@Diogenes phil,
Diogenes;154667 wrote:Can some one basically summarize the arguments FOR and AGAINST free will, and summarize the POSITIONS of those FOR and AGAINST free will? Thanks!
Determinism is the view that every event has a cause without which that event would not occur. Indeterminism is the view that Determinism is false. (that some events have no causes).
1. Hard determinism is the view that since human actions are caused, free will is false.
2. Soft determinism is the view that even if human actions are caused, there is free will.
3. Libertarianism is the view that human action are uncaused (undetermined) and so, there is free will.
Notice that both hard determinism and libertarianism hold that determinism is
incompatible with free will, so both hard determinism and libertarianism are varieties of incompatibilism. That determinism and free will are incompatible with one another. But soft determinism is, on the other hand a compatibilist theory, and holds that determinism and free will are compatible with each other. Both soft determinism and libertarianism hold, as opposed to hard determinism, that there is free will, although for different reasons.