Pyrrho;123246 wrote:In other words, people need to take precautions against attacks on their safety by god.
Not at all. In other words, people need to realize that the Earth is exactly as it is - that the tide moves in and out, ect.
How can you move from earthquakes being a natural feature of planet earth to earth quakes being an aggressive assault upon humans by God? The earth having natural feature X is not the same as natural feature X being a weapon used by God against human kind.
And there is also a great deal of trouble saying God
can attack human kind, a great deal of trouble even saying that God is the creator. The matter is not so simple.
Pyrrho;123246 wrote: You see, the only reason people need to take precautions against earthquakes is because the earth is such that there are earthquakes. If there were a good and powerful god, then it would not make the world so dangerous for people to live in.
How? Can you imagine what the earth would be like if earthquakes were not possible? The ramifications of an earthquake free world upon the process of evolution, for example?
Now let's get into the trouble with calling God the creator, saying of God that He can attack humans, even saying that He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. Because this is the heart of the matter. God is not any of these things - when we say that God is omniscient, et al, we are using fallible human language to describe God, and God is simply beyond human language. All human language can do is point to the reality of God, but that language cannot adequately describe God - so God is the creator, but not really, He is greater than that. The reality of God being beyond human language, rests in the experience of God. This is why the spiritual path is not merely an intellectual exercise, but a practice of rituals and prayer.
So, to say that 'God is the creator, thus earthquakes are his fault' is to criticize a
human concept based upon another
insufficient human concept. At best, it is objecting to the language, but the language of God is, obviously, not God Himself.