impression, had a wave of thinking that myself, but I now don't take it that way. All of this is coinciding with long thought of changes, and some present time for Robert and Nick to act on at least beginning them - and it is reasonable to begin working them out, as I see from here, both re the timing and the influx of people. Plus, as usual, this is a free site that I think is wonderful, and how Robert spends his time building is his choice.

I'm glad for a lot of the change talk.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 07:22 am
Continue challenging me or just ignore my comments as you see fit.

You're right I'm new here. You make a statement on the "plurality of posters", I ask for some backup, you decide to object to my support for the Tea Party. That's a complete non-sequitur, it's not an answer to a question. You're so damn sensitive you take a simple question for a "challenge"? I'm not the one with a "chip on shoulder" around here, think about it.
0 Replies
Robert Gentel
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 03:27 am
Fair enough (arrived separately part), and I should have known better, and kinda did (for which I kinda apologize?). But I still strongly object to it being called "sucking up" even if this is independent thought and all. I work on a2k for fun, not because I want to suck up to the members.

When we started the forum I did the same (basically be all over the place trying to hand-hold and also trying to act on all feedback we could turn around quickly) with you guys, I certainly wasn't "sucking up" to you.

When we transitioned to the new software same deal, but I wasn't "sucking up" to you.

And now, I'm trying to make this transition as easy as possible too, and trying to rush out the things I had planned to make prior to the merge (like the filter, groups, all of which would have been great) and I'm not "sucking up" to them either.

All of what we are doing (with some minor changes that came out from iteration, where plans change after implementation teaches us something) were planed and long discussed.

The groups thing has been out there forever (hell we even used to have groups before this software too) all of that, sozobe asked for read tracking the first day we had the new software. And the sudden attention difference isn't because of merge it's because our other huge project that we'd been working on for months launched the week before philforum was hacked. These were the projects we had intended on focusing on in June and we intended to merge forums a month or two after we returned our attentions to a2k. **** happened and we had to burn the candle at both ends. That effort isn't to suck up, it's because this is a project we are passionate about, take pride in, and want to do well.

Our schedule (of launching our big project) was what dictated attentions. If you ask the philforum folk I wasn't around over there at all for the several months prior to it as well.

I'm not playing any childish games about trying to make "friends" (to be perfectly honest the social side of a2k is less of a draw to me than the informational side), I'm just doing what I've done for nearly a decade now: building on able2know.

These guys can come and go, and you can come and go. That stuff happens. I do this when I have time and resources to do it. We had planned to make some more for a2k in June and when we were hacked we rushed a bunch.

So even if you came about this independently, just how is this sucking up to them? Just because I didn't go out of my way to be hostile to some of the less coherent ones? Because I was playing greeter and all? Because I started coding on a2k again more? What exactly is it then?

When we strike it big this is what I'll do with all the time I can, but otherwise I have to work on other projects that pay the bills and one of them ended right before we started this flurry of a2k activity. I've worked on a2k in spurts off and on for nearly a decade, it certainly wasn't to suck up to them, or the original a2k members (you both are probably in the first 20 or so). I want to do this right, but it's not to gain friends or to please people. Pleasing people is merely a measurement to that motivation, not a goal.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 04:31 am
Why they focus on Starbucks in particular, i don't know--but certainly the coffee sucks

This is an outrage! I thought you should know.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 04:33 am
I think I found the troll that was showing his skills at being a completely douche.
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 04:42 am
Wash your mouth out.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 09:33 am
EM: I will take a moment and apologize for the tone of my previous comments to you. Embarrassed I admit I had over-reacted. Rolling Eyes And, in the spirit of forum community, I extend a hand of forum friendship. Smile My point was supposed to be that I've been a member in good standing in this community. However, I see that you are in yours as well. Mazel tov to that.

Don't misunderstand this though, as I feel I should have been mildly critical, but in retrospect, I see no need for ad hominem. Sometimes (as in case of Setanta) I lowered my standards and behaved in a way from which I try to shy away. I will think twice as the forum community (and I) don't benefit.

The point is that this forum at best is benevolent environment where like and unlike minded can peer into one another's ideas and cultures. May that community flourish for as long as it can (for free). I still haven't got an answer by RG or anyone else as to what happened to the banners and ads. Oh well.

May the farce be with us all. Neutral
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 09:47 am
Oh, Oh, another silly Testosterone pissing match.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 01:12 pm
Setanta wrote:
Suck up to a handful of whiny dweebs from a defunct, alleged philosophy forum?
ehBeth wrote:
it totally smells that way to me

but you knew that
Some of us r willing to be cordial n polite.


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