Why People Seek Solace In Gods.

Sun 30 Jan, 2011 09:19 pm
In order to know there is an afterlife we first have to believe in GOD. Then Jesus and what He died for. Then the Holy Spirit and what This Spirit can teach you.
If you don't, then you will never know until it is too late.
Sun 30 Jan, 2011 09:20 pm
Actually it is not mortality the bring people to these beliefs. It Is Imorality.
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Sun 30 Jan, 2011 09:34 pm
It is not the people God condemns, it is the sin of self that is condemned. Self indulgences to excess. The re-writing of the bible over a period of time makes it difficult for some to understand. But if you read the books that were dropped (lost books of the Bible ) you would see that most are repetitive, non-essential, or non-verifiable. The English version of the Bible ( Old King James style) with the thee's and thines, was NOT the way people of the Jewish sects spoke. Tisi translation was writtin in the dialect of the times. So in consideration of this fact, you have to concur that dialect and factors like rituals and festivals were a different way of life. I have looked into the possible conflicts and found that because the books in the Bible are NOT cronologically sorted can make for some hard understanding. I have yet to find a contradiction.
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Sun 30 Jan, 2011 09:38 pm
I have the same trouble with Alice in wonderland.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 30 Jan, 2011 09:45 pm
mark noble, Let me give it a shot.

1) Have you ever sought God? A: Not really. My mother was the one who converted from buddhism to christianity when we were young, so it was "beyond" my control.

2) Why? A: Even then, I had many questions before I reached my mid-teens, why there were so many contradictions in the bible.

3) Did you find what you sought? A: Not really. I finally decided that I'm really an atheist. Gods were created by man since our early beginnings; it's something within our genes that requires that humans must have a god or gods.

4) Are you still looking? A: Stopped looking a long time ago, but my siblings continue to try to "save" me.

5) Are you convinced that there is a God? A: No.

6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER? A: The only letter I believe in is try to live a life that doesn't harm others, and advocate for equality for all humans.

7) Do you sin? A: Sin is not in my vocabulary, but I do make mistakes.

8) Do you believe in an afterlife? A: Absolutely not.

9) Have you ever had an epiphany) A: Most humans with any religion commit crimes against humanity, and talking about morals based on religion is a contradiction.

!0) Did a traumatic experience flower your search? A: The only trauma I've experienced was during my childhood. However, since about my early twenties, life has been good; better than good. I'm now 75 y.o.

Do I pass? Mr. Green
Mon 31 Jan, 2011 05:57 am
@cicerone imposter,
Christianity has become a 'catch word' for those who believe, but DON't understand the fullness of what christianity is all about.
Mon 31 Jan, 2011 06:56 am
oohsnap someone gets it
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Mon 31 Jan, 2011 07:36 am
Ill play

1) Have you ever sought God? A: Yes
2) Why? A: My mother was raised roman catholic and lost her faith through unanswered and poorly answered questions through a number of denominations. We were raised to respect God and the bible, but not under the guidance of any religious organisation. I set out to find the answers to hers and my own questions, as I am a curious soul and have a desperate need to understand things.
3) Did you find what you sought? A: Yes
4) Are you still looking? A: I am always looking
5) Are you convinced that there is a God? A: absolutely
6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER? A: I do, while allowing for my own imperfections
7) Do you sin? A: Unfortunately I caught the bug at birth, thus I sin daily
8) Do you believe in an afterlife? A: uhm, I dont believe in the immortal soul, but I do believe that Jesus raised lazarus, so kind half and half on that one.
9) Have you ever had an epiphany) A: No, I leave those to the crazies (no offence to the crazies)
!0) Did a traumatic experience flower your search? A: Unless seeing my grandmother shaving her legs counts, I dont think so.
0 Replies
Mon 31 Jan, 2011 07:15 pm
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:
1) Have you ever sought God?

