As the journalist Marcus Walker recently put it, Europe “was supposed to come of age as an actor on the world stage, bolstered by the Lisbon Treaty. Instead, Europe is starting to look like the loser in a new geopolitical order dominated by the US and emerging powers led by China.” A “seminal image,” according to Walker, was the meeting on December 18, 2009, that brokered the modest Copenhagen Accord – a meeting led by the US and the Chinese, who invited the leaders of India, Brazil, and South Africa, but no Europeans.
What image is "seminal image" in this context? What was the Copenhagen meeting "a seminal image" according to the journalist?
what does the "seminal image" mean? Or why the meeting was considered a "seminal image"?
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2010 10:41 pm
What image is "seminal image" in this context?
A very very important one. One that could set the tone, set the agenda for future events.
0 Replies
Wed 16 Jun, 2010 12:19 am
Seminal comes from the Latin word for seed, seminalis - in other words the idea is so new and important it will be regarded as the seed for many future developments.