Quote:Functions are more like effects than causes.
From which frame of reference do you assert that ? Because obviously depending on the frame of reference they can be both.
Functions are effects granted but effects that build up causes in a complexity chain...those effects, are themselves as phenomena, the next form, the next "language", in the causal continuum which will give rise to the new effects much probably in a perpetual circular loop...
Actually if one wants to look at functions as resulting operating forms between two agents (also functions at a lower level) one immediately can understand how these new forms born out of the path, out the "tao" bring about in their existence, in their extension, (after all as forms they have size thus extension and can be measured) the nature to be considered new agents of cause...
...the question rather is since we don´t have any true comparison between these and "raw data" how can we assume that they are less true or that they don´t report any kind of truth in themselves only because they apply in relative relational contexts ?...what is there as alternative to state that these are the fake ones ?