@mark noble,
Yes it helps greatly.
You use the word "extension" here.
I feel I must inspects this a little.
So it is a reaching?
So it is a strivence?
So it is a learning?
So it is an education?
Now I would ask you why you would think it needs to be a "friendly" hand and not sometimes a stringent one?
Can Charity sometimes know what is best and try to enforce its self rather than just imply its self?
I don't disagree with you as I think friendly is likely to gain more bounty, but could not friendly also be seen as a weakness or shyness, where some Charity needs to absolutely and unquestioningly assert its self?
Does not Charity know what is best and also how, if the need arises, best to enforce the greater good?
Is Charity a force to be reckoned with?
Is Charity a policy, a policing?
Yes the Charity may gain from your inclusion but I do not necessarily think one can then term themselves charitable if they are doing it for recognition over supplication.
I would not say it need be a secret, but I do think a level of almost detachment needs to be practised.
But this also brings up the organisation over the individual again.
Is Charity its contributions and contributors or its solvency and conclusions?
In other words is Charity the workers or the works?
The question as to whether Charity can ever be anonymous is also there to look at?
Is Charity ever private?
Is the more private the more charitable?
I s Charity a feeling or congratulation?
Not rather a dissolution or hardship?
Is Charity meant to 'feel good'?
Not rather 'feel troubled'?
Is not it a task rather than a pleasure?
I love "I never oblige out of obligation", but should not Charity be an obligation?
Should not Charity be law?
Not all laws being comfortable, but still for the greater good are they institutionalised.
Should Charity be more of an institution than a liberty?
"Why are the burdens of the world thrust upon others?"
This is a very good question and has many answers.
But mine is, it is trust upon others because no one else is carrying a load that needs to be burdened by something or someone, else the world would collapse in a matter of hours.
Which goes some way to Charity being a duty rather than a preference.
Which I must point out Charity is still predominantly a choice because every 'Charity' is still heavily under a debt and has not yet become solvent because then the problem would be fixed and the Charitable organisation in question would no longer need to be the institution.
There would be no beggars because every need would be met.
Is Charity an institution?
What is an institution?
1.an organisation or public body founded especially for charitable or educational purposes, or as a hospital 2. derog, a hospital, old peoples home, etc regarded as an impersonal or bureaucratic organisation. 3. a custom or tradition. 4. a familiar and well known object or person. 5. the act of instituting or process of being instituted. [from Latin instituere, to establish]
What do you think is an institution?
I would go from the Latin here "to establish",
Is a Charity a message, a calling, a yeller, a cryer?
Are their ways or hearing and spreading it?
Are their ways of interpreting it?
Or would you not say the "impersonal or bureaucratic" can be forgiven for the worth of said message?
Should Charity be law?
Your interpretation of Charity is wholesome and decent.
You give because you are not entreated,
You give because of your own standard and ethic,
You give because you choose.
But what I suppose I am also asking is how do we justify what is and is not Charity?
By it being your choice does it reward you more than if it was an institution?
So what have I concluded from this response to you?
Why should Charity be a choice?
Why is Charity something that is of personal benefit first before the benefit of the need the Charity is trying to fulfil?
Who is more important the giver or the receiver?
Why do we see it as a reward?
Why do we get to be proud and gain when it may be a shame on you if you don't do as writ?
Should those who are not charitable be ashamed?
Is it Charity if it makes you "feel" good?
Is Charity the need or the deed?
Yes that is what I am sticking with most of all from this;
Should those who are uncharitable feel ashamed and in which case should Charity be not a pride?
Is Charity evolving into Duty or law?
Is Charity the need or the deed?
All my best, I have had a really good time with your post.
Thank you for sending it.