@Frank Apisa,
Quote:You "believe?"
Why do you not be honest and say, "I guess that a GOD exists?"
Ummm...that is what belief is - A strongly held "guess". The absence of guessing (I guess, or strongly - I believe), is knowing (I know). It's a little like the word faith - there can never be an act of faith where one is acting on knowledge.
For example - scientists cannot answer "
what existed before the big bang?". They are currently working on theories...which even they admit, if they could answer the question, would only lead to the next question "
What came before that?" Ie. at the very beginning of the evolutionary path (which I believe in).... 'how did we get here?'.... still hasn't been answered...and is still just a guess.
In the complete vacuum created by such a question, a creator being is as valid an answer as any other guess....just not the "creator" being of the current religions, which are so rife with problems that they can't possibly be true.
Personally, outside of curiosity, I don't know why anyone bothers to get worked up about it.
I'm right.
No I'm right.
No you're not, I'm right...