I have had two. A fancy one of some expense, and a cheapo wrist cuff monitor.. I gave the fancy one away, am happy with the wrist monitor. I take mine twice a day, mainly because if I take the supposedly daily pill when my pressure is in normal range, I tend to get a scary drop in blood pressure to a danger range.
This happened with my last prescription, and I ended up dealing with it by taking them only when the bp was slightly up, eventually cutting the pills in half, which my M.D. was fine with, and then she gave me a new less strong prescription. The same thing is happening with the new prescription to a lesser degree, and I bought a pill cutter so that I can take a half a pill twice a day instead of 1 whole one once. (Yes, I have an appointment to see the doctor. I figure she will take it to the next lower dosage).
My bp problems are much improved after my weight loss of about three years ago. I do try to avoid too much salt (1500 mg or so a day is fine), though I don't know if my own bp values are salt dependent (not everyone's are). I should get more exercise, have lagged on that since I moved to New Mexico.
On how you feel with high blood pressure - I've never felt it when mine is high, and I take it that that is routine. I do feel it when it zooms too low, and that is also common. Thus, you generally won't know if it is high unless you use a monitor... and that can be dangerous not to.