No. I sought to understand myself and the limits of my ability to understand. Once I got those things straight everything else just fell into place. The rest of your questions don't apply to me now.
0 Replies
Mon 31 Jan, 2011 11:48 pm
1) Have you ever sought God? Yes
2) Why? Not sure. I must have been high.
3) Did you find what you sought? Kind of.
4) Are you still looking? Not really.
5) Are you convinced that there is a God? That depends on how you define God.
6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER? My faith has no letter. Not even a word.
7) Do you sin? That depends on how you define sin.
8) Do you believe in an afterlife? It's a possibility.
9) Have you ever had an epiphany? Oh, hell yes.
!0) Did a traumatic experience flower your search? If by traumatic experience you mean life, then hell yes.
0 Replies
Fri 15 Jul, 2011 10:01 am
@mark noble,
Hi All,
Why, indeed? Have you ever sought God?

I would be happy indeed, if some of you would take the time to answer any or all of the questions below.

1) Have you ever sought God?
2) Why?
3) Did you find what you sought?
4) Are you still looking?
5) Are you convinced that there is a God?
6) Do you follow your faith to the LETTER?
7) Do you sin?
8) Do you believe in an afterlife?
9) Have you ever had an epiphany)
!0) Did a traumatic experience flower your search?

All your replies will be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you, and journey well.

1. almost every hr of every day...

2. Because I have been shown from him that he does exhist...and there is NO other way than his way, whether i like the result or not at the time...it ALWAYS leads me to being happier and fuller in every way etc....simply put, it completes me...

3. yes, and I am learning new things each and every day....

4. yes, and I will continue till the day i die, for God having faith in me to change my life and save me from the utter evil i was doing...

5. absolutley 100% without question, I KNOW there is a God....

6. absolutly not, because as the Bible and God speak of in the Bible...humans are not complete in this life nor will they ever be...and not ONE among all life except Jesus, wasn't a bloody sinner...even if you ask do we fallow what WE BELIEVE WE SHOULD DO IN EVERY INSTANCE, there shouldn't be one person in the world who can claim they have done EVERYTHING they believe they should have, ALL the time...

7. see answer 6, sin is inevitable for humans...no matter what doctrine you believe...even if you have your own ideals and morals...there isn't one except God, who keeps them ALL, ALL the time in this life...

8. I know without doubt..Heaven exhists. I have visited places like it in dreams, seen Jesus many times, deceased loved ones etc...I have even been Crucified or have had stigmata's or stigmatazations in dreams etc....have a hard time with the whole hell part...for I believe if your going to doubt any parts of the Bible doubt the bad...and hell...and pain etc. don't doubt the good, and Heaven, forgiveness, afterlife, blessings, miracles etc..but with that being said, I have personally been in Hell MANY times in dreams...either fighting Satan himself or evil ones...being purged for my own wickedness... or even as God has revealed to me to go there and free souls who won't stand up to Satan to be released from hell... almost as a true martyr God says...matter of fact last night i was against Satan in a dream...and fighting him with a pure white sword, I stabbed him then Jesus grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the pits, as I was being burned all the way up etc...Satan was trying to scare me, but when I awoke...I told God I will fight Satan to the death if its ness. like the 2 witnesses at the end times...and Satan fled when I speared him in a vision shortly after I awoke....

9. yes, I personally have, I claimed to believe in God, but truly did not...was hit with visions and dreams and felt God's anger...it was infinatly worse than ANYTHING i have EVER gone thru or witnessed in HELL! Now! by following God, I went from a weak to a strong believer and preacher of the Lord...just as the Bible claims...

10. yes...see 9, was hit with a infinate small percent of God's wrath...infinatly scared to repent...prayed for about 2-3 hrs straight...was hit with his spirit...and now am very strong in the faith...and always seek God and teach others...and help others at ALL costs even if it means going into the pits to help save...i will do it! there is NOTHING WORSE than feeling God's wrath, or feeling him separate himself from you, etc....
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 15 Jul, 2011 10:16 am
I like the way christians state an ultimatum by saying,
If you don't, then you will never know until it is too late.

This misses the whole idea about gods, and why humans are prone to believe in some deity. Humans - most were men, if not all - created gods from human's early history. This proves that man was prone to believe in some superior "being" that controlled everything that has to do with nature and human life. Most of the first gods that were created were developed through myths. Even the virgin birth of Jesus was preceded by Isis.

