@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:
She's Welsh, indeed. We sent her over there to reclaim what is rightly ours!!!
Nah! She's a refugee from your lot! You chased her out - with your generally unhealthy climate!
clarification. Not sure if this word is international or peculiarly Orstrayun
Ranga = red head
'ranga: contraction of orangatang applied to people with red hair.
Hi Dad,
I've never encountered it before (UK).
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:
Hi Dad,
I've never encountered it before (UK).
I'd be pleased if you removed the "xxx" from your replied to me Mark.
these indicates kisses. Whilst i have nothing against gay men, I do not wish to participate.
The term "'ranga" has only been prevelent for arounf 12 - 24 months to my knowledge
Alas, because of various computer tharns on my part, I've lost my links on all the hatred going on about gingers. But, hey, you can look it up.
dadpad wrote:
clarification. Not sure if this word is international or peculiarly Orstrayun
Ranga = red head
'ranga: contraction of orangatang applied to people with red hair.
I am Australian and I'd never heard of it.
ossobuco wrote:
I've read a lot of creepy articles about hate for 'gingers'.
I take it is anti irish, but I'm not sure of that, not living on your isles of delight.
So, from me, none of the above, with a further question, why do you seem to show approval of your choices? Do you agree with those choices?
Is this somehow meant for the humor tag?
Really? I'd never heard that. Remarks about red hair and freckles and all...but not hatred.
and Deb and I are both sometime redheads!
Interesting - I would have thought the Irish and Welsh would have a special bond as they are both less than favored by the English.
I love redheads. I think they're special - just like people who are left-handed. I would take a ginger-haired baby without a second thought.
Hi Dad,
I'm not gay, and they are not kisses.
@mark noble,
0ne more X and you could have been giving DP a beer
Hi Guys,
I don't really hate the Irish. I don't hate anyone! As far as I know, nobody hates the Irish. It was just humour.
kind regards.
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:
Hi Guys,
I don't really hate the Irish.
kind regards.
We knew that. How could anyone possibly hate the irish.
I have two red-headed sisters and frankly, you can have 'em both. Well, okay, not one - she's actually quite friendly. But the other ... well, okay, I'll keep her, too. She's not too bad.
But I will tell you that both of them are white white white skinned, have freckles, burn really quickly and quite badly in the sun, and are prone to whaddyacall'em? Blisters on the lips... sores... something... lip___ ? ****, can't think of the word. It's right there on the tip of my tongue and I can see it in front of me, but the word escapes me. Driving me nuts. Lip sore? Sore lip? Cankers? ****. Well, anyway, you know what I mean. Ah, Blisters! No, I said that. Blister lips? Blister sores? Ah, nevermind.
Hi Mame,
"Coldsores"? Sounds like "Coleslaw".........
Have a great evening.
ha girl... you just made me laugh...
yep... coldsores gal, coldsores!
love the Irish, love red hair...
(i have loadsa freckles)

you'll see soon hun
I got my sense of humor back. Sorry, Mark.
Besides my 15/16s irishness, I'm 1/16th welsh.
Dlowan, yes, really. I was stunned to read about it too.
Osso (used to be an auburn person)
I am guessing the anti ginger behavior description was in articles from the bbc, guardian/observor, or nytimes, a while ago. I don't remember if some of that goes on in eastern u.s. or not.
Since I'm from western u.s., raised on John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, The Quiet Man, I was grossed out. But, then I remember reading about it before, probably in my feast of police procedural books that I read as visual pabulum.
So, back to humor.
<Hey ((Osso)) - I remember that thread...
however, despite what the papers say, it's actually complete tosh that the Brits are anti-ginger...
tho of course there are some

... but it
really is a myth - a media B*ll*cks
There's a lot of peely white folk tho - that's fer sure... loving this unusual summer we're having - not too hot - beautiful - lack of water tho in many places. >