Krumple wrote:
GoshisDead wrote:And you automatically assume that theists have never experienced the divine? That a majority of the world's population has never experienced the extra-sensory or supernatural?
Not anything that is substantial enough. They can induce a near death experience on a person by simply attaching an electrode to the temple and pass an magnetic field between two electrodes stimulating the temporal lobe of the brain. It will induce an out of body experience and for prolong exposure will give a near death experience.
I am pretty certain that pretty much every single "divine" experience can be explained in rational and logical ways which don't have to include anything supernatural. I know this for a fact because i have had similar experiences.
Substantial enough for what? Rational how? Logical how?
Rational: Subject to reason
Reason is one of the human mental faculties that is able to generate conclusions from assumptions or premises. In other words, it is amongst other things the means by which, rational beings propose (specific) reasons and is it is particularly associated with human nature, that which is most unique and essential about human beings.
Reason is often contrasted not only with the ways in which non-human animals appear to make decisions, but also with authority, intuition, emotion, mysticism, superstition, and faith, and is thought by rationalists to be more reliable in discovering what is true or what is best. The precise way in which reason differs from emotion, faith, and tradition is controversial, because all three are considered to be both potentially rational, and in potential conflict with reason.
to avoid too much Ctrl c and v Logical's applied definition is similar
So to sum up rational thought based on reason is that thought in which a logical conclusion is arrived by means of proper thought given a specific set of parameters. Is it my fault you insist on using a set of parameters that do not produce a rational outcome? Given the argumentation here the only reason you do not experience evidence for God's existence is because you have adopted a set of axiomatic parameters that preclude it.