The poor guy needs to call it quits before he gets into legal trouble regarding the Federal Election Commission's rules on political donations. Something tells me he's not properly reporting any of his donations not because he maybe crooked but simply because he doesn't have the wherewithal or the accounting knowledge to run such a campaign.
I felt the interview with this gent was a fair and rightfully patronizing given his uberenaive/arrogant attempt at running for the US Senate.
A person with one word answers shouldn't run for higher office. He's like a parrot. He "plays sports ... um watch sports. Listen[s] to music ... music concerts...." He's not quick witted enough to answer such softball questions in less vague terms?! He needs softball follow-up questions to prod him into details for the cheesy human interest level questions and he fails to articulate any reasonable responses about his own personal life in which he should be an expert.
And when it comes to the almighty political issues of the day? If he fails with these grade school level human interest questions? How should we expect him to articulate any reasonable policy answers and solutions when it obviously appears he has no grasp of what's going on around him: socially, culturally, politically, academically, poetically, etc....
How about this just-improvised theory of our dear lightheaded friend from South Carolina:
He's actually a mentally retarded alien from another planet where a group of mean-spirited bully aliens duped him into thinking he could run for a higher office so he can get the planet ready for his home world's inevitable invasion.
Perhaps he's the willing alien version of the Manchurian Candidate for an alien invasion that will never happen. These bullies are sitting up there in their low Earth orbit in their cloaked space ship laughing at Alvin's expense. Knowing there never will be an invasion and that he'll remain here on Earth as the butt of the political joke for both liberals and conservatives.