If one can use common sense and logic to evaluate how the bible was created, it would show that humans do not have the capacity to remember in detail anything that happened 100 years before. Many verses in the bible are direct quotes of people who lived long before the authors were even alive.

When people claim the bible is the "word of god," why then all the contradictions, errors, and omissions? Why would god say "thou shalt not kill," then in another quote say "slay thy mother, thy father, thy brothers and sisters if they do not believe in me."

There's a good question in Yahoo Answers of the question,
If God instructed you to murder your child to prove your devotion to him, would you?

1. The child is innocent of any wrong-doing.
2. A parent's primary responsibility is to keep their child safe from harm.
3. Is your life more precious than the childs? Do you see the conflict?

Fri 15 Jul, 2011 12:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,
If God instructed you to murder your child to prove your devotion to him, would you?

1. The child is innocent of any wrong-doing.
2. A parent's primary responsibility is to keep their child safe from harm.
3. Is your life more precious than the childs? Do you see the conflict?

yes, but your missing the point...God said that to Abraham to instill faith in Him to follow and obey God's commands...notice how God also stopped Abraham from killing his son before Abraham was about to do so...which proves first God doesn't agree with murder but was using evil for good as stated in the Bible and also Abraham not knowing true wisdom WOULD have killed his son IF the Lord...did not instruct him not to do so...which in turn showed more faith in God to then obey and NOT kill his son....so again ALL of us HUMANS truly are not fully complete in this life...and we will never know the way to Heaven when we die without Jesus simply put...

so anyways,
1. yes the child was innocent...and hence forth if you read on in the Bible did not die...matter of fact he became Isaac who was also a great man just like Abraham. who kept the jewish seed alive by faith in God...

2. that is your belief as to what a parent should do...and i agree our world is definatly in agreeance today, but your talking about one of the first most truly faithful followers of God from which life (according to the Bible) grew into what it is today...and if you were in that situation back then, I am pretty sure if you heard God the Father speaking directly to you, you probably would have done the same thing...or else you would have killed your son and been condemned...or you would have outright rejected the whole idea to begin with and you would have lived your 800 plus years and maybe another after you would have been the first faithful follower...you reap what you sow in Heaven....

3. No ones life is more precious than others to quote God...he wants us ALL to MAKE IT! again you would have a debate if Abraham killed his son and God Promoted him as truly faithful....but to me, seems like your nit picking because you yourself disagree with God's way...or your lack of comprehending why it was done the way it was...and the hidden truth behind it all was to show to God you have faith in him...and honestly if Abraham was going to kill his son and God commanded him to stop and he did not, how is Abraham not deemed wicked by this act? by your beliefs... simply put God put him right on the spot, right there, at that very moment, and said either he will listen or not, that's it... either he is the Father to life...or I will make another one do it...anyone who doesn't follow should (in my opinion) just be thankful that Jesus came and gave us piece...because honestly all you have is time right now....
Fri 15 Jul, 2011 01:41 pm
@cicerone imposter,
This misses the whole idea about gods, and why humans are prone to believe in some deity. Humans - most were men, if not all - created gods from human's early history. This proves that man was prone to believe in some superior "being" that controlled everything that has to do with nature and human life. Most of the first gods that were created were developed through myths. Even the virgin birth of Jesus was preceded by Isis.

If one can use common sense and logic to evaluate how the bible was created, it would show that humans do not have the capacity to remember in detail anything that happened 100 years before. Many verses in the bible are direct quotes of people who lived long before the authors were even alive.

When people claim the bible is the "word of god," why then all the contradictions, errors, and omissions? Why would god say "thou shalt not kill," then in another quote say "slay thy mother, thy father, thy brothers and sisters if they do not believe in me."

There's a good question in Yahoo Answers of the question,

1. also in the first part of your response...i think you don't understand what a Prophet is and or how they truly operate...which is ok, but rather than trying to disect everything, it is easier to start small and get a good grasp of what a Prophet or Prophetess truly are...and understand how they operate...

2. simply put, we don't nor will ever understand it all...that truly instills faith in God, and it simply can't be done any other way, my perceptions tell me that in your question above, these things were done because at the time of the ten commandments, (thou shall not kill) God was trying to preserve life...which he did, and at other points the world was so corrupt that God was truly pissed off and wanted all rightous ones to rid the world of the evil ones...and by doing this the faithful would survive and grow...or, God could have been testing the rightous ones as to whether they would kill and be one of the evil that would be destroyed from the earth...no one knows these things for sure but God himself, and when you die and are before him you can truly ask him these things if you truly were worried about that, or rather are repenting because you have seen a taste of Heaven, and could care less and now accept God was doing these things because he KNOWS why...and it isn't meant for you to disect his words, but rather all you want is to be in eternal life with him to understand more forever...at this point when these things happened there was no savior...who saved us all, and henceforth, no piece or time for us to either except or reject God...again rather than disecting all of God's actions, ask yourself, are you worthy of eternal life by your actions and faith in God up to this point in your life??
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reasoning logic
Fri 15 Jul, 2011 02:02 pm

If God instructed you to murder your child to prove your devotion to him, would you?

1. The child is innocent of any wrong-doing.
2. A parent's primary responsibility is to keep their child safe from harm.
3. Is your life more precious than the childs? Do you see the conflict?


This is another point of view about what you are talking about!

Beware this has partial nudity!

If God Tells You To Kill, Don't!

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 15 Jul, 2011 02:27 pm
You make assumptions as if the bible is based on facts; it's not. That's the reason there are no other records of the so-called Jesus who performed all those miracles. Only the bible can support what the bible says. Without any other support of such "historic" facts, all claims are suspect.

Show us how earth and everything else was created in seven days?

"Let there be light." Those so-called lights (of stars) are billions of years old. Facts that those who wrote the books of the bible were clueless about astronomy and science. Was god also clueless?
Fri 15 Jul, 2011 11:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
0 Replies
Sat 16 Jul, 2011 08:41 am
@cicerone imposter,
You make assumptions as if the bible is based on facts; it's not. That's the reason there are no other records of the so-called Jesus who performed all those miracles. Only the bible can support what the bible says. Without any other support of such "historic" facts, all claims are suspect.

to me if you look hard enough, there are clearly enough evidence that supports the Bible's valitity...I will give you 2 examples out of millions that exhist..., one from the old testament, and one from the new...such as Atheists still following the majority of the ten commandments as good codes of conduct and morals...and from the new, there are modern day miracles, and people who have stigmatas or stimatazations, which to me is pure proof that atleast a man Jesus came and die as stated in the Bible...leading me to believe if parts in the beginning make sense...and things of the most sacret parts of the Bible still exhist today by way of miracles...then it is clearly possible EVERYTHING in the Bible is ALL truthful...
reasoning logic
Sat 16 Jul, 2011 08:47 am
You remind me of rev Ernest Poe!

0 Replies
Sat 16 Jul, 2011 09:00 am
@cicerone imposter,
Show us how earth and everything else was created in seven days?

"Let there be light." Those so-called lights (of stars) are billions of years old. Facts that those who wrote the books of the bible were clueless about astronomy and science. Was god also clueless?

There is no way I can ever prove the first claim...one must at some point accept and have faith to believe certain things in the Bible, simply put...

your second post is correct and wrong also, first, how could the light not be created by God in One day?...then God let the world evolve billions of years to make it plentiful for life, before life was walking to see everything including the stars?, and THEN have Prophets write about it, supporting both science and religion...and if you read in the book of Genesis, God talks about the Earth and says some kind of mentioning that the world was round...which took US, HUMANS to around 1492 A.D. to test this theory and see that the Bible was right, and not flat, which the so called expects or smart ones (explorers or older day philosophers and scientists) at that time believed the earth was flat...so i think that right there proves at least God isn't clueless...and if Prophets were writing these things based on God...they were not in fact clueless about astronomy and science...either...
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