Ragman asked:
Quote:Why not ask her on FB? Stop fantasizing and make it real.
The original poster had said:
Quote:I sent a friend request on Facebook a month but she rejected me even though she's friends with most of my best friends and she never has real life contact with them. I figured she didn't like me but then the other behavior continued.
She rejected him as a friend on facebook- that's the main reason he can't ask her out on facebook.
Although I agree that he shouldn't. Maybe she rejected him as a friend on facebook because she doesn't want to play out what should be personal and private moments in her life in front of an audience.
And if that's the reason, I'd say that makes her the opposite of socially immature - that makes her more socially mature than a lot of 'adults' who live out their life on this 'stage'.
I get a little bit of the sense that this poster is injecting himself more than is warranted as the reason or motivation for some of this girl's behavior.
He says 'She sits facing me in the cafeteria...' What? Maybe that's just where she likes to sit. Maybe she's not even aware of you. Could it be that since you're always very aware of her that you seat yourself where you can look at her?
Maybe she's just clumsy in general. Maybe she's always dropping her papers and books and it doesn't matter who's around- you know-maybe you only see her do it around you because that's the only time you're there to see her do it...get it?
Why do you call her shy if you see her being talkative and laughing with her friends and other people?
She sounds like a girl who doesn't know you and is being polite on the occasions when your paths cross or when she is confronted by you.
I'll tell you what I would do if I were you. I'd get a female friend of yours to say to her ,'You know that guy, so and so (insert your name here) - he seems nice and friendly and sort of cute in his own way - what do you think of him?'
And then I'd ask my friend to tell me what the shy girl said and you could proceed from there.