@sometime sun,
But could also be, Charity is in leaving or giving what is your fair share?
~~~ No need to 'give' as you have not taken more than your share in the first place.
I agree with your response as the source and foundation and beginning of all Charity, but can Charity be about more than fairness?
~~~ (It is a virtue.) Simply not taking more than your share can not only be seen as 'fair', but can also be seen as a form of 'gratitude' and 'mindfulness', and act of Love... and act of Compassion and empathy.
That puts 'fair' with a few other Perspectives as well.
Can it be furthered into subjection or sublimation?
~~~ Not understood.
Thank you for your response. It is to my mind the beginning of a grand truth.
~~~ A Grand Truth indeed! *